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What class would make the optimal roaming companion for you?


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My friend and I roam together in WvW as a party of two, she a power Necro and myself a Mesmer main. We mostly defend home and try to cap objectives. We don't join zergs or follow tags.

When we meet resistance in towers etc my friend is always focused and, while she survives longer than I could hope for, it's become clear that as a Mesmer I just don't have the damage anymore to help dispatch opponents quickly enough. She runs a power Core and I mostly run Power Mirage. One would think that if she is drawing all the fire, I could blow my wad on those enemies freely and mow them down, but the damage simply isn't there. Condi isn't significantly better. I've tried to gear more supportively but then I lose damage potential even more and the support I provide isn't what it used to be.

I am asking roaming Necros here which classes you find complement you best when it comes to small-scale fights and 2-person roaming. What class would make the best partner, capable of both damage and the kind of support a Necro could use? I honestly don't have a good understanding of your class and so I don't know if there are things you benefit from more than others.

I found an old Reddit thread from 4 years ago which focused on PvE, but in that thread it was not recommended to take a Warrior, for example...but I'm not sure why.

I have asked my Necro friend but she knows I have 14k hours on Mesmer and no other classes levelled up, and probably feels like I should just play that which I love. Luckily I don't love it much these days so here I am, open to ideas.

Edited by msalakka.4653
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As far as I know, the necromancer have good teamwork with guardian.

That said, it depend a lot on which kind of gameplay you're ready to try.

- You could have the necromancer tanking and harass foes with a thief.

- You could try to take advantage of elementalist's aurashare and scourge ability to grant barrier.

- Necromancer is a profession that stack well with other necromancer so it's also a solid option.

- ... etc.

Any profession can do it if you care to coordinate your builds.

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It depends.

The worst you can duo with is classic D/P teef, because it has no fight presence and can't apply constant counterpressure on the players focusing you as it's busy with disengaging and re-engaging all the time.

On the other hand one of the best duos is immob spam deadeye that can lower your encounter's mobility even below yours and also pin down targets that you then can burst with ease (esp. immob deadeye and reaper duo feels like cheating at times).

Solid duo partners are basically all builds with a solid fight presence. Everything that relies on hit and run (teef, mesmer) will handicap your performance as you become the focus target 247 and you can not sustain this without a partner that applies constant counterpressure.

Example: guardian+reaper vs. d/p-thief+reaper: 100% win rate for guard+reaper. Both will pop block and shroud and burst the opposing reaper, while ignoring the teef, that can not stand the aoe and has to disengage.

Edited by KrHome.1920
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10 hours ago, msalakka.4653 said:

My friend and I roam together in WvW as a party of two, she a power Necro and myself a Mesmer main. We mostly defend home and try to cap objectives. We don't join zergs or follow tags.

When we meet resistance in towers etc my friend is always focused and, while she survives longer than I could hope for, it's become clear that as a Mesmer I just don't have the damage anymore to help dispatch opponents quickly enough. She runs a power Core and I mostly run Power Mirage. One would think that if she is drawing all the fire, I could blow my wad on those enemies freely and mow them down, but the damage simply isn't there. Condi isn't significantly better. I've tried to gear more supportively but then I lose damage potential even more and the support I provide isn't what it used to be.

I am asking roaming Necros here which classes you find complement you best when it comes to small-scale fights and 2-person roaming. What class would make the best partner, capable of both damage and the kind of support a Necro could use? I honestly don't have a good understanding of your class and so I don't know if there are things you benefit from more than others.

I found an old Reddit thread from 4 years ago which focused on PvE, but in that thread it was not recommended to take a Warrior, for example...but I'm not sure why.

I have asked my Necro friend but she knows I have 14k hours on Mesmer and no other classes levelled up, and probably feels like I should just play that which I love. Luckily I don't love it much these days so here I am, open to ideas.

Before I even opened the thread, I was thinking Mes, lol. A mesmer and I (power reaper) held off an entire team at mid (more than likely more than a few bots), while the other 3 kept the other 2 nodes capped. It felt like a good back and forth between us. It helped that we were able to watch for each other, and assist with CC. 

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Guardian is the best roaming pair IMO for necro


while I prefer to roam with Rev myself, guardian can easily take camps by themselves as either FB or DH, so you can also take that into advisement- maybe do DH to compliment condi necro with power, or FB to compliment power necro with condi? 

also, something truly beautiful to see is a Reaper wielding Twilight alongside a Guardian wielding Sunrise. Though, obviously, that requires a legendary investment 😛

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 10/13/2021 at 3:40 AM, msalakka.4653 said:

I mostly run Power Mirage.

This is the problem.  If you just want the biggest power burst, go Chronomancer.  If you actually want to be the most effective Mesmer roamer, go Core.  Power Mirage is probably the weakest roaming build on Mesmer at the moment. 

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