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Why does the jade sphere not apply conditions to enemies?


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I did not play catalyst at all, and haven’t really played ele since HOT. However, I was looking at catalyst on build editor, and I was confused as to why the Jade Sphere fields don’t apply conditions as well as boons. Was there any kind of justification in the reveal?

It seemed really logical that it would do something like:

Fire - Burning

Water - Chill

Air - Weakness

Earth - Bleed

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2 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

Was there any kind of justification in the reveal?


There wasn't any kind of justification for this spec: Why hammer? What's its purpose or role? Why no synergy between traitlines, augments, jade sphere and hammer? Why this e-spec in general?


So don't expect anything about this e-spec to be logical or with any depth, it's an absolute mess without any second thought into it...

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2 hours ago, Flori.2194 said:

There wasn't any kind of justification for this spec: Why hammer? What's its purpose or role? Why no synergy between traitlines, augments, jade sphere and hammer? Why this e-spec in general?


So don't expect anything about this e-spec to be logical or with any depth, it's an absolute mess without any second thought into it...

Sadly, these are very very good points. It really feels like there wasn't as much attention placed on catalyst as there should have been.


tl;dr development process seems to have been flushed down the dunny


To me the concept of jade sphere and catalyst in general is nowhere near what it seems like ele needs. As far as I can tell, a large portion of the community (myself included) would like a viable way to play elementalist at range. I don't know what weapon that would utilise but I don't think that is important. Judging by the current state of ele, there are plenty of melee/short-range options with weaver which fills an amazing role within the profession. Tempest feels more medium-range with skills focused around yourself (mostly thinking about overloads and shouts) rather than casting spells at a target or set location that is further away from you.


I think it seems relatively logical to give the profession that seems like a caster/mage a specialisation that focuses on casting long-range, high-impact spells. While I love the design of weaver (personally my favourite espec in the game from the concept) and tempest, I don't see the necessity in having another epsec that fits into a somewhat similar role.


With all that in mind, it really seems like the design process was rushed with this espec to the point where the concept is either very vague or just doesn't seem to be well developed unlike previous specialisations.

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6 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

It's meant as boon support. If you look at the damage split and watch the stream with CMC it does zero damage in PVP/WVW for a reason.

Gotcha, and what is your current opinion on the state of the Jade Sphere? Is it a strong mechanic, or lacking? 

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3 minutes ago, oscuro.9720 said:

Gotcha, and what is your current opinion on the state of the Jade Sphere? Is it a strong mechanic, or lacking? 

It's absolute garbage.

If you wanted boons you would run tempest because the only important thing the jade sphere puts out you don't get on tempest is quickness. If the boon output on jade sphere were dependent on which attunement you were in when you cast the sphere rather than changing with attunements it could be semi-usable.

In its current state it's a field for you to combo off of but you need to build energy to even use it which makes you heavily resource gated. Imagine needing quickness and having to hit things to build energy to use the sphere for quickness, that's a flawed concept to begin with.

See this quickness catalyst test in which it is only able to hit 26.7K-ish on a stationary golem "abusing" the circling hammer 3 on large hitbox


So I've been testing out the idea of a quickness catalyst so I figured I would send this into the world. The biggest problem with this build as a concept at the moment is that the jade sphere doesn't automatically charge up its energy out of combat and cannot be moved. I disagree with both design decisions but this is also just the first beta so I really hope that they could fix that. Lastly, there is currently a super annoying bug that strips a majority of your quickness from the catalyst, although it still works for other people.

(The orbs are also terrible.)

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1 minute ago, Infusion.7149 said:

It's absolute garbage.

If you wanted boons you would run tempest because the only important thing the jade sphere puts out you don't get on tempest is quickness. If the boon output on jade sphere were dependent on which attunement you were in when you cast the sphere rather than changing with attunements it could be semi-usable.

In its current state it's a field for you to combo off of but you need to build energy to even use it which makes you heavily resource gated. Imagine needing quickness and having to hit things to build energy to use the sphere for quickness, that's a flawed concept to begin with.

See this quickness catalyst test in which it is only able to hit 26.7K-ish on a stationary golem "abusing" the circling hammer 3 on large hitbox

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So I've been testing out the idea of a quickness catalyst so I figured I would send this into the world. The biggest problem with this build as a concept at the moment is that the jade sphere doesn't automatically charge up its energy out of combat and cannot be moved. I disagree with both design decisions but this is also just the first beta so I really hope that they could fix that. Lastly, there is currently a super annoying bug that strips a majority of your quickness from the catalyst, although it still works for other people.

(The orbs are also terrible.)

That’s kind of what I assumed, but figured id ask anyways xD

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