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Recently lvl 80 Ranger need help on gear


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I've recently leveled up a Ranger to lvl 80 ( not with boost, by hard work :D )

At the moment im stuck between what gear to choose. I dont have much money, only 80g.

I have two builds i would like to use, but one is Power and the other one is Condition damage. 

I want to go with the most viable possible option since i play solo, from what i saw both the Power and Condition build are viable. 

Here is my questions for those who want to help:

1. Should i go for zerk gear or a condition focused one since i want to play all the 3 game modes, PvE(including fractals and so on), PvP and WvW ? if so which one ?

2. In the condition based gear which one is the best to get for a Ranger build ? And is there any budget option ? If so which one ? 


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1. Zerk is the best pick in my opinion, you can do PvE easily and while not the best it does work in WvW. PvP uses a different gear system.

2. Viper gives all stats you need as condi dps and if you have the expansion it's not that hard to get. The price difference is not really that big between Viper's and something like rabid/sinister's.

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First off: Do you have any elite specilaization/any expanszln where you can unlock any?

Second off:

For open PvE Zerker is best for most content in regards of getting stuff getting killed fast before it kills you. Note that you shoudl rely on traits that give you survivability whiel you put your offensives on your gear.

For PvP you dont have to get any gear, you can chose from any unlocked PvP amulet. Amulets are comparably cheap (and most are already unlocked) and you can go from variant to variant and try out what you like. Power Valkyrie ranger got some popularity lately and is decent for skirmishes. There is also a bereserker option going arround. Otherwise condition trapper always finds its ways in PvP for decapping.

For WvW a more tanky condi set might be more reliable. Otherwise a balance between offense and defense is needed.

There is also the option for support if you ply druid. Which is often seen in strikes and raids.

Gear wise i can give you a list for both power and condi gear that i ran over the years. Additionally i give you also a small list of supportish gear i used for druid.



Berserker (standard power gear), assasins (arguably better than berserker for crit capping in oPvE), marauders (basically a bit less offensive than berserker but a tid bitlmore health) and valkyrie gear (no crit chance but health). If you ran any combination of the above with a somewhat decnt crit chance you should be good for a start. Generally go for crit chance and about 15-20K health. Then go full power as much as possible. Thats a good point for noobies in terms of kill capacity and survivability. Power can be used for both oPvE and WvW. For group content in PvE you are more effective with condi builds as a core ranger.


Vipers (best in slot for condi DPS), Sinister (free to play option instead of viper, try to compensate for th lack of expertise with decent condi runes), Rampagers (more crit chance than sinister but generally a worse sinsiter choice dor condi), trailblazers (bunker condi gear for WvW, very expensive), rabid (less expensive than trailblazer but fullfills about the same role) and Grieving (basically THE hybrid gear set that goes full on offensive but lacks condi duration, with some runes this can be eleviated, its the more all arround DPS gear set). Overall condi is more slow burning than power and not as good for short fights. Its good in competitive for being a stalling grinding way of play or on longer boss fights.

Support gear: Minstrel (if you REALLY want to just support and tank) otherwise Harrier for actualy druid support. Marshal or Seraph as a condi druid option which also work well in oPvE.

Lastly because its always an option nowadays: celestial (all stats). Very good for some roaminf WvW soulbeast builds and all arround druid builds. Decent on core.


Generally most bang for your Buck is Berserker. You can get berserker exotic gear for Karma in Orr. Sometimes Assasins can be cheaper. It doesnt really matter how you mix it as long as you do not go over 70/80% crit chance (or 60% with vicious quarry and skirmishing).

For low level fractals power ranger is OK. After you got some more Gold Sinister with a good condition rune might give you a decent result. If you have the expansion i can also recommend vipers instead.

On e-specs: condi, power and even hybrid soulbeast is good for raids and fractals. Celestial soulbeast is decent for WvW, trailblazer soulbeast can be a real pain and generally pewpew berserker on shot pony is also an option.

Druid can performmas a heal support with harrier gear, is really good with celestial gear in pretty much anything else and can be disgusting with trailblazer in WvW as a trapper. Marshal/Seraph druid is a decent support for early fractals and great for oPvE.

I uope that helped. If any question arise about a specific build just ask. Otherwise checkout metabattle.com

For oPvE builds most WvW builds are good but you ccan keep the offensive gear of PvE.







Edited by InsaneQR.7412
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15 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

1. Zerk is the best pick in my opinion, you can do PvE easily and while not the best it does work in WvW. PvP uses a different gear system.

2. Viper gives all stats you need as condi dps and if you have the expansion it's not that hard to get. The price difference is not really that big between Viper's and something like rabid/sinister's.

This is all you need. It does not matter which e-spec you play or which game mode:

  • Zerk is the best option in any game mode because it's condi output is not generaly good unless big static targets.
  • Viper for some PvE roles like raids.  

So just go for Zerker gear. Your pet can tank for you in PvE and in PvP/WvW you will need the extra damage at any cost anyway. 


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I main ranger since 2012, and like to solo all PVE content. Even for me that have certain experience, i find soloing with berserker gear a very stressing experince. Core tyria is a walk in the park but Hot and Pof patrol of mobs which have AI are very overpowered.

The most comfy build for soloing eveything without problems is to play condi soulbeast with trailbazer stats+krait runes, specially pulling mobs to big aoes like torch5, traps and the elite vines. It's not the best condi build for soulbeast but for me is the most successful way to deal with this hardcore patrols (mordrem groups, forged...).

And the budget version is dire stats, super cheap and will work perfectly.

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To decide between power or condition builds I recommend thinking about which weapons you like using since that's what ultimately determines whether you're focusing on direct damage or applying conditions.

That's how I decided to focus on condition builds on my ranger, I don't enjoy the power weapons (especially greatsword) and don't have as much fun playing them, so I got condition stats (currently viper) to go with the weapons.

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