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[PvE] Deadeye Build, Need Critques, Ect.


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If you're going all out berserker with DA and Tr, for pve I'd take Revealed Training and Revealed Malice. I would also take Thrill of the Crime and Bountiful theft instead and I would take DE Elite (why not with Silent Scope already?). I might also want Caltrops or Shadow Flare or something to bunch stuff up for a burn.

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If you are planning on spamming TRB with this build, then go ahead. But I recommend you switch out burst of agility with thrill of the crime and your assassin weapons with zerker weapons as you do not need any more than 60% crit rate on a deadeye in open world PvE. But I warn you that with no vit you will be dying more often than you want.

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Slight modification to gear. As @Zacchary.6183 mentioned, you don't need above 60% crit chance. I'd recommend putting the single assassins piece as a ring because they're easy to get and zerk weapons are used on almost all builds (and weapons are slightly more difficult to replace).

Edit: I'd say revealed malice, revealed training, and TotC as @kash.9213 mentioned as well, but I focused on the gear for the link.

Edit 2: One last thing. If you are only using withdraw, you should probably swap out trickster for bountiful theft for the vigor. If you want to keep that trait, maybe think about swapping mercy for RFI as you'll get an extra dodge and the traited CD will be lower for a guaranteed 6 initiative regardless of malice. BQoBK for large groups of trash mobs and M7 for champions.

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Personally, I'd go with something like this:http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vZEQJAUVn0MB9OhVOBOOBUGjFaCTLAMhiAeZh0QZgPYWMjmA-jxBBQBYZ/hKp+DjUCmHdNB4SAoRlfA4JAEA4A48zz8zz8zP/8nf+5nf+5N95nf+5nf+5nf+5lCYstWA-e

  • Swapped in some Marauder Trinkets (Bonus health!)
  • Replaced Panic Strike with Revealed Training (w/no condition duration, damage, or the likes poison is mostly utility, and the first minor trait provides that well enough. RT essentially gives you +200 power for most of the bursting!)
  • Replaced Burst of Agility with Thrill of the Crime (On demand fury w/o Spotter. Burst can work, but is a bit more situational and won't do well against burning multiple enemies)
  • Replaced Maleficent Seven with Fire for Effect (20 stacks of might the moment you steal/use item is wonderful and can easily setup nice burst for DJ)
  • Swapped Mercy with Roll for Initiative (Evade while kneeling, guaranteed 6 initiative, plus condi removal. Mercy does have some uses, but imho RFI is just outright better in most builds)
  • Removed Assassin's Signet (We're at 60% crit w/o it. I slotted Infiltrator's signet incase you wanted to focus on just spamming Spotter's/DJ, but Shadow Flare would be another excellent option.
  • Swapped Basilisk Venom with Shadow Meld (Unless there is a breakbar, the disengage from Meld is very nice. If there is a breakbar, Spotter's/Mark can do it some serious damage. Bring Basilisk in circumstances that doesn't cut it.)

All in all, you lost ~63 power (2%) and 10% crit damage to gain 3.5k hp, which is a great trade in my experience taking Deadeye through HoT!

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Let me start by saying I run Deadeye in PVE nearly full time, and I absolutely love it. The damage is nuts (friends have often said they find the damage output to be unbelievable). I have two maxed out thieves, both running DE, one being a Condition build (Yes, this can and does work well), the other being a DPS build.So all of this comes from a place of understanding my own personal needs from this class in PVE, and may not apply to your style of play. That said, I really hope this helps. Too many people dismiss the DE as weak in PVE.

