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Nerf confirmed for Renegade, Firebrand, and Scourge with Expansion launch


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Well those changes are a bit of a meme to be honest. 

In general, Firebrand and scourge damage remain the same. Renegade was hit through battle scars.

Heal Firebrand still the best in slot for 5man, even more now even. Shield 4 and retreat still cover your need for aegis.

People will say now that scourge is bad again (which it isnt).

You can probably just run 4 condi renegades for alac instead of two. Yay I guess?

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  • 1 year later...

You know....  The players who are saying Necro, what ever build, is "OP".....  Are players who want killing a Necro in WvW even easier than it already is.  This bullying the Necro by other classes is being supported by the developers, which is evident with ever "nerf" they further give the Necro class.  Players who put their time and effort into their Necro Main, should consider leaving the game.  This kind of thing, is part of the reason why World of Warcraft fell apart.  Players who put years of work in their "WOW" Warrior, got a slap in the face when the "devs" "nerfed" that class to garbage and players started kicking all Warriors out of their squads.

Necros already have very little use in WvW.  They can't Roam...  If you Roam on any Necro, Core, Scourge, Reaper....  9 times out of 10, your dead...because other classes are better built for WvW.  Core Necro doesn't have as much Boon-Strip as Scourge, so why care about Cores in the Zerg....when you know you'll get more hitting power from a Reaper?

Most Reapers get killed just trying to get to another player because Necros don't have attacks that lunge/teleport you foward and the Necro Class never had any real speed anyway.  The fastest Necro Class is the Scourge but that's if you trait for it and slot the right actions on your action-tray.  Reaper shroud is so short, it's non-existent.

Why not "nerf" all the long ranged damage in WvW....  Why not "nerf" the effect of shared Boons, so Zergs can't God Blob....  Why not allow traps to vanish in time like the Necro's Marks vanish in time.....

There's so much the Necro Class is lacking and yet, the "Devs" are supporting the player bullying of the class, instead of fixing the class.

How about giving the Necro the right-side of the action bar while in Shrould, so we can have a chance to gain speed and break-stun/etc....  How about making the Necro's marks harder to dodge or add some knock-down that stacks duration per mark, to players that get caught by the easily dodged/blocked marks....  How about adding some stability to Core Necro's shroud activation, so Core can actually do something while in Shroud instead of being "CC'ed" the whole time....  How about increasing the damage of the Life Drain while in Core Shroud, so it can actually be a weapon instead of a feather tickler....

"Nah"....  "Nah...."  The "Devs" can't do that but they can allow the Willbender to gain almost every Boon right at the start of the battle....  That can't do that, but they can allow the Willbender's attacks to dodge hits as well....  They can't do that, but they can allow a Ranger to rapid shot you to death in the far distance, while a pet is eating on you....  They can't do that,  but they can allow an "Engi" and high range DPS you down, while their Mech has you slammed down for 10+ seconds....  They can't do that, but allow the Mesmer to forever be an "OP" class with clones and high ranged DPS....  They can't do that, but allow all other classes to deal greater condi damage than the Necro class, that's based on condi damage.....

See, you don't have to state the developers are bad...  They are telling you they're bad through their developing!  Guildwars 2 is on borrowed time....  As soon as something done right, more so than GW2 and feature quality PvP, players are gone.  You can bet the baby's diaper money on that!





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