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Dragon's End is the best thing about End of Dragon's. Please do not nerf it.

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Dragon's End has received a great deal of criticism that I believe is not justified. In my opinion, Dragon's End is the best Meta in the game. And the greatest content that has come out with the expansion. Nerfing the meta would significantly deteriorate the quality of the expansion.


Dragon's End is the only meta event in the game that requires players to organize and work together to achieve victory. This makes Dragon's End a unique experience that stands out from all other open-world content in Guild wars 2. It is the first time since Heart of Thorns release that players face the possibility of failing a meta event. This level of difficulty appeals to thousands of Guild Wars 2 players. Nerfing Dragon's End would further disappoint this part of the community. This is the part of the community that isn't elitist, but that clears raids/strikes/fractals casually. The part of the community that still plays despite having not gotten a new raid release in 1000 days (literally 1000 days today).


Nerfing this event is also completely unnecessary as there are already loads of world bosses that offer this lower level of difficulty. I do not believe it is worth it to further alienate a considerable part of the community just to cater to a part of the community which is already being catered to with all the other content in this expansion.

Lore wise it also makes sense that the event is difficult, but i don't really talk about that because i do not know how to hide spoilers and i really don't care about the Guild Wars 2 story.

However, things can be done to improve the event are:- Adding a 50 man instanced version of just the final boss (so no 15% dmg buff).- Make it easier to get your squad on the map. It can be annoying to organize a run if half the squad gets locked out of the map.


Finally, I would like to address some criticisms of the meta:

"PuGs can't clear this / It is too difficult" - That is what makes people like it. There are also plenty of discords that organize runs that almost always succeed. I would highly recommend joining these. Playing an MMO with other players can actually be a lot of fun.

"It's pure RNG, you can't kill it without breakbar phase" - I agree that the breakbar does add a significant amount of variance, but bad luck is never the reason a run fails. There are commanders with a 100% win rate with a dozen kills.

"Tail RNG Reeee" - Similar to above. I also believe you only get back to back tails if you are slow at bursting down the tail.

"I want my turtle" - If people really want a mount with a move speed that matches their IQ then anet can add the turtle as a reward to another piece of content and add some other reward to Dragon's End.

"The loot is Bad" - I agree, but adding more loot would make people want to see it nerfed even more. So I think it is best to keep it so that only players that enjoy the meta do the meta.



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It is the first time since Heart of Thorns release that players face the possibility of failing a meta event. This level of difficulty appeals to thousands of Guild Wars 2 players.

At this point, I'm really wondering if we are all playing the same game. Or, how many times did some of you try to do the event.


My experience:

First time I tried and failed it I thought to myself "well, well, this is really fun. Doesn't matter we've failed, I'll give it another go".

Same day, 2 hours later , with a really good group, split in subgroups for boons, no-one dying, everybody doing mechanics "Do preevent, meta, boss, fail 1%. Well, this was still a fun experience". 

Second day, first try "oook, preevents... I can see this becoming really boring over time... Ok, every region is on high, we've got a good group, let's go. fail 5%. why is she switching sides so often, we can barely get to hit her. Are we doing something wrong here?"

Second day, second try, not a very coordinated group "everybody is going down, but at least we're getting some cc phases and we actually cc her. wait, we just cced her, why is she switching sides? and again, switching sides, and again, and again. fail 13% or smth"

3 more tries over the weekend, all with different squads, some more organized than others, different fail percentages, different number of cc phases (only 1 cc phase till 13% in one run) at random percentages, different