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Can we get more rewards in pre events?

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I think it's a shame that efficient meta farming is really all about riding the people who do pre events. I just finished a discussion with some people on EU fast farm discord and it sounds like that the best thing to do is find a map with the pre events completed, rather than see a meta all the way through to completion. Some metas, like Junundu rising, you don't even have to be present for the meta to get the chest of the desolation hero, you just have to land on a map that is complete and you can loot the camps. I think this is broken. The people who spend 15 minutes doing the coin collection in pinata or the 5 minutes of crystal colleciton and the camps in Junundu rising should get significantly more rewards than people who are essentially leeching imo.  I'd like to see EoD break this pattern and for it to be worth it to participate in a full event. 

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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While I do agree with the OP, I want to point out, just for completions sake, that making the pre events too rewarding leads to a different, but still unwanted behavior. We had this with events in the long gone past, where it was more profitable to do the early steps of an event chain(aka pre events) than doing all of it. People started the event chain, then forced fail at some point to have it restart faster. Some event chains in Orr worked like this iirc and it lead to people being flamed in mapchat for completing events, which should never be tha case, you should never get flamed for playing the game as it is intended.

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2 hours ago, lokh.2695 said:

Some event chains in Orr worked like this iirc and it lead to people being flamed in mapchat for completing events, which should never be tha case, you should never get flamed for playing the game as it is intended.


Funny how the people blaming and flaming back then in Orr for completing the event are the same entitled players who want to fast farm metas in order to get the most out of their precious time of playing and will flame the map if it isn't going fast enough.


I wish Anet hadn't catered to these players, as the core game wasn't all a zergfest at first. The game was actually the opposite : you could take time to do chain of events and even were encouraged to stay after the event was completed in case another one would start.


The very beginning of the champ trains and farming of the champ boxes out of the Aetherblades (when you could scale events enough so champs would come up and drop loot boxes) was the first incentive towards zerging and maximizing the farm in the minimum amount of time, ending up now in people not playing the meta from beginning to end but quick jumping via LFG from one to another.

Seems to me it will be very hard for Anet to backtrack now. They've built an entire game economy and design around this farming mentality (eg. selling you portals to meta event bosses in the gem store, or how the new legendaries grind is designed). I wish it was different but still.


Edited by Neva Eilhart.5347
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21 minutes ago, Obliviscaris.6937 said:

Despise these players. They're the same players who skip endlessly in dungeons. I want to play the kitten game, I don't want to be skipping half of what's there.


Here before one of these players come in to tell you how the "fun" comes directly from the amount of gold they're making per second, and not from actually enjoying playing the game. 


To each their own I guess. As I've said I wish Anet did things differently while they could have, by countering this min-maxing farming mentality in the early days (champion loot boxes, the very first Queensdale trains...). Problem is, nowadays, you can't blame it all on these players because Anet willingly chose to cater to them and to implement grindy mechanics.


Anet chose to embrace this farming mentality probably because it keeps people busy in an easy way, so it makes for a more stable player population and it allows Anet to throw a couple collections to work towards for a very low development cost (just come up with a map with a couple events, tie a new specific ressource to them, and make the new item sell for like 1000 of this new ressource : it will keep these min-maxers busy enough). Because of that, players have to farm terrible amounts of ressources to get their new shinies. So they (and by they I mean even your casual Joe) get into zergs and try to min-max profits too, because they want their piece of the cake. And because they try to min-max their profit, Anet feels compelled to keep them even more busy with new shinies to get, so they introduce yet another ressource to be farmed. See the pattern here ? 


The point is : if you make something more rewarding, given how the game is designed and how the player base works, chances are players will find a way to maximize the profit and play it in a way which will guarantee them the most profit, because the game "requires" them to have enough ressources if they want to get the new fancy item. So if the meta pre events are more rewarding, chances are these players will only stay for the pre events and zerg their way out to another pre event (you'll see commander tags organizing the thing and even telling people to stop playing the event for it to fail like in Orr). If you put all the rewards on the meta, you'll end up with what we have now with zergs fast jumping and leaving a trail of desolation behind.



Edited by Neva Eilhart.5347
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On 12/28/2021 at 8:36 AM, lokh.2695 said:

While I do agree with the OP, I want to point out, just for completions sake, that making the pre events too rewarding leads to a different, but still unwanted behavior. We had this with events in the long gone past, where it was more profitable to do the early steps of an event chain(aka pre events) than doing all of it. People started the event chain, then forced fail at some point to have it restart faster. Some event chains in Orr worked like this iirc and it lead to people being flamed in mapchat for completing events, which should never be tha case, you should never get flamed for playing the game as it is intended.

I think the solution for this would be to make participation dictate the end rewards. So essentially, if you do the entire event chain, the end boss will give the maximum amount of rewards. That would give people the incentive to do the entire chain without slipping anything if they want to maximize their rewards.  

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14 hours ago, Kotarnus.6217 said:

I think the solution for this would be to make participation dictate the end rewards. So essentially, if you do the entire event chain, the end boss will give the maximum amount of rewards. That would give people the incentive to do the entire chain without slipping anything if they want to maximize their rewards.  


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