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Leveling build


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So I kinda going of of this https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Engineer_-_Leveling_Bomber. Do I have to use a rifle ? I prefer pistol but its condi I believe not power. I mostly am using  bombs, elixer, healing and rifle turret rarely use the weapon. My one and only thing I don't like so far is I have no movement speed or any real mobility is their something I can take that will help with that ? Not sure if I would have to give up something in order to get it.

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If you are too low in level or have not unlocked the Tools traitline yet, you can also try to either use one of these food-buffs. Those apply Swiftness on kill with a certain % chance. Just kill a bunch of trash-mobs and your are good.


You can use a Sigil of Speed on your second-weapon. Swap to that to stack up swiftness from kills, then swap back to your real weapon while OOC.


Especially in Open World, having a rifle as a 2nd weapon is a good decision. Jump Shot helps you with all kinds of difficult jumps or if you are still struggling with the controls. It also reaches far enough to allow a few-shortcuts in no-mount/no-glider areas such as Jumping Puzzles. 

The only thing to keep in mind: Engineer Weaponswap only works out-of-combat. 

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
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2 hours ago, Synikel.7495 said:

So I kinda going of of this https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Engineer_-_Leveling_Bomber. Do I have to use a rifle ? I prefer pistol but its condi I believe not power. I mostly am using  bombs, elixer, healing and rifle turret rarely use the weapon. My one and only thing I don't like so far is I have no movement speed or any real mobility is their something I can take that will help with that ? Not sure if I would have to give up something in order to get it.

Pistol benefits from Power and Bomb Kit benefits from Condition Damage as well. If you want to use Pistol with Bomb Kit, just hybridiise and go both into Power and Condition Damage, like with Rampager stats or Carrion+Rabid stats if you want something more tanky. (At lv80 you can make a full build like this with Grieving stats, Berserker runes, Sigil of Bursting/Force and Flank Steaks, as I do on my Flamethrower build).


You don't need to do huge damage when leveling so don't worry about anything but having fun.


Btw Elixer Gun isn't too good for damage as its a support weapon mostly, so you should use your normal weapon for ranged damage against enemies that are too dangerous to melee or when you're low on health, but the #4 skill is useful for getting out of some tough situations.


Remember that HGH affects some Elixer Gun skills and related Toolbelt skills.


For mobility on Engineer:  https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Streamlined_Kits . If you can't fit it into your build then take Sigil of Speed on your weapon instead (it affects Kits too). But the pull when equipping Bomb Kit is super useful and helps you wipe out enemies quickly.


Make sure you keep a Rifle for jumping puzzles (the #5 is very precise), even if you don't use it.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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Engi is  very flexible so it comes down to whatever you prefer. 

All of Engi's kits are hybrid weapons, so they'll work on both power and condi builds.

If you want to swap out rifle for pistols and use bomb kit, you can do that. Just make sure you pick up some condition damage on your gear for best results. 

The build I normally use for engi is 4 kits + heal turret. Elixir, Bomb, Flamethrower, Mortar kit.

 I just cycle through my kits blasting my fire fields for might, dropping super elixir and Elixir Shell for heals and some extra might. Swapping back to my pistols when im out of dps buttons on my kits. It's very fun, I personally love the piano playstyle. It keeps me entertained while I'm farming, map completing, achievement hunting, ect. 

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17 hours ago, Synikel.7495 said:

Its just fun blowing up groups of stuff with the bombs.

Welcome to the engineers club :) When you get to level 80 and have decent critical gear (ex: berserker), you can swap Alchemy out for Inventions. Bunker Down provides a med kit and mine every 2 seconds on a critical hit. It's funny when you stack 3+ mines up, you hear all that beeping, then walk back a little so the the enemy trips the mines and gets smoked. It's even funnier when you combine it with mine field.


I wouldn't worry too much about pistol vs rifle. They both have their uses, and they both serve primarily as offline weapons for when your kit abilities are on cooldown. Rifle is better for cracking enemy breakbars (this will be more of a thing once you leave core Tyria) and pistols are better at single target champion/boss fights due to its heavy hitting condition output.

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I still use this CORE build for my Engineer, it's proven itself in all modes of play. You rapidly stack up 25 stacks of might, and provide yourself with sustainable boons. I call it the KA-BOON! Core Engineer.



Edited by Tungsten Monarch.6058
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