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coalescence is ridiculous

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2 hours ago, Arnox.5128 said:

Locking core build functionality behind a legendary grind.

Legendaries are nothing but special skins and quality of life mechanics. Note having them does nothing to hold your characters back. You’d just need to get either an exotic or an ascended ring, both of which are immensely easier to acquire and still cheaper to obtain in mass quantities than getting even a single legendary.

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2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I don't understand. I mean, I'm pretty sure I understand what this sentence means, but I don't understand how it's relevant in context of the previous message/s, can you explain?

Yes, which increases the perceived value of the gear, which is exactly what I was writing about.

Yes, they can, but I don't think this one was wrong, because before that the legendary gear was really barely worth going for (which, again, is what I wrote before and what is a big reason for why I think your take on it was not accurate at all).

How is this a "core build functionality"? It clearly isn't, I've been playing with exotics/ascended items for a long time, I'm still playing with partially ascended gear and I don't see the problem. Just because you think it should be core doesn't make it core.


35 minutes ago, AlexndrTheGreat.8310 said:

Legendaries are nothing but special skins and quality of life mechanics. Note having them does nothing to hold your characters back. You’d just need to get either an exotic or an ascended ring, both of which are immensely easier to acquire and still cheaper to obtain in mass quantities than getting even a single legendary.

Instead of telling me the ways players can deal with it and how it's "not a big deal", tell me how restricting flexible convenient builds to legendaries in an INCREDIBLY combat-heavy game adds to the game more than it takes away.

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23 minutes ago, Arnox.5128 said:

Instead of telling me the ways players can deal with it and how it's "not a big deal", tell me how restricting flexible convenient builds to legendaries in an INCREDIBLY combat-heavy game adds to the game more than it takes away.

I'm not "telling you the ways players can deal with it", because there's nothing to "deal with" in the first place. Not being able to stat-swap on the go is the norm here, not the other way around. You start the game and you play with regular gear just fine. Then we get exotics and ascended gear and if we want multiple stat combinations, we can quite easly get additional sets to fit our desired playstyle/class/build. Suddenly pretending that you need to keep stat-swapping or it's such an awful hindrance is not being honest.

I wonder why you didn't address/explain anything I wrote in the previous post though.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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After playing the game for 9 years, there's literally nothing else to do other than buy gem store items. Nothing interesting drops from mobs, ever. I just sell everything, and buy dumb stuff like infusions. You have to jump through a bunch of achievement hoops, time gates, difficult content, and actual monies to buy gold to trade for the 2.5 Gold x 250 Mystic Coins to gain legendary items. After doing a couple it just becomes tedious and boring as heck, not to mention expensive. Unless you're rich or have a ton of time on your hands, just get the ascended gear you like for your build and buy all 6 equipment slots and switch between them; pseudo legendary achieved. Yes, you wont have the nifty skins, but at least you won't be poor lol.

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