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When to use each infinite salvage kit?


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Until now I've been using Mystic Salvage Kits but recently I've been using them more quickly than I get Mystic Forge Stones, so I think at some point I'm going to run out. I'm not in any rush so I'm going to wait for the infinite kits to be discounted before buying, but I'd like some advice on the best items to use each one on, because I'd prefer not to buy all 3 if I can avoid it and I prefer to keep salvaging simple.

I think the usual approach is to use the copper-fed kit on blues and greens, is that right? How do you decide between the other two?

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I'm not sure I'm 100% efficient as I definitely don't do the detailed maths, but here's how I salvage:

  • Copper-Fed: blues;
  • Runecrafter's: greens, as they always come with an upgrade, so there's a chance for symbols and charms;
  • Silver-Fed: yellows for the higher chance of Ecto. If an item sells for more than 1 Glob of Ecto on the TP, it's more sensible to sell it, as the average drop rate from salvaging is somewhat less than 1 Ecto per Rare item.

Salvaging happens after identifying, of course, so there is a chance for items with better rarity. Any exotic drop usually ends up on the TP, but there is chance that it has an upgrade item that sells for more than the gear itself. In that case, I salvage it with a Black Lion Salvage Kit (I have loads from the log-in rewards) If the exotic is dirt cheap, however, I might just chuck it into the Mystic Toilet, depending on my mood.

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For the most part, what MikeG.6389 said.

I own a copper-fed one and I do all the identified blues and greens with it. It is my most prized possession.

I have a large enough stash of Mystic Stones to make Mystic Salvage Kits until the game nears the end of its natural life span; I use these kits on identified yellows and even some oranges that would sell poorly on the tp (20-25 silver being my tiping point there). One notable exception: I sell yellow greatswords directly on the tp because they are worth more than the Glob(s) of Ectoplasm I could get out of them.

I am looking to buy a Runecrafter, but at ten times the operating cost of the copper-fed one, I am not sure how good a decision that would be. It would depend on my cashflow and how much extra profit I could get from selling charms (or savings in legendary rune crafting costs).

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2 hours ago, Harfang.1507 said:

I am looking to buy a Runecrafter, but at ten times the operating cost of the copper-fed one, I am not sure how good a decision that would be. It would depend on my cashflow and how much extra profit I could get from selling charms (or savings in legendary rune crafting costs).

After reading this I was concerned that I am doing it wrong, so I looked for more info on the Runcrafter's salvage tool.

I think it's definitely worth the operating cost. This is a table showing salvaging results and profit for green unidentified gear after identifying them. Green drops were salvaged with Runecrafter's and the Rare ones with Silver-Fed. Compare it to the similar tables on the page where the other infinite tools were used. Runecrafter's produces more than a gold of extra profit over the other two per stack of green unid gear.

It's another question whether it's worth the price of admission. I bought it by converting in-game gold and at the cost of 600 gems (about 162 gold at the moment), it takes about 160 stacks of green unid gear to work back that price, as opposed to simply using one of the other two salvage tools. Now, I salvage a lot, but I haven't made that back yet. Not even close.

Edited by MikeG.6389
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As the others have stated, I use Copper-Fed on blues and whites (actual items, that is. I usually just sell Unid Blues on the TP), the Runecrafter on greens (open them first), and Mystic/Silver-Fed on Rares. Don't forget to also save up all of the Essences of Luck (assuming you're already at 300% MF)  to trade them in during LNY as well. :)

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So if I wanted to keep it to just 2 salvage kits would using the runecrafter's on rare items work? I know it's a 5% lower chance of ectoplasm, but is that a big deal? According to the Wiki's drop rate research the difference is about 2g per stack.

So I could have a copper-fed for blue items, then runecrafters for green and yellow and either sell exotics or salvage with a black lion kit when I have them. (Sometimes I have loads, other times I run out...but of course the second account I barely play gets them regularly.)

Also looking at the Wiki's sales history I'm going to be wating until March to buy them, so at least I've got time to think about it.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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The way I see it, if you identify and salvage unid gear with however method, you are already making (much) more profit than doing anything else with them.

The only drawback of using Runecrafter's on Rares is that the profit would be somewhat less than if you used Silver-Fed. But you would also save a lot of gold on buying only two of the three tools. That is if you buy them by converting gold to gems, of course.

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On 10/29/2021 at 1:48 AM, MikeG.6389 said:

It's another question whether it's worth the price of admission. I bought it by converting in-game gold and at the cost of 600 gems (about 162 gold at the moment), it takes about 160 stacks of green unid gear to work back that price, as opposed to simply using one of the other two salvage tools. Now, I salvage a lot, but I haven't made that back yet. Not even close.

From a purely mathematical point of view, I doubt any BL item is ever worth the admission price. What we buy is quality of life: (almost) never have to buy another salvage kit from a vendor.

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18 minutes ago, Harfang.1507 said:

From a purely mathematical point of view, I doubt any BL item is ever worth the admission price. What we buy is quality of life: (almost) never have to buy another salvage kit from a vendor.

Well, salvaging 160 stacks of greens is not all that unreasonable in the long term, so even if you are not a "salvage-oholic", you will likely return the price tag at one point. I reckon I am about a third of the way there but my purchase was fairly recent and I don't really keep track of these sorts of things.

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