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Can shatters be reimagined to do something else?

Hot Boy.7138

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I'm supremely disappointed by virtuoso because it is based off the same shatter effects we've had for the last 9 years. Our clones have a new appearance, but they do the same thing. As a matter of fact, the functionality is worse because of the cast times and lost of distortion on F4. I'm okay with F4 being different that distortion, i'm actually asking for some different functionality. However, F4 on Virtuoso is filling the same role as the button to press to negate damage for a few seconds. 

So i ask, are there no new ideas? is the well dry? Can Virtuoso shatters be reimagined as anything other than the same F1 to F4 functionality we've always had. 

Honestly, bladesongs are just a reskin of clones. 

It's not a bad spec because it feels exactly like core mesmer, which i've loved for all of these years. But shouldn't elite specs bring something different? I'm not excited at all to be waiting on the same shatter cds, to cast the same shatter effects, but with a cast time.  I can't have fun like this. 

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There are quite a few ideas floating about to change the shatter mechanic, for example a Mesmer that use the shattered clones to fuel a supportive aura (Quite like the Revenant Herald)

F1 to F4 become Melody, using it will shatter the oldest clone and fuel an energy bar of the corresponding aura (multiple aura can be active at the same time)

F5 become Tempo, letting you increase (Allegro) or decrease (Adagio) the effect of the Melody for a different energy cost (when in Allegro, the active Melody appear on the ground) those increase can go from Aura Size and Target increase, to pulse speed and increased effect to others

This would fit greatly with s Shortbow for an espec


Another is turning the shattered clones in Totems, giving an aura around the clone, some being good for the allies and other bad for the foes

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There is also the idea of Shatters (for the chrono in particular) becoming ground target AoE.  Following with the theme of the f4 skill which "destroys all clones and creates a rift...",  the Mesmer would create rifts with the shatters. The effects would increase based on number of clones destroyed. So say f1 would do more DoT,  f2 more conditions, f3 multiple cc's, and f4 staying the same which increases it's duration.
I don't mind the theme of the f1-f4 being damage, condition, cc, and defense respectively. I like that it maintains a certain level of constancy. I just think that how we activate it should differ on each spec. With that said; base Mesmer would have shatters as is, Chrono could be AoE, Virtuoso is projectiles, and Mirage should be something else (I personally think the ambush skills should be in the f bar but that might be just me). Later a new spec could have, like previously mentioned, an aura like effect for the shatters and so forth.

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I doubt they have time to change the class sadly. The only thing I could see is them sneaking in which is similar is a trait that can apply 5 man boons.


I like the idea that any self boon now applies it to a 5 man so it incentives some core traits like Bountiful Disillusionment.

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