As a PVE Deadeye, one of the largest issues you typically face, between locking down tougher enemies while you build malice, and taking on groups at a time, is a lack of decent Initiative gain, even when traited. So to combat this, I would highly recommend dropping Signet of Agility and replacing it with Roll for Initiative. This gives you a way to get out of AOE's and restore Initiative, as well as giving you another condition removal when traited in Trickery (which you already have! High five!)Friends and I have found that this does a lot to keeping the dead-eye in battle constantly.Next I would recommend dropping Deadly Arts all together, and instead go with Critical Strikes, taking Twin Fangs for higher crit chance+Damage, Practiced Tolerance for an easy boost to Ferocity and most importantly, Invigorating Precision, since this gives you some passive healing, which can become invaluable in PVE while playing solo. If you find your self not needing the heals, swap it for No-Quarter, as you will have Fury nearly full time, and this nets you another 15% Critical hit damage, taking you to 260%.Next, in Trickery, I would take Thrill of the Crime, as this is what gives you a near constant up-time on Fury and Swiftness. The might is fine, but not crazy needed. The rest of that trait line will work well as traited, but if you still have initiative issues, you may take Pockets, I find my self taking this when I attempt dungeons and fractals. First part of Arah Explorer is fun to solo, lots of bags with this build.And Finally, in the last branch, If you have taken my advice on the rest of this, you may want to take Peripheral Vision, as this turns your F2 into a AOE aggro, which is perfect for the rotation at the end of my post. I would take Fire for Effect over Maleficent 7, as this, with Mercy, gives you +600 power from 20 might, and you can easily have 100% up-time on this with a DE, as long as you are using your mark every time they come off cool-down.The way I use this is I position myself as far from the target as I can, and I kneel (The obvious choice, right?), I then use my Mark, and pop the stolen right away, If I have only hit one enemy, I follow it up with two bursts from Spotter's Shot (Number 2 Kneel) locking them at range, and pepper them with basic 1 for a bit, if they last at all, I'll hit them with Death's Judgement at about three Malice stacks. Most enemies don't last against this, if they do, they are usually Vets or Champs of some kind, in those cases, re-position with your Utilities, and keep at them.If you DID aggro multiple enemies, back up a bit, you want them in a nice pretty line. The reason for this is that your Spotter's Shot has pierce, and this is your greatest source of group damage, with the bonus of locking them in place. So just kite them, spam a bit of Spotter's Shot, and keep them locked in place while you pick them off.

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My response is more on the condi build comment from Kallist. But maybe the OP wants to try it out -> build freedom.

@Kallist.5917 said:Let me start by saying I run Deadeye in PVE nearly full time, and I absolutely love it. The damage is nuts (friends have often said they find the damage output to be unbelievable). I have two maxed out thieves, both running DE, one being a Condition build (Yes, this can and does work well), the other being a DPS build.So all of this comes from a place of understanding my own personal needs from this class in PVE, and may not apply to your style of play. That said, I really hope this helps. Too many people dismiss the DE as weak in PVE...

I recently started to play my thief again. Mostly open world PVE right now. I came up with this build - D/D SB condi Thief. And yes it works well and is fun too.@"Kallist.5917" Would you like to share your build?

http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZIQNAoYVn8MBNGj1FDOOB8PhlWCz7MEpSRaBgDwCg/ZeN7mA-jhyBQBA4JAgD1f+z+DLTTQsUCmWzfpQPQEOBAX7QAYElfAA-ePlease don't mind the exotic gear I picked. As it is not perfected and maxed, it is what I mostly have right now.

I kill trash with the mark and quickness really fast and can stand my ground against groups. With D/D it is more of an all in play style. Attack till you can't handle the damage with your evades or the health steal. Reposition (the conditions still do damage) and fight from range or go in again with dagger 3 to fill up your health again.It is really fun to play, just would love to use the rifle instead of the short bow, but there is no condi damage on the rifle.

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@"BiX.4125" I'm give you my favorite characters build, the Condi Deadeye. My other guy is constantly being tweaked and the changed, and Im not 100% on how I've got him specced at the moment. Plus Ive heard plenty of people saying this isnt possible, and I really enjoy showing people that it can work.It may not look like much, but it works very well, and thought was put in to every aspect of it. This is what I typically run in dungeons/Fractals if its just me and the misses, or im running solo.Pro's are a consistent Cripple, poisons, break-bar damage, and Boon upkeep, all easy to manage, all spread out too your Thieves guild.Cons are that your a Condi Deadeye. This is one of those builds that people have to play along side too appreciate, and most will dismiss it before then, asking you to go Daredevil.

The Build:Solo play should run: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZQQNAU4YnMJCFNhdNBOGDsPhlWCj/ZmN/maBgDwCw7N0GSRA-jBSAQBWT9HGu/A2U+FtLAgNVCCgDCgBeCAST3AA-e

Group play: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZQQNAU4YnMJCFNhNNBOGD8PhlWCj/ZmN/mevh2wcQLAcAWAA-jBSAQB2UJY0uAAYT5HD3fQa6Gsm6PG4JAAgDCAA-eBasically the same thing with better Boons at the cost of some Damage, offset by replacing Venoms with others that have more charges.

Rotation is basic. Get in to position near max range5Utilities+Elite(if its on CD, skip this, while its nice, its not needed, you'll outlive the CD anyway.)K2 followed right away by F1 and F2(get the most out of your Init on Steal gain+ Buff your Thieves Guild)K2 a few times to get Lead attacks and some nice poisons built up.Alternate between a couple K1's and a K2 to stack Vuln10 seconds after mark, use Mercy and renew it to gain Init and boons, buffing your Thieves again.

