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how do i improve


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noob looking for answers. Reached around 3k games playing off and on since beta but im still have the skill of someone who just picked up the game.

looking for advice from someone who sucked for a long time and got better.
should i work on learning all the classes to some basic understanding (which i *still* don't have) or should i really just focus on dueling?

what counters/or how do i fight
trap dh?
burn weaver?

EDIT: from comment questions:
@Genesis.5169 usually play mes or war because i like them, thief i play if our team doesnt have one. currently learning reaper. maybe trap dh next since it seems to shred everything.
rank is usually mid to upper gold but currently in upper silver

@Trevor Boyer.6524yes i have good pc, keybindings, razer mouse,etc.i

Edited by HumanComplex.1648
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48 minutes ago, HumanComplex.1648 said:

noob looking for answers. Reached around 3k games playing off and on since beta but im still have the skill of someone who just picked up the game.

looking for advice from someone who sucked for a long time and got better.
should i work on learning all the classes to some basic understanding (which i *still* don't have) or should i really just focus on dueling?

what counters/or how do i fight
trap dh?
burn weaver?

I don't know what the skill of a beginner means, if top 250 starts at around 1500, if your anywhere 1200+ your average to above average if you push 1400 by the standards of the leader board your definitely in the top 20% of the game atleast. Also You didnt share you class so nobody knows what advice to give you vs those rolls, and again no one knows your rank so nobody knows if your bad or not. You need to share more if you want help.

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Do you even use proper key binds? Do you have a game mouse? Is your PC strong or choppy? Is your ISP laggy?

I played this game for the first 4 or 5 years and couldn't understand why I was stuck in middle tiers. Then I bought a Razer Naga, upgraded from i3 laptop to an actual gaming PC, began using a better ISP, and suddenly it became very clear why I was having a hard time keeping up. It was like by the end of that week, after getting rid of processor and internet lag, and acclimating myself to the use of a Razer Naga, I was strong and able to contest top players.

Just asking because you know, sometimes you don't realize just HOW MUCH your game rig is holding you down until you upgrade.

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2 hours ago, HumanComplex.1648 said:

EDIT: from comment questions:
@Genesis.5169 usually play mes or war because i like them, thief i play if our team doesnt have one. currently learning reaper. maybe trap dh next since it seems to shred everything.
rank is usually mid to upper gold but currently in upper silver

@Trevor Boyer.6524yes i have good pc, keybindings, razer mouse,etc.i

Right now I'd say Mes and War are not good classes to be playing catch up vs. the veterans in this game. I think you should focus on Thief, particularly DP Daredevil with a proper build, as it is strong right now. But play w/e feels right if you need to take that route.

The best thing you can do, is look for some players on various classes/builds that you know are strong, and ask them to practice 1v1 with you and explain to you how to deal with them. They will explain to you on whatever class you're using, what the better players on your class are doing to give them trouble. You should also plainly ask them "What am I doing wrong?" Do this until you can contest those players combat mechanically or at least learn how to not die to them. If you can do that, you'll pick up a lot of mechanical knowledge very quickly. You'd be surprised what you can learn in a single day if you go out of your way to make some contacts and do a bit of focused practice.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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2 hours ago, HumanComplex.1648 said:

noob looking for answers. Reached around 3k games playing off and on since beta but im still have the skill of someone who just picked up the game.

looking for advice from someone who sucked for a long time and got better.
should i work on learning all the classes to some basic understanding (which i *still* don't have) or should i really just focus on dueling?

what counters/or how do i fight
trap dh?
burn weaver?

EDIT: from comment questions:
@Genesis.5169 usually play mes or war because i like them, thief i play if our team doesnt have one. currently learning reaper. maybe trap dh next since it seems to shred everything.
rank is usually mid to upper gold but currently in upper silver

@Trevor Boyer.6524yes i have good pc, keybindings, razer mouse,etc.i

Mesmer is not a class i'd goto ranked with and i love mesmer's i still play it alot, i think i play a solid mirage i definitely could be better but other classes offer much more with a much lower skill ceiling and floor and margin for error. Mirage can win all those match ups if your the better player except fire weavers, how ever if your not the better player and i mean slightly worse mirage loses all of those match ups.

