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Unfortunately, with Virtuoso as powerful as it is, chrono as a power DPS option is dead in the water, and the most we can hope for is to shave back all the nerfs they placed on its utility kit. Revert the distortion and well nerfs, and increase the slow, alacrity, and quickness output in the core kit without playing a piano. Chrono should gain access to more stability and aegis and become a competent support spec not totally eclipsed by firebrigade. If it's going to do less damage, the least it can offer is to make the group tankier. Phantasmal Defender and Wells alongside the shield skills need buffing.


Give back Distortion and disallow its concurrent use with continuum split so the PvP babies don't cry it out of existence again.

Edited by Zenith.7301
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1 hour ago, Zenith.7301 said:

Unfortunately, with Virtuoso as powerful as it is, chrono as a power DPS option is dead in the water, and the most we can hope for is to shave back all the nerfs they placed on its utility kit. Revert the distortion and well nerfs, and increase the slow, alacrity, and quickness output in the core kit without playing a piano. Chrono should gain access to more stability and aegis and become a competent support spec not totally eclipsed by firebrigade. If it's going to do less damage, the least it can offer is to make the group tankier. Phantasmal Defender and Wells alongside the shield skills need buffing.


Give back Distortion and disallow its concurrent use with continuum split so the PvP babies don't cry it out of existence again.

removing disort was pve specific nerf, chrono wasnt even good in pvp

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5 minutes ago, Zenith.7301 said:


Yeah right, it's not as if bunker chrono was ever a thing in spvp prompting a panoply of nerfs to the defensive toolkit of the spec.

by the time they removed disortion, chrono was already bad in pvp, and maybe 2 players played it ( and not even as burnker, but as a 1shot with a reset )

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2 hours ago, Zenith.7301 said:


Yeah right, it's not as if bunker chrono was ever a thing in spvp prompting a panoply of nerfs to the defensive toolkit of the spec.

Bunker chrono was removed in PvP with nerfs to core traits 2 years before they remove distortion on continuum split, in particular Signet of inspiration AND bountiful disillusion plus other things like shield nerf


Back to the topic. Knowing ANet's lack of commitment/resource or severe stubbornness to admit being in the wrong, I highly doubt they'll revert changes unless there is major screw up like illusionary persona removal from chrono making it completely unviable. Chrono still have viable support spot in PvE end game (though not optimal) so I don't think they'll prioritize unnerfing without realising all their EoD specs are bloated with ridiculous numbers/extra effects (like the 5s charge up 350k-450k one-hit bladesworn build last night).

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/17/2021 at 6:06 PM, Zenith.7301 said:

Unfortunately, with Virtuoso as powerful as it is, chrono as a power DPS option is dead in the water, and the most we can hope for is to shave back all the nerfs they placed on its utility kit. Revert the distortion and well nerfs, and increase the slow, alacrity, and quickness output in the core kit without playing a piano. Chrono should gain access to more stability and aegis and become a competent support spec not totally eclipsed by firebrigade. If it's going to do less damage, the least it can offer is to make the group tankier. Phantasmal Defender and Wells alongside the shield skills need buffing.


Give back Distortion and disallow its concurrent use with continuum split so the PvP babies don't cry it out of existence again.

just because virtuoso does 3k more damage in a large hitbox means p chrono is dead? chrono is easily top 3 strongest spec in pve, virtuoso does dmg and dmg only chrono is still strong despite the nerfs. I'm sorry but you're VERY wrong and strong here

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2 hours ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

Between Virtuoso and Pchrono I would rather have the Pchrono over Virtuoso. I rather take something that offers more then just 3k more dps. Virtuoso offers nothing but DPS and it's dps isn't enough to warrant to be a selfish high dps like staff ele use to be to take up a slot in the raid.


lol in any realistic scenario the gap in dps between power chrono and virtuoso will be far larger, and in any fight with cleave it won't even be close.


pvirtuoso also has a way more forgiving rotation, less ramp up to its damage by virtue of not relying on chronophantasma delaying clone generation outside mirror images.


The only thing pchrono is better at is CC.

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7 minutes ago, Zenith.7301 said:


lol in any realistic scenario the gap in dps between power chrono and virtuoso will be far larger, and in any fight with cleave it won't even be close.


pvirtuoso also has a way more forgiving rotation, less ramp up to its damage by virtue of not relying on chronophantasma delaying clone generation outside mirror images.


The only thing pchrono is better at is CC.

CC is a valuable resource in which you allow other dps to not require to do that to continue dps rotation. I just dont see the need to bring virtuoso in a comp group thats all. DPS isn't like amazingly spectacular.

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18 hours ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

CC is a valuable resource in which you allow other dps to not require to do that to continue dps rotation. I just dont see the need to bring virtuoso in a comp group thats all. DPS isn't like amazingly spectacular.