If they get close, or you need to move out of an AOE, Pop them with K2, break kneel, 4, 5 and K2 again, rarely do I need to swap weapons, but if you need it, D/D is there until you start finding your grove with the build.Is it qT level science and damage? No, but as I tell my guild: **** the Meta, that BS kills creativity, and leaves you with a boring game.

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That's a cool setup Kallist, thanks for sharing! I have one or two questions tho:

  1. Bountiful Theft - Is it really worth having that over Trickster? Afaik enemies don't have that many Boons in PvE that it would suffice to have this skill, Vigor is negligible anyway and Trickster would open up more defensive capabilities such as Withdraw as a Heal-Utility. Having Trickster would also make Roll for Initiative the better choice over Mercy, since it gives 6 Ini every 28s instead of the 5 Ini every 30s like Mercy on top of being a dodge roll. I personally find the fact that you can't change the direction while kneeling cumbersome but one can adjust to that I guess~

  2. Bewildering Ambush - Why not Sleigh of Hand instead? Reduced Mark CD would mean more damage and, again afaik, enemies in pve tend to have long idle times that make confusion not very reliable. Would the increased Mark damage due to the reduced CD outdo the damage from Bewildering Ambush? SoH also adds more CC which is always a good thing to have ^^

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@Phosphorite.6192 said:That's a cool setup Kallist, thanks for sharing! I have one or two questions tho:

  1. Bountiful Theft - Is it really worth having that over Trickster? Afaik enemies don't have that many Boons in PvE that it would suffice to have this skill, Vigor is negligible anyway and Trickster would open up more defensive capabilities such as Withdraw as a Heal-Utility. Having Trickster would also make Roll for Initiative the better choice over Mercy, since it gives 6 Ini every 28s instead of the 5 Ini every 30s like Mercy on top of being a dodge roll. I personally find the fact that you can't change the direction while kneeling cumbersome but one can adjust to that I guess~

  2. Bewildering Ambush - Why not Sleigh of Hand instead? Reduced Mark CD would mean more damage and, again afaik, enemies in pve tend to have long idle times that make confusion not very reliable. Would the increased Mark damage due to the reduced CD outdo the damage from Bewildering Ambush? SoH also adds more CC which is always a good thing to have ^^

On the first point, I'm not actually running any trick skills, while I would take Roll for Init on the DPS, I would rather take Mercy for the free mark, and there are those enemies every so often that have boons you do need to strip, so that trait helps with those.Plus I can AOE the Vigor to anyone that may be nearby. Just because your solo, doesnt mean you cant run a bit of group help for those Bounties.

As for Bewildering Ambush, If I'm playing with a group, I usually do take Sleight of Hand, just to help keep boons up and enemies hurting, but for solo, I look for any extra conditions I can get out of the build due to the AOE nature of Mark.Never place your mark on the strongest one, since you would have to ether Kill them to get it back, or wait for the CD on it and mark to get it back. Instead, target the weakest enemy near the strongest if you can. This will let you renew your mark each time you kill the weak one, while still stacking conditions on the tough guy.

The way I usually target is to find the group I plan to fight, then get a normal enemy as near the tough guy as I can and mark them doing the attack chain. If you can get the enemy to position correctly, this should let you down the weak one, while still stacking poison, immob, and other conditions on the tough one. Once the weak guy dies, target another weak one near the big guy and do it again. This keeps your mark renewing allot better than the traits will, and you can usually save your Mercy for when the tough guy is all thats left, or if its a champ, you can pop it to drop it off the big guy so you can reuse it on a weak guys as they spawn in, keeping your conditions and boons up.Hope that helps a bit more. The more I explain my build, the more I realize how much more there is to playing it, and how poorly Ive explained it.

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One thing to keep in mind on any build using a DE spec . You can quite easily change up the traits on the fly and should consider that when facing a given spec. IE At range i alwys found facing a scourge that BA is better then SOH. You can overload them with conditions quite easily and many of their transfers or cleanses need them to be either much closer to you or able to see you before you stealth. You can also slot ina venom real quick against scourge wherein against another class that has rapid gap closing you might want a defensive utility.

If a am entering a camp I want to defend and I get there early enough aind in a 1v2 or v3 scenario, i will often put in a venom on the fly and share with a cluster of guards. Caltrops is something I rarely use as it static but if figting on point it much more useful>IE defending a tower drop the caltrops in the tower room then follow up with at least one venom share and you can lay a lot of hurt against enemies that pile into the room.

While this all relates to WvW that mode is one where open builds used. In PVE itself i will often switch up on the fly as well dependent on what I face. Those Raptros cluser and aggro fast as example and something with AOE works well againats them (caltrops again)

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