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Wood division WvW

Harvert Ramius.3950

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It makes zero sense to remove +1 wood commitment pip and then add +7 for diamond since it makes it an all or nothing affair.  Wood means you showed up.
Realistically it would be another pip for silver /gold but Arenanet stated they would add +2 pips for everyone.

If you play casually 30 minutes a day for 7 days it's 3.5 hours which is about silver skirmish for low ranked players (<1226 which is maxed WvW masteries) and roughly gold for higher ranked players. A person that spends several hours on reset nights and an hour a day every other day is on track to hit mithril or diamond regardless of if extra pips are provided.

I doubt it be more pips for anything above gold/platinum skirmish since if you hit diamond you spend 10+ hours a week in WvW which means pips aren't an issue unless it's a one-off occurrence week.

The people that want pips the most are probably not going to be the ones that are getting the most pips already.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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The wood reward rolling forward encourages you to play at least one night per week, or the equivalent spread out into shorter periods. (You can usually fill out the wood chest in about 2 hours of reset night.)

A suitable reward for playing more than that is… all the stuff you get for playing more than that.

Because it's ok for the game to encourage your interest a bit but it's bad if the game is constantly pressuring you into no-lifing just to keep up your little streak.

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1 hour ago, Infusion.7149 said:

It makes zero sense to remove +1 wood commitment pip and then add +7 for diamond since it makes it an all or nothing affair.  Wood means you showed up.
Realistically it would be another pip for silver /gold but Arenanet stated they would add +2 pips for everyone.

If you play casually 30 minutes a day for 7 days it's 3.5 hours which is about silver skirmish for low ranked players (<1226 which is maxed WvW masteries) and roughly gold for higher ranked players. A person that spends several hours on reset nights and an hour a day every other day is on track to hit mithril or diamond regardless of if extra pips are provided.

I doubt it be more pips for anything above gold/platinum skirmish since if you hit diamond you spend 10+ hours a week in WvW which means pips aren't an issue unless it's a one-off occurrence week.

The people that want pips the most are probably not going to be the ones that are getting the most pips already.



     I agree that the Wood shouldn't be traded for Diamond commitment, but a scaled system makes sense.  


         Just posted on the most current Skirmish Rewards thread, link below. Even after the new changes to add Pips, at 8 ppt (bronze rank, 2nd place in skirmish, with previous wood chest) Mithril would take 11.5 hours, Diamond would take 15 hours every week. 

     That's more than a reset night plus an hour every other day.  The other issue is even at the silver chest (which you're correct on the required time), you're getting 82/ 365 claim tickets because the reward tiers are so top heavy. 

     I'm not saying these tickets should come easy, but a fix that would prevent a required 15 hours of playing this specific mode every week to hit the reward cap would be appreciated. 

      I've detailed a few in my other post, but if there was a scaled commitment reward (1 extra ppt for wood the previous week, 2 for bronze, 3 for silver, etc.) it would go a long way to requiring a reasonable time investment, similar to PvP.  Also not opposed to skill or accomplishment based rewards (extra pips for camp/tower capture).  


I appreciate your input though, not trying to attack the post. 



Edited by Nautilus.6580
Spacing/ paragraphs. Sorry, only my second post.
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13 hours ago, Nautilus.6580 said:



     I agree that the Wood shouldn't be traded for Diamond commitment, but a scaled system makes sense.  


         Just posted on the most current Skirmish Rewards thread, link below. Even after the new changes to add Pips, at 8 ppt (bronze rank, 2nd place in skirmish, with previous wood chest) Mithril would take 11.5 hours, Diamond would take 15 hours every week.  That's more than a reset night plus an hour every other day.  The other issue is even at the silver chest (which you're correct on the required time), you're getting 82/ 365 claim tickets because the reward tiers are so top heavy. 


     I'm not saying these tickets should come easy, but a fix that would prevent a required 15 hours of playing this specific mode every week to hit the reward cap would be appreciated.  I've detailed a few in my other post, but if there was a scaled commitment reward (1 extra ppt for wood the previous week, 2 for bronze, 3 for silver, etc.) it would go a long way to requiring a reasonable time commitment, similar to PvP.  Also not opposed to skill or accomplishment based rewards (extra pips for camp/tower capture).  


I appreciate your input though, not trying to attack the post. 



You're looking at it from the point of view of a low WvW ranked player (let's face it, <1226 is low ranked .. just like <80 PvP rank). Over time you will find that after you hit Gold/Plat WvW rank in the case of most players or Mithril for players that spend more time in WVW it is perfectly attainable to hit diamond skirmish if you play reset and a few hours on weekends. Keep in mind you don't need to hit Diamond Skirmish for any reason whether it is for WVW skins, legendary armor/ring/back-piece or otherwise : it would just take longer if you don't.

More pips are fine but it needs to be reasonable since they already are tacking on 2 extra pips to everyone's pip gain, they should not decrease the weeks required because it causes people to come to WVW exclusively for passive rewards (skirmish tracks). If gold is the issue then active play such as from daily emblems to mystic clover which is equal to fractal daily gating (you can't get 150 relics easily without actually doing fractals) would be ideal. For players under 1226 rank it could be a daily/weekly gated WvW rank keg.

I've been playing WvW from before skirmish tracks even existed and all I have to say is many players that actually have a decent number of WVW ranks  should be rewarded indirectly for that time spent. We had to pay for repairs and structure upgrades, among other things such as siege and food.

Many of the suggestions I have seen regarding WvW are almost exclusively about skirmish tickets when the primary problem I see for low ranked players is 1226 WvW ranks just to have max WvW masteries. The nonlinearity of the skirmish tickets is overblown, although it could be looked at since it's a legitimate complaint. 

edit: also see GvG radar time-frames

Edited by Infusion.7149
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Yeah. Wood should stay. Scaling ... might be okay - but remember: Higher wvw ranked players already get more extra pips. They already have it easier to reach diamond and with extra commitment pips for higher tiers it would even give them more advantage.

A mid level (not too hard to reach) 2nd step for another +1 ... would be okay.

Or wood +1, silver +1 ... and then gold or plat another +1. (Making the first ones easier to reach and then later only 1 additional more.)

Most should be easy to reach - to give an advantage to newer/lower ranked players that try to play regularly. While the higher ranked get their main advantage from the rank extra pips. They don't need a +7 for diamond lol - that might be exlusively reache by them cause most that are not high ranked never will reach diamond - unless exlusively playing WvW and not playing other game modes anymore.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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You guys are trying to put logic into this, and nothing they do involves logic.

Treb bot = participation all day

Outnumbered players just trying to stave off extinction = no repair participation


Be careful what you wish for.  Cause, they will end up deciding that it's unfair that you get an extra pip playing the week before when a new person can't get it, and remove it altogether.

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4 hours ago, Ubi.4136 said:

Be careful what you wish for.  Cause, they will end up deciding that it's unfair that you get an extra pip playing the week before when a new person can't get it, and remove it altogether.

Oh I actually wouldn't mind lol. At the moment (since playing all game modes and lots of stuff to do in PvP and PvE as well) I'm only playing at reset to get wood tier. "Just in case" ... (should I decide to play more in a week I can profit from the extra pip cause I'm always getting the extra pip for the following week)


Would mean less pressure of this was removed lol. 😄

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