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Question about Character delete


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They're seriously going for the "that post is too old to be relevant" defense? Guess what, there are no newer posts concerning this policy. Therefore this post is the NEWEST post about this policy in existence!


ANet could easily apologise and post an official announcement about the policy change. Even if they no longer offer account rollbacks or character restorations, I don't think 500 gems and a lvl 80 scroll are too much compensation for their failed communication.


It just isn't right, that a player has to deal with the consequences of ANet not communicating unpopular policy changes to anyone outside their studio! Did they think no one would find out?

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My opinion is due to not announcing the change they should have assisted the OP with a transfer and a warning that trying the method again will result in no further assistance.  I also don't like how they kept referring to it as an exploit when it has been a frequently discussed option for free transfers and was presented as a valid method by an Anet employee.   If you look at the thread Just a flesh wound linked from 2018 initially support stated deleting all characters would work.  Then later on they responded with the exploit language as well.    That also appeared to occur when there were beta characters.  So that makes me wonder if something else is up to be honest.

I still think they should make an official update clarifying their stance on the topic and maybe avoid the exploit language because I feel that is accusatory and was used as an excuse to be honest.   I can even write it for them, "We would like to update you on a change to our server transfer policy.   Previously players were allowed to delete all of their characters and transfer to another server for free.   We have now updated that policy and this will no longer be an option.  Any deleted characters also will not be restored.  Thank you for your understanding."   

It seems so odd with Anet they go through these stages where they are great at communicating and then don't communicate things like this.   Also I know the wiki is player driven but as stated an official announcement would be good for the players that update it to have an official source.   Anet is aware of the importance of the wiki and how players use it for accurate information. 

I'm glad someone helped you out bilbojj and sorry that you had such a bad experience.   I guess one thing that came from this, unfortunately at your expense, is now we know about the change in policy and can assist others if they ask.  


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1 hour ago, JustTrogdor.7892 said:

My opinion is due to not announcing the change they should have assisted the OP with a transfer and a warning that trying the method again will result in no further assistance.  I also don't like how they kept referring to it as an exploit when it has been a frequently discussed option for free transfers and was presented as a valid method by an Anet employee.   If you look at the thread Just a flesh wound linked from 2018 initially support stated deleting all characters would work.  Then later on they responded with the exploit language as well.    That also appeared to occur when there were beta characters.  So that makes me wonder if something else is up to be honest.

I still think they should make an official update clarifying their stance on the topic and maybe avoid the exploit language because I feel that is accusatory and was used as an excuse to be honest.   I can even write it for them, "We would like to update you on a change to our server transfer policy.   Previously players were allowed to delete all of their characters and transfer to another server for free.   We have now updated that policy and this will no longer be an option.  Any deleted characters also will not be restored.  Thank you for your understanding."   

It seems so odd with Anet they go through these stages where they are great at communicating and then don't communicate things like this.   Also I know the wiki is player driven but as stated an official announcement would be good for the players that update it to have an official source.   Anet is aware of the importance of the wiki and how players use it for accurate information. 

I'm glad someone helped you out bilbojj and sorry that you had such a bad experience.   I guess one thing that came from this, unfortunately at your expense, is now we know about the change in policy and can assist others if they ask.  


Thank you for the kind words and i couldn't agree more, one GM claim it dosent work because my account was F2P, one claimed they dont do it anymore and then they claim it was a exploit. Im very greatful to my friend who gifted me the gems but it shouldnt have had to happen. and i hope we can get this out to others

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6 hours ago, bilbojj.1936 said:

Luckly a friend stepped in a donated me the 2000gems which i very greatful for. still annoying i lost all my charaters and feel like ive been treated very poorly


You were treated poorly, and there's really  no excuse on Anet's end.  

How many level 80s did you lose?  It's not possible to directly gift level 80 scrolls - undoubtedly to prevent other "exploits" - but I'm sure there are others here, including me, that would like to help you get re-established, if such help would be welcome.

Edit: The more I think about this, the more annoyed I get with Anet.  If they're going to be introducing alliances anyway, and getting rid of/downplaying servers, why bother to secretly get rid of this "exploit" now?  And make a fuss about it with one player who made a mistake?  C'mon, Anet, just do the right thing.

Edited by Lyssia.4637
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I think you were treated poorly, as well, but, to be fair, you were willing to delete all your characters for the free transfer, so you weren't really out anything as far as that goes.  What I mean is...through the kindness of a friend, you were made whole as far as transferring to another World is concerned.  The CS Team should have helped you transfer, but not replaced your characters. 

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41 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

I think you were treated poorly, as well, but, to be fair, you were willing to delete all your characters for the free transfer, so you weren't really out anything as far as that goes.  What I mean is...through the kindness of a friend, you were made whole as far as transferring to another World is concerned.  The CS Team should have helped you transfer, but not replaced your characters. 

I would say, one OR the other would have been fair of Anet.  Up to them which.

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1 hour ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

I think you were treated poorly, as well, but, to be fair, you were willing to delete all your characters for the free transfer, so you weren't really out anything as far as that goes.  What I mean is...through the kindness of a friend, you were made whole as far as transferring to another World is concerned.  The CS Team should have helped you transfer, but not replaced your characters. 

that is all i wanted tbh

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