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[Build] open world celestial core engi


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Hello core engi friends!


If you feel like me and you are bored of holo and scrapper in open world I have created a pretty strong core hybrid build.

The purpose of this build is for open world only, you can solo bountys and HPs, but you can also do normal events, farming and all the open world stuff with a good mix of damage, CC and sustain.


Here is the link:




1. Gear, runes, sigils, weapon


The armor, weapon and trinktes are using full celestial stats

The reason for this is the high amount of pure stats you gain. A full setup of celestial will give you +639 stats to all 9 aviable stats. This sums up to a total amount of +5751


Comparing to a 3 stats setup (i.e. berserker) will give you +1382 to the primary stat (power) and +960 to both secondary stats (precision and ferocity) this sums up to a total amount of +3302


And comparing to a 4 stats setup (i.e. viper) will give you +1172 to both primary stats (power and condition damage) and +633 to both secondary stats (precision and experise) this sums tp to a total amount of +3610


Conclusion: Celestial gear has 74% more value of pure stats than 3 stats gear, and 59% more than 4 stats gear.


Runes are 6x superior rune of the berserker

Runes of the berserker will give you a total of +175 condition damage, +100 power, and a direct increase of +5% direct damage and +5% condition damage.

This runes seems the best choice for a raw damage boost of a hybrid build.

I thought about using runes of divinity, this would create more value of stats, but my idea here is that the sustain is already very good, and pure DPS runes will work better in the end.


Sigils are superior sigil of strength and superior sigil of geomancy

Core engi has really poor might application, sigil of strength will build up might in a long fight, it is possbile to maintain a total of 10-15 stacks, considering we have 58% boon duration.


Sigil of geomancy has 2 purposes. The primary purpose is the synergy with the trait sanguine array.

This trait will give you one stack might every time you apply bleed. In the best case you swap to a kit, this will trigger the sigil and apply 3 stacks bleed to every target around you. If you able to hit 5 targets you gain a total of 15 stacks might.

The secondary purpose is the damage output of this sigil, we have almost 100% duration on bleed this sigil will cause 3 stacks bleed for almost 16 sec.


Weapon of choice is rifle

Rifle has good burst damage, skill #3 will apply 3 stacks bleed to 5 targets and this will trigger sanguine array to a best case of 15 stacks might. Skill #4 is a strong cc on low CD, this allows us to break CC bars quickly and removes immobilize, cripple and chill from you. Skill #5 is a strong burst skill with the ability to move around quickly if necesarry.



2. Skills


Heal Skill is elixir H

We are using alchemy with HGH trait, this improves elixir H, additionally this skill is easy and fast to use (heal Turret could be messed up) and gives us a good amount of boons, the toolbelt skill of elixir H is also a great skill for aoe boons.

But heal turret is also a solid option if you can blast the waterfield twice.


Bomb kit

This kit is a good one for hybrid damage, soft CC, and it offers strong CC and power damage with tool belt skill.


Grenade kit

Same goes for grenades, it has a good mix of hybrid damage, is a fully ranged option, and is able to apply a lot of vulnerability. Skill #2 is on only 5 sec CD, applying 3 stacks aoe bleed which results again in might.


Flamethrower kit

This is mostly a kit which is used for condition damage (burning) it has synergy to keep up thermal vision trait. And it offers some CC with #3 and a blind without activation time #5 (can be used while you are CCed)


Why i am using 3 kits?

I have tested a lot in open world if i can make use of "normal" skills like elixirs or gadgets, but it came clearely out that a traditional 3 kit build will work at best, both damage and utility wise.


Elite Skill is supply crate

It is a super strong CC, and dont forget, the net turret is overchaged and the first shot will stun the target additionally, this is great for CC bars. Supply crate is also a good panic button for 2 condition clears and small heal (heal turret overcharge) in an aoe.

The toolbelt skill is great for a full condition clear and picking up the med packs, this skill could also be used before you started a fight to be prepared.

Mortar kit could be an alternative, the the only skills that seems to be worth is #4. Toolbelt is literally useless.



2. Traits


Explosives with 2-2-3

Short fuse will give you permanent fury, this is a great damage boost for power damage, and the higher crit chance will trigger sharpshooter more often which results in more might.


Explosive temper is the only trait in this tier which is a flat increase in damage. The other traits doesnt seem to be valueable enough.


