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Delete unranked revive hot join


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We need the place where people can just hop in and out, it worked super well back in the day, clicking play now, being easy able to do your dailys or try builds out. 

Allowing matches up to 8vs8 (or 10vs10 in stronghold) to create a bit of a chaotic but fun time, and if you have enaugh you leave it. 

Splitting the community into unranked and ranked is a bit of a half baked cake. On one hand you have players that are completely new, joining unranked and getting farmed by veterans and getting no fun out of a match while veterans just wait till better time is for the ranked q. On the other hand is taking unranked a part of the toxic environment that competetiv play brings with it(which can be also resolved by playing hot join). 

Instead of having unranked and ranked, remove the minimum requirements for ranked, let new players start with bronze mmr instead of gold mmr. 

Make a play now, ranked and a 2vs2/3vs3 button. 

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Hot joins were how I got into pvp back in the day. I am not a great player, mechanically speaking, but I was downright horrible when I started. The super casual environment was therefore much more appealing than jumping straight into solo arena play. There is a big segment of players who would be similarly well-served by hot joins, especially if rewards could be worked out to a reasonable degree.

On the other hand, a hot join environment inevitably teaches a lot of bad habits that don't translate well to regular ranked play. Regardless of whether the new player / casual environment is hot joins or unranked, the game still needs a better way to teach players how to play conquest.

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15 hours ago, covahlam.6391 said:

On the other hand, a hot join environment inevitably teaches a lot of bad habits that don't translate well to regular ranked play. Regardless of whether the new player / casual environment is hot joins or unranked, the game still needs a better way to teach players how to play conquest.

The bad habits are everywhere, the big majority in this community, I would even say 99%, are not knowing how this gamemode works

It wouldn't change anything, but newer players would have a way more chill place to check out pvp

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Hotjoin is gone. I seems to me that the public arena has replaced the dueling servers…


The public arena wouldn’t be a bad thing…if it wasn’t a free for all brawl. People are too busy trying to dunk on as many people as they can before getting clapped back to respawn to do it over again till they get their que.


the public arena was a good idea but it was badly implemented and resulted in the death of hotjoin duel servers. Hotjoin was already on its death throes but that was the nail in the coffin.


the public arena just needs to be changed to not be a brawling thing and more a dueling thing…so that people are more inclined to watch players duel and speak to each other. Otherwise it has to go and servers need a rethinking because it won’t just revive itself without some intervention

Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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I agree. This has been brought up multiple times in the past, I added more of my thoughts here:



To me, it comes down to:

- Not dividing the community between FFA, hotjoin, unranked, and ranked

- Fostering a sense of community through servers, casual play, and spectator mode

- Using spectator mode to help players learn

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21 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

The bad habits are everywhere, the big majority in this community, I would even say 99%, are not knowing how this gamemode works

It wouldn't change anything, but newer players would have a way more chill place to check out pvp


I just remembered the whole 'choose your map' angle. What a great thing. Sometimes you just don't want to play skyhammer or on Coliseum for the umpteenth time in a row. I'm convinced. Bring back hot joins!

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