Except CC, like most utility, is a resource that quickly becomes redundant, unlike DPS of which you can never have too much. Standard comp has an alacrigade, the Healbrand can bring sanctuary, druid already brings a metric ton of CC, as does scourge, and all of them do so at a far lesser cost than 3k+ DPS difference between pchrono and pvirtuoso, which is a huge difference already to begin with.

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7 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

from personal exp, when I duo with condi alac ( im hfb or celestial hubrid )
me + him can do every single boss CC bar as 2man ( fractals ) if we try hard enough.
Yes its nice to have extra CC from dps players, but with how overtuned fb/alac CC is other classes dont really need it anymore.



You can take a StM power chrono and do unholy amounts of CC bar damage on your own anyways. Some boss green bars you can even solo. So, a support spec or two can take care of CC/utility while DPS are freed up to do the DPS.


In this game in particular because bosses have really low HP levels and don't have the fight durations WoW mythic or FFXIV ultimate bosses do, DPS rushes are particularly powerful and the value of a balanced comp with spread utility is far less enticing.


If they increased boss HP or nerfed the DPS power creep and deleted mechanics like the exposed bar, it would balance out comps a lot better.

Either way, chrono should be improved as the proper mesmer support spec, rework the traits to support that direction, and leave mirage as the dedicated condi spec (improve its awful traits like riddle of sand, fix the ambush axes randomly flying where they want, remove the random teleport off axe 3 and make it teleport you directly to the mob) and then make power virtuoso the power DPS spec.

Edited by Zenith.7301
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On 9/18/2021 at 12:06 AM, Zenith.7301 said:

Unfortunately, with Virtuoso as powerful as it is, chrono as a power DPS option is dead in the water, and the most we can hope for is to shave back all the nerfs they placed on its utility kit. Revert the distortion and well nerfs, and increase the slow, alacrity, and quickness output in the core kit without playing a piano. Chrono should gain access to more stability and aegis and become a competent support spec not totally eclipsed by firebrigade. If it's going to do less damage, the least it can offer is to make the group tankier. Phantasmal Defender and Wells alongside the shield skills need buffing.


Give back Distortion and disallow its concurrent use with continuum split so the PvP babies don't cry it out of existence again.

my friend virtuoso wouldnt ever deal as good pdmg as chrono . the real apeal of chronomancer is that it cane be as powerful as ur own real life dexerity and ofc the fact that its one of the classes that deals high dmg regardless of how big or small the hit box is .  u will have to remmber that relying on phantasms as the main source of dmg also have an advantage meaning time u spend dodging in combat or moving around to the target is still time u deal dmg in . virtuoso needs a massive buff in dmg to be able to compare and a fix for that elite that deals a large portion of the dmg possible yet its so hard to land


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Okay, so I came back to Mesmer for PvE and I recently asked about power core mes, which is a viable build for PvE. I tried Chrono in PvE and it feels weird. I think it's because the class was nerfed so heavily. Mirage feels better than Chrono in PvE, but I'm not a heavy PvE main.

So on this topic, it's not only me who feels like there sharp divides in gameplay between Core, Mirage, and Chrono? 
It's like two separate worlds unless I use core stuff on the specializations.

Don't get me started on Virtuoso. I love it, but it seems like it will be a huge struggle. 

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2 hours ago, Salvatore.3749 said:

Okay, so I came back to Mesmer for PvE and I recently asked about power core mes, which is a viable build for PvE. I tried Chrono in PvE and it feels weird. I think it's because the class was nerfed so heavily. Mirage feels better than Chrono in PvE, but I'm not a heavy PvE main.

So on this topic, it's not only me who feels like there sharp divides in gameplay between Core, Mirage, and Chrono? 
It's like two separate worlds unless I use core stuff on the specializations.

Don't get me started on Virtuoso. I love it, but it seems like it will be a huge struggle. 

just few months ago 

chrono was the best power dps and the may 11 changes werent as big of a hit as people like to believe  it was about -12% dmg out of the benchmark  . anyway chorno and mirage are both vry very good in pve . since both can reach 25 might and chrono can also have perma quick .  with illusion trait line evertime u spawn a phantasm u get quick and might and u know u do that alot so with the right play u will always end up with high might and quick . i would lov to help u with that if u mail me ingame 🙂


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15 hours ago, Entropo.1524 said:

just few months ago 

chrono was the best power dps and the may 11 changes werent as big of a hit as people like to believe  it was about -12% dmg out of the benchmark  . anyway chorno and mirage are both vry very good in pve . since both can reach 25 might and chrono can also have perma quick .  with illusion trait line evertime u spawn a phantasm u get quick and might and u know u do that alot so with the right play u will always end up with high might and quick . i would lov to help u with that if u mail me ingame 🙂


Certainly! I'll remember to mail you in game this weekend. I'm just trying to get the right combination and utilities down with Chrono. With Chrono it seems like I'm trying to just get as many boons as possible to be more effective. Not that it's not effective already, it just relies on the boons for boosts. Mirage feels better because it feels smooth with the dodge mechanic. 

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