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Server very unstable and laggy

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I suddenly started having lag issues about a week ago, im running an intel i5- 10400F with a Nvidia 1660 Super, which has been excelent for me, suddenly i go to WWW, and characters are jumping all around the screen, and skills continue to flash before activating from the lag, i even got kicked out of WVW and even disconected from client once. and i also get 300 ping.

Edited by SNIEVES.3964
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Does Arenanet even read these forums, have any tickets ever been submiited about this, i even hear members of my guild complaining about this in WVW to the point were they have to stop playing and log off because the game becomes unplayable, i play others games and they are fine, im running a intel I5 - 10400F , with a Nividia GTX 1660 Super from MSI, on a SSD and with 16 gigs of ram, even if i tuned down all my setting to low, i still have lag spikes and rubberbanding, if this continues i will most likely not not waist my money on buying EOD, and probably just move to another MMO game

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11 minutes ago, SNIEVES.3964 said:

Does Arenanet even read these forums, have any tickets ever been submiited about this, i even hear members of my guild complaining about this in WVW to the point were they have to stop playing and log off because the game becomes unplayable, i play others games and they are fine, im running a intel I5 - 10400F , with a Nividia GTX 1660 Super from MSI, on a SSD and with 16 gigs of ram, even if i tuned down all my setting to low, i still have lag spikes and rubberbanding, if this continues i will most likely not not waist my money on buying EOD, and probably just move to another MMO game

So, if others aren't having the issue, perhaps the problem isn't with Anet but with different internet service providers (ISPs)?  Instead of blaming Anet, those with issues should start troubleshooting from their own location and trace it back to Anet.  The fault may lie elsewhere.

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Could be that your firewall/network protection doesn't let through GW2.exe anymore. It's happened to me too like a week or so ago.

Manually re-adding it to the Allowed Apps solved it for me.

Might be a completely different issue, but who knows... Good luck, hop you can get it sorted soon!



For those who are actually crashing... Have you got the DirectX beta active? That's known to cause crashing too.

Edited by Vornollo.5182
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  • 4 months later...

Me and a friend have been having huge lag spikes, specially at evening from here. In the morning it all goes usually well, we do pvp and pve, but when we come back at evening its when the fun begins, skills taking seconds to activate, everything stoping and suddenly getting a huge amount of damage, players and mobs warping, and that's in pve, pvp gets even worse to the point we decided to not do any more pvp late in the day. We both have the highest internet pack and besides its the only game doing this, specially since we are using discord and we hear each other just fine there.

Edited by Noenp.2041
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