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(Suggestion) Specter interactions with traits & weapons on allies


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Mug- 2k Heal when siphoning ally and 5stacks of might for 5s

Bountiful Theft- Any current boons on ally get doubled in duration, if no boons are on ally they receive vigor and swiftness (effects up to 5 allies in the 360 radius)

Thrill of the crime- Grant Swiftness, Fury, Might (effects up to 5 allies in the 360 radius)

Improvisation- Gives an extra stack of any current boon applied 


EDIT- What if Scepter/Dagger and Scepter/Pistol received a slight addition into their kit?

*Works ONLY while scepter is equipped with Dagger or Pistol offhand to imbue magic into the offhand weapon set’s effects on allies*

--Imbued Dagger- Scepter/Dagger 4 (on ally)- Instead of crippling foes it now offers 5s of swiftness to ally

--Imbued Strike- Scepter/Dagger 5 (on ally)- Instead of applying vulnerability from CnD on foes, this now offers protection or maybe 2,000 barrier on allies for (3s). (I was going to say this skill now offers stealth to your ally, but that would probably be over powered)

--Imbued Bullet- Scepter/Pistol 4 (on ally)- Instead of daze on foe, you grant stability on ally for 1s 2stacks 

--Imbued Powder- Scepter/Pistol 5 (on ally)- Instead of Blinding enemy, you now grant resolution on ally for 5s

EDIT 2: What if we went a step further and gave those ally abilities I listed above with Sc/D and Sc/P and made them radius based. for example.

- You see your ally fighting an enemy and you daze that enemy, since the ally is within radius of that enemy, your ally gets stability. 
- If you CnD an enemy and your ally is next to you and the enemy, your ally would receive the 2k barrier or protection.

- And so on and so on with the other skills..

DO let me know if these suggestions sound outlandish or over powered. In my opinion this is just what a support spec is supposed to do.

(You guys can comment below and critique or add any other traits or weapon skill ideas you’d like to see have better functionality and interaction with Specter on allies)

Edited by AikijinX.6258
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  • AikijinX.6258 changed the title to (Suggestion) Specter interactions with traits & weapons on allies

Modifying existing offhand abilities is an interesting idea...but the current design is based on the weapon offhand abilities as currently implemented. 


My big question to you would be "what niche role is missing from Sc/P and Sc/D that could be added by changing offhand 4/5 skills"?

As to your first idea, I am planning to include the suggestion in some form or another with my summary post (lots of similar but differently implemented ideas around Ally Siphon floating around). My worry is somewhat that Anet seems to view the Steal traits as offensive use only and the Ally Siphon as simply a nice bonus that also allows you to pick your Tether for Shadow Shroud abilities. I'm not sure we will get on Ally versions of the Steal trait's positive boosts for the Thief because of that. 

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56 minutes ago, saerni.2584 said:

As to your first idea, I am planning to include the suggestion in some form or another with my summary post (lots of similar but differently implemented ideas around Ally Siphon floating around). My worry is somewhat that Anet seems to view the Steal traits as offensive use only and the Ally Siphon as simply a nice bonus that also allows you to pick your Tether for Shadow Shroud abilities. I'm not sure we will get on Ally versions of the Steal trait's positive boosts for the Thief because of that. 

If we could at least gets bountiful thieft for ourselves, that would be decent, or even expected...? 

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1 hour ago, saerni.2584 said:

My big question to you would be "what niche role is missing from Sc/P and Sc/D that could be added by changing offhand 4/5 skills"?

We would essentially be a pocket guardian giving on demand quick temporary buffs (assuming you aren’t built into concentration/boon duration)


1 hour ago, saerni.2584 said:

My worry is somewhat that Anet seems to view the Steal traits as offensive use only and the Ally Siphon as simply a nice bonus that also allows you to pick your Tether for Shadow Shroud abilities. I'm not sure we will get on Ally versions of the Steal trait's positive boosts for the Thief because of that. 

I do have some faith in Anet again. They have re-enstilled some lost hope and faith I had with them going into this beta. But they have delivered from my pov. I believe Specter with a couple QoL fixes will be top 3 best specs of EoD 

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I really really hope they give traits their own interactions when siphoning an ally, and even stealth "attacking" them too. If you are playing support, siphoning an ally should be the ideal and most effective option to support them, but currently it doesn't feel that way at all. The spec feels disjointed and incomplete without those allied interactions. 

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4 hours ago, Za Shaloc.3908 said:

I really really hope they give traits their own interactions when siphoning an ally, and even stealth "attacking" them too. If you are playing support, siphoning an ally should be the ideal and most effective option to support them, but currently it doesn't feel that way at all. The spec feels disjointed and incomplete without those allied interactions. 

Yes. I hope they do something special with traits for specter but also with the specter offhand weapon skills like suggested above. 😄 it would be amazing!

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I think your suggestion in edit 2 would be too much. The balancing factor of spectre has been that a skill either supports or damages but not both. Weapon skill wise, anyway, as this is broken by shroud, but that's it's own minigame. 


I do like the idea though. Being able to headshot an ally to give them stability would be pretty cool, though it remains to be seen how anet will deal with some targeting issues. 

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