Big boomer is a great choice, it increases the damage by 10% and it will give you an effect wich heals you for around 330 per secound (with celestial gear). In my expirience shrapnel is very effective too, due to sanguine array, but i still prefer big boomer mainly for the high heal per sec.


Firearms with 2-2-3

Sanguine array is in my opinion a very underrated trait, especially it is the crucial trait for this build to maintain high amount of might stacks. Frequently used skills which trigger it are blunderbuss, sigil of geomancy, shrapnel grenade and passive sharpshooter. I have tried to use the other traits too, but trust me, try sanguine array with that high bleed setup. You will be surprised how strong that is.


Thermal Vision is used because it seems to be the best damage boost in this tier. It is frequently triggered by burning skills, and almost everytime active. The 150 additional experise increases the bleed and burn duration to almost 100%. No Scope seems to be a loss, because we already have permanent fury due to short fuse and the 150 ferocity alone isnt worth it.


Incendiary powder is the best choice, it provides +33% burn duration (this is great because we us flamethrower) and a passive dps increase with the trigger effect. Modified ammunition seems weaker in comparsion, this may not be the case on bosses with a lot of conditions on it.


Alchemy with 2-3-1

Protection injection is a really good choice for self sustain, this build has no stunbreak and a passive triggered protection is great if you are CCed and have to "wait" while taking 33% less damage.


Backpack regenerator is a passive heal of around 150 per sec (with celestial), since this build is mainly using kits, this heal sums up with big boomer and results in around 480 heal per sec.


HGH is taken because we are using Elixir H, and dont forget the passive elixirs in the alchemy traitline (hidden flask and transmute).


The last minor trait in alchemy is great for sustain, compounding chemicals is "only" around 50 heal per boon (with celestial) but remember we will gain a lot of might from sanguine array. A full hit of geomancy sigil or blunderbuss with 5 targets will heal you for 750.



3. Usage of this build


When starting the fight it is important to stack up might, doesnt matter if one target or more. You start the fight with a blunderbuss, swap to grenade kit (sigil of geomancy) and then shrapnel grenade. For this opening you generate 3+3+3=9 stacks bleed on your target which results in 9 stacks might for you. For more targets you gain more might. Use bleed applying skills everytime it is possible to generate might.


This build is reliant of good positioning and kiting, you still cant facetank strong enemies, but your passive regeneration of big boomer, backpack regenerator and compounding chemicals will hold your HP up if you doesnt do too many mistakes.


The pure DPS output isnt that great, but it isnt bad too. Keep in mind that constant kit swapping and using the strongest skills aviable is important. It is pretty much just the normal kit rotation that condi DPS builds are using. I have reached 11k DPS on golem without external effects, i think thats pretty solid for a build with that great sustain.


This build is not beginner friendly, the constant kit swapping, knowledge of positioning, using soft or hard CCs on demand, and using the right skill at the right time are making this build hard to learn if your are not familiar with kits.


4. Last words


I was bored by elite specs, and was looking for a good working open world core engi build which i can also use for solo stuff. I was very impressed when i first tried this build, and i really enjoy playing it. I hope i can inspire someone who is looking for a build like this.


Thanks for reading, feel free to try it!


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Hey I think that you are better with using mortar instead of supp crate and Elementalist runes instead of berserker. I am also not sure if Rifle is the right choice because this build only has 65% crit chance (with fury) and very low power. 

Besides from the maybe low power damage, this build looks fun.

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Pretty solid build!  It's nice for newer players or boosted players with the starter Celestial gear who need something reliable to run.  Thanks for taking the time to explain it all.

I use something similar but I think I camp grenades a lot more than you do.




I call it the grenade spammer.  Easy permanent 25 might, easy 15 to 25 vuln, tons of strong bleeds, decent power damage, constant heals from Alchemy 2nd Major and 3rd minor.

Edited by Stx.4857
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The purpose of this build is for open world only, you can solo bountys and HPs

Some video against some HoT HP, legendary, bounty and so would be nice.
I'm really not a fan of all these "open world solo" guide that with no proof, most of the time (no offense) are extremely weak (metabattle is a good exemple, many of their solo build are bad).

And sometime they just put video of the easiest they can find which is also disappointing.

So far, Lord Hizen, Paper roll or even Vallun (tend to be a bit more squishy but can do every content easily, fair trade-off) are good exemple of guide + proof = real efficiency.

Don't see this post at a personal attack, that just my opinion on these kind of guide.


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