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Dragon Trigger Idea


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The charge should have never been movement lock, just slow movement. Movement lock is not fun anywhere and if there is a need to have one the pay off have to be really good and also it should be on a really mobile character, we are talking thief with its teleports so you have a chance to counter attack instead of warrior which has to walk everywhere even the mobility skills are ground locked.
I do not understand Arenanet designers, there are some basic rules to making fair and fun game you should follow, but they decided to not be consistent. In their statistics the average player does 1/10 dps from your average raider, that is not player problem that is game design problem, you just can't have random rules apply to one class while other ignores them fully and then complain that they can't make the game better cause people can't play the game. There should be very obvious way to complete your task on average level.    

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On 11/27/2021 at 1:48 PM, Jzaku.9765 said:

I don't really understand why they didnt straight up copy paste the Deadeye Kneel mechanic. That lets you dodge, and also doesn't break when you accidentally hit your movement keys. 

100% this. Like the mechanic already exists and it would completely remove the issue of accidentally moving. 

With the old Flow/Charge mechanic, this would make the most sense. I do get that with the new Charge (2.5s) they would hesitate at this because Warriors can now Flicker/Dodge for almost the entire 2.5s but still. So what if it breaks with the "Samurai" feel they're going for--it mechanically would be useful and would shore up the defense on Dragon Trigger to the point where I doubt you'd get many naysayers left.

Stability on entering (dependent on stacks + duration), 2 dodges (at full endurance), 3 Teleports/Aegis, 2.5s for max charge should be more than enough.

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Deadeye Kneel feels much better than Dragon Trigger, tbh — more mobile, easier to counterplay things, way less prone to fat-finger problems.

Even with single-press casting and snap-to-limit, ground-targeting the short-range teleport feels really clunky imo.

Edited by ASP.8093
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