On the warrior note i don't play them but look into berserker builds those are the only warriors i have a difficult time with i think their maybe something to it but again i do not play war.

Edited by Genesis.5169
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4 hours ago, HumanComplex.1648 said:

noob looking for answers. Reached around 3k games playing off and on since beta but im still have the skill of someone who just picked up the game.

looking for advice from someone who sucked for a long time and got better.
should i work on learning all the classes to some basic understanding (which i *still* don't have) or should i really just focus on dueling?

what counters/or how do i fight
trap dh?
burn weaver?

EDIT: from comment questions:
@Genesis.5169 usually play mes or war because i like them, thief i play if our team doesnt have one. currently learning reaper. maybe trap dh next since it seems to shred everything.
rank is usually mid to upper gold but currently in upper silver

@Trevor Boyer.6524yes i have good pc, keybindings, razer mouse,etc.i

I highly recommend recording your own gameplay if you can. It's amazing how you can feel you did everything right in a game, and then you watch it back and realise you forgot to do X or could've done Y or wasted Z.


For fighting reaper/necro, they're basically anti-melee specs, so if you're melee then don't bother. Builds with decent sustained ranged damage are needed here, ideally with an array of CC skills, and also escape tools that allows them to keep the range-gap open. Ranger is good here, as is Mirage, Holo builds with grenades/mortar, maybe longbow DH or Deadeye.


For daredevil, trap-DH, and sic'em soulbeast specs, it's less about what build you're playing, and more about knowing how these builds work and being smart about countering. Know your no-port spots for daredevil. Pay attention to the positioning of DH traps. Watch your lines-of-sight for soulbeast. Pretty much any build can beat these 3 if played right, and also pretty much any build can get wrecked by them, it's not the build that decides but rather understanding the mechanics at play, not needing to burn too many cooldowns when they come in to burst you, and having enough left in the tank to counter-pressure once they've spent their load.


For burn-weaver and axe/condi ranger/soulbeast builds, just don't bother. You beat these builds by ignoring them and going to snowball another node. Even if you do massively outplay them and somehow win the duel, it'll probably take so long that it's not worth it. Go and outnumber the teamfight and come back later with a friend to 2v1 them.

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4 hours ago, HumanComplex.1648 said:

noob looking for answers. Reached around 3k games playing off and on since beta but im still have the skill of someone who just picked up the game.

looking for advice from someone who sucked for a long time and got better.
should i work on learning all the classes to some basic understanding (which i *still* don't have) or should i really just focus on dueling?

what counters/or how do i fight
trap dh?
burn weaver?

EDIT: from comment questions:
@Genesis.5169 usually play mes or war because i like them, thief i play if our team doesnt have one. currently learning reaper. maybe trap dh next since it seems to shred everything.
rank is usually mid to upper gold but currently in upper silver

@Trevor Boyer.6524yes i have good pc, keybindings, razer mouse,etc.i

You kind of guessed it with Reaper and DH for gold rankings . Having AoE , being survivable and drawing attention to yourself helps your team die less, anything that can survive teamfights with decent damage and cc is good. Calling target also helps. Learn where to kite and the lay out of the maps and since applying damage with those is easier, AoE and all that , forcing the important cds of people quickly nets you won teamfight. More dead people more map control. Kill the bad man is the best strategy for ranked queue, since you are playing with randoms and you do not know what to expect from them. Holding close and mid is the best and most simple thing to do and the best way to hold them is winning teamfights. You are the playmaker here at least in gold , going above you lose that status and become just the set up for someone to finish people off with the hope you will get help.       


Edited by Vancho.8750
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