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Where is Necromancer right now?


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Hi All 

I hope the community is cracking? Right so returning player here, I was wondering what the outlook of necromancer is? I am looking to focus on building out either Scourge or Reaper. With this in mind, I want to do group content, my reaper build right now is strong enough to deal with solo content. 


It's difficult to gain any current information, I am not sure if this is because things have not changed, or because there are so many differing views on what works for each level of specific content. So lets look at this through the spectacles of group content (fractals, raids, pvp, wvw)


I feel very new to the game after a few years break. 




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Necromancer is in a great spot for pretty much everyone, except maybe with the exception of top end cookie cutters.

It's easy to play, deals decent damage on half-decent or better builds and is very forgiving with its sustain.

In sPvP most players will have problems dealing with you, especially if you are a minion aficionado.


While most professions have better top end builds than Necromancer, those are much more involved to play correctly.

So you might not enjoy them, if you want to take it easy.


But you can get better insight in the Necromancer subforum.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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Dont forget about the upcomming Harbinger specialization. Which is a major condi dps spec with minor support possibility

Scourge is utility dps with strong group support, but so far lower dps than the upcomming Harbinger. And muchly QQed about in competitive modes.

I think every necro is holding their breath to how much dps that will shaved off the Harbinger spec.

Edited by LucianDK.8615
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On 9/19/2021 at 6:17 AM, Earthrune.6730 said:

Hi All 

I hope the community is cracking? Right so returning player here, I was wondering what the outlook of necromancer is? I am looking to focus on building out either Scourge or Reaper. With this in mind, I want to do group content, my reaper build right now is strong enough to deal with solo content. 


It's difficult to gain any current information, I am not sure if this is because things have not changed, or because there are so many differing views on what works for each level of specific content. So lets look at this through the spectacles of group content (fractals, raids, pvp, wvw)


I feel very new to the game after a few years break. 




atm scourge is the king of tanking and still do good damage.

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It's not looking good.  We got a taste of the future of the necro and it has nothing to do with being a necro.  Still no minion AI, no real necro pets (skeletons, zombies, etc).  If you want to play a real necro by definition, Anet has removed all of those concepts.  Scourge is boring, has nothing to do with necromancy and reaper is the only thing we now sort of have... 


It is unfortunate that necros have nothing to look forward to.

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For PvE, the necromancer is in a great spot. Reaper have reached the sweet spot in both power and condi dps while scourge is good for both condi damage and defensive support. Harbinger coming with EoD promise to be good at many things among which boons support and condition damage stand out.


For PvP, the necromancer is at a plateau of hate. Which mean that it's been pretty effective and very popular for quite some time, the devs never having been able to balance the necromancer's survivability after the global decrease in outgoing damages in competitive modes.


For WvW, the necromancer is in a decline from a peak of popularity. Scourge's design was meant to be extremly effective in this gamemode at release and it ruled the gamemode for quite a few year already. Now, after countless nerfs it's no longer as oppressively effective as it used to be (which isn't really an issue for the necromancer as a whole since there will always be the boon corruption niche in this gamemode).

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i can only speak as a casual-noob in terms of "fun".


Nekro has a lot of Build-Variety. Core, Reaper and Scourge, so it's not that boring because you can switch easy.

it also has a lot of self-sustain, especially as a Reaper. So it's great for Solo, if you lack Group-Support, you will still perform well. (the Bad Thing is, if you have Group Support, you won't perform strongly better.)


also it is very good because it can soak a lot of Damage with shroud, making it very good to play for new Players, but it has some dephts.

it's easy but fun. And it has a lot of good utilities in it's core-kit. which is fun.


just my 2 cents.

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