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Maps bugged, objectives can't be hit/captured and belong to two teams.

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So it's a more common complaint here that your Guild and WvW tab says you should be in one pairing (Reaper's Corridor in my case) but you're in a completely different pairing when you actually join WvW (Stonewall for me) so I won't post extra screenshots of that bug.

But here we have a tower that belongs to blue in most respects (we can enter it, take supply, the guards are friendly, it wears blue banners) but is green on the map and counts for the green tick score (if you count all towers green owns it has one less than it actually has according to the PPT scoring, which is probably this one then).

As a personal point of feedback I hate these betas full of bugs for a WvW restructuring that doesn't seem in any way better or more fun than the old WvW and on top of that effectively takes WvW down for days because of all the issues.

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No idea how a beta where even the wvw map is unreliable is forced on me. Surely at least the extremely obvious bugs can be fixed before the beta?

I have to check the color of the supply depot to know what belongs to which side... If its not hidden by the objective marker that has the wrong color... And if its showing the right color, as sometimes its also bugged...

Edited by Hotride.2187
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Today also experiencing that the objectives do not show the correct owner and am to look at the supply barrel to see (what appears to be) the correct owner. Was working fine for me yesterday.

Also, I am assigned to Reaper's Corridor. This was fine yesterday when joining maps, but today when checking the Match Overview, it shows I am on First Haven (assignment remains Reaper's Corridor)

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Had the exact same thing happen to me as well.

Went to a blue camp (as a blue team member) only to find out we were currently capturing that same camp which then stayed blue after cap. All the while we had a green keep right next to it, that was friendly to us but contributed points to green.



edit: I feel like I should mention that I am currently playing on Skrittsburgh, since I forgot to select Deso for the beta

Edited by Trondel.2508
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I feel like they should revert things back to the previous system. By now they have all their metrics/data on what needs to be done to correct things for the next beta. They probably had enough data after the first night. Prolonging this for the entire week is just souring the community at this point.

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Weird for me as each day passes the bugs are showing up for me. Saturday didn't see anything wrong, then sunday the score names and map names didn't match, clones showing old server names of the person, some people showing score server name instead of their actual character name, now monday getting the objectives not switching colors properly and have to look at supply depot for the real owners, held timers are way off, ebg is especially messy with this. Guessing we won't see any fixes until the next beta.

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12 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Weird for me as each day passes the bugs are showing up for me. Saturday didn't see anything wrong, then sunday the score names and map names didn't match, clones showing old server names of the person, some people showing score server name instead of their actual character name, now monday getting the objectives not switching colors properly and have to look at supply depot for the real owners, held timers are way off, ebg is especially messy with this. Guessing we won't see any fixes until the next beta.

I've seen more incorrect maps (belonging to different pairing and with different captured objectives until I actually map there and get the map I'm supposed to be on) than correct ones, and every map has at least 1-2 incorrectly captured objectives at a time for me since the beginning of this meta. Wasn't expecting them to fix something that weird and potentially deep in the code during the beta though and it's indeed persisting very well.

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I want to add another thing: (maybe that even exists longer but I noticed it several time during the last days although I wasn't that often in WvW for obvious reasons):


The map-selection says that a map has a queue (e.g. Q=2 ;  usual in the range of 1..3)

At the same time on the map itself:  outnumbered!  From my personal impression: the outnumbered sign is right, the shown queue is wrong.


Unfortunately that leads to this issue:

You call on team-chat that help is needed to defend garni (or SM) and the answer is (understandable): you have queue, you have to deal with it.  Those few who try anyway just come through without waiting.


I saw this quite often in the last days because we have some issues with inbalances in the beta-matchup.

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On 12/5/2021 at 8:58 PM, aspirine.6852 said:

Not even sure how you can miss in the QA that the map isnt working.. 

Oh my, this definitely has nothing to do with QA (and that is most likely automated by a large degree).


As someone who has worked in the development department for over 5 years at this point (and more specifically platform issues), this is most likely a call either taking too long to reach a recipient (Blue team captures objective > an event is triggered that tells the server to flip that objective over to Blue > initiates the trigger for recapture immunity, guard spawn, rewards etc > then the server most likely needs to trigger to update that for players > and this is where it gets lost, most likely).


Of course, I do not know Anet's inner workings of the code or how the calls are being made - but QA would NEVER playtest a scenario of objective flipping on their local environments, this most likely falls under an automated test that never checks if the player received a server-side message, or they pushed a change in WvW (which is most likely due to the fact that we got Alliances now) and something messed up the overall performance. Not necessarily a critical issue (as you can still capture the objectives at will and as intended), just the information is not given to the players (which is a crucial part, but not a critical part - not being able to log in, for example - THAT would be a major issue). My guess is an automation needs to be re-written to double-check the objective flipping when the core bug is fixed and ta-kitten. 


Is this annoying? Yes.

Does QA have anything to do with this? I highly doubt it.

Edited by ysnake.3619
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