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Which traitlines best synergize with herald's?

Al Masone.1274

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First of all, I'm NOT looking for the best build in terms of damage. 

What I'm interesting in is finding which traitlines that actually complent and/or complement the herald spec, in terms of mechanics and theme. 

Herald, from what I understand, is supposed to be a decently tanky spec with lots of boonsharing. As a main mechanic it has the facets, so it should revolve around upkeep skills I guess. 

Regarding upkeep skills, the only traits related to them outside of herald are in retribution and corruption.

Retribution I think fits well with herald, since it further improves tankiness.

Corruption has a trait that improves energy regen if you use upkeep skills, but you also apply torment to yourself, which I'm not sure it's great in a tanky build. Also, the herald traitline doesn't seem to improve condi damage in anyway. Instead, it has a couple traits that improve strike damage. Speaking fo strike damage...

Devastation I guess is the most selfish, pure dps traitline. But the 3 traits that give battle scars actually work wonders in a sword/sword or sword/shield build, since you can reliably proc it. 

Invocation seems to pretty much syngerize with every other traitline, since you'll always find yourself swapping legends, no matter which spec you play. And it does have a trait that gives more boons to allies when you swap stances, and also one trait that helps with energy management. That said, to me this traitline seems mostly skewed toward personal damage, and critical strikes/fury. Herald gives you pretty much perma-fury for free, though I'm not sure I should further focus on this boon in particular. 

Lastly, salvation to me feels more constructed with healing to allies in general. And while your shield 4 and a grandmaster trait do push some healing to allies, I was of the impression that herald in more focused on boon sharing, with just a sprinkle of ally healing on the side. Also, while you can push perma-regeneration with your healing skill, not trait in salvation actively boosts that boon anyway. It does however have a trait that gives you barrier for each boon you have, which fits, and one that gives you damage resistance everytime you heal and ally, and works with the herald's grandmaster trait. 

So in the end, I would say that devastation would work best in solo situations, and salvation would be better for teamfights if you want to stack as much durability as possibile. 

But there's really no trait line that says to me "pls take me whenever you take herald", Which is why I'm asking this question.


Oh, and sorry for the long post.

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Prety much that, also Dwarf  legend is also good for team support, the elite also reduces damage from siege on structures and other siege :) its not a visual effect thing. treb or cata shots that take 6% or 4% of the structure life sudently become 3% and 2%, and if t3 and siege doing 2-3% becomes 1-2% structure life damage.

Invocation(spirit boon and song of the mist) + salvation is a good combo to pair within the herald,  the legend swap 6k aoe heal is really nice, pity that Glint legend swap is a aoe condi lol(Imo gling should have no condi but would have a mechanic based on the crystals***), if one has problems surviving  one can swap invocation for jalis to get a bit more sturdier, altough would only recomend if taking  stats like zealots or others towards power and support but no toughness/nor defensive stats besides raw healing


What u want to use with Herald it all deppends what role u want to get, Revenant is extremelly versatile in terms of builds.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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You need to specify what type of content you want to do with it and what your build is attempting to achieve.  You don’t specify either really in your post and your question is a bit too vague to be answered with some sort of definitive statement if we don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish with it.  Herald by itself is versatile and synergizes with all core traitlines  fairly well, so it’s less about “what synergizes well with Herald” and more about what you want out of it in whatever content you’re playing it. 

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13 hours ago, Blue Topaz.5409 said:

You need to specify what type of content you want to do with it and what your build is attempting to achieve.  You don’t specify either really in your post and your question is a bit too vague to be answered with some sort of definitive statement if we don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish with it.  Herald by itself is versatile and synergizes with all core traitlines  fairly well, so it’s less about “what synergizes well with Herald” and more about what you want out of it in whatever content you’re playing it. 

:) I dont think  OP knows what build shall run,  kinda felt OP was going with the flow of Herald(glint) theme.


@"Al Masone.1274"

Correction  if im  wrong.


Edited by Aeolus.3615
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6 hours ago, Al Masone.1274 said:


I'm not looking for the best performance, I'm looking for the most thematic build.

   I would say none. Glint and Herald as legend and trait line are obviously linked by lore: you won't be able to take Glint without the Herald traitline. Then, Corruption is linked to Mallyx, and Devastation to Shiro, both in lore and design. The same hapens with Salvation and Ventari. That leaves Invocation free....   Which is a "jack for all trades" which is common to a lot of builds since reinforces the legend swap mechanics and not a particular one in terms of lore. But at least doesn't conflicts with Glint.

   Most of people chose a damage source (strike, condition, or an hybrid) and a game mode (PvE variants, WvW roaming, small groups, zergs, PvP Conquest and duos/trios) and set the trait lines based on the goals and roles to perform at a given content.

   I would say that is easier for some classes as the Guardian: if you're a Firebrand Zeal and Radiance feels more "natural" for the spec, whereas Honor and Virtues seems more linked to a core Guardian.

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23 hours ago, Al Masone.1274 said:


I'm not looking for the best performance, I'm looking for the most thematic build.

That's a bit weird. If you want to make a thematic build with Herald ... you are using Glint and shield. The rest depends on how you want to play. No other choices in Core feel 'naturally thematic' to Herald, so the criteria for making choices is wide open. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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