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If anyone at ANet is reading these forums...


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23 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Had Anet showcased their intentions with the mounts, I believe that the negativity would have been considerably less.  Until they were released, though, I believe that most here didn't want mounts because of how mounts are implemented in other games which wouldn't add any intrinsic value in GW2.  Resources were thought to be better spent elsewhere when mounts weren't needed.


At the time this was most likely a feature deep in the development plan, so stating what they wanted to do would create "false promises" outcries if they couldn't deliver on 100% of their vision. We still dont really know what was the true initial vision and we never will.  The feedback was so loud and so negative that  any game dev would trust to gow ith it. Had they trusted the  community instead of trusting their ability, everyone would lose out. This was a case of "mom knows best".

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@Hantu.2815I don't think you have to worry about that. Whatever method Anet employs we aren't privy to it so it's kind of pointless to ponder. They have said they read forums so all we can do is take them on their word.

What they read or what advice or feedback they heed will become apparent in the future, and we'll be here to react, speculate and theorycraft in the meantime.

Edited by TwiceDead.1963
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44 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Had Anet showcased their intentions with the mounts, I believe that the negativity would have been considerably less.  Until they were released, though, I believe that most here didn't want mounts because of how mounts are implemented in other games which wouldn't add any intrinsic value in GW2.  Resources were thought to be better spent elsewhere when mounts weren't needed.

As someone who was absolutely against mounts in gw2 originally I couldn't agree more with everything you just said here.

I would say that only reason people like me flipped from:
"Absolutely not! never in a million years would I accept mounts in Gw2!!"
"Mounts are one of the best things ever added to Gw2!!" 
Is entirely because of how! Anet implemented mounts in this game.

If we had just got your typical cosmetic speed buff mount that is the go to for MMO's then I would still hold my original views on mounts in Gw2 and would not care for them today.

Anet went all out with mounts in Gw2 at the right time to do it and they definitely hit the nail on the head with them.
I am always coming across statements claiming Gw2 has the best mount system you'll find in any MMO.
And I fully agree with that statement despite originally being extremely anti mount in Gw2 lol

If Anet had divulged their intentions to break the mold on MMO mounts in the first place I would have definitely been far less negative about their upcoming inclusion into Gw2.

As soon as I mounted up on the raptor for the first time and jumped my first gap to reach a place I couldn't get to on my own, I knew that Gw2 mounts were a whole different animal to what I've seen in countless other MMO's, and they've only gotten better over time if you ask me.
The Rollar Beetle.. easily one of the most fun things in Gw2 lol

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4 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

The LWS1 fiasco?
The embarrasment of the Shining Blade initiation ritual?
The grotesque combination of Balthazar + Omadd's Machine?
The absolute disastrous Icebroos Saga closure of Jormag vs Primordus?
The hassle with Legendary Gear not memorizing previous stats nor skins upon weapon change?

You are right, not everything turns out fine in GW2 - so criticism is warranted, no? 😉

You sort of just agreed with the OP.  He's not saying everything can be added to the game and turn out fine. He just wants people to stop complaining about his suggestions on how to make things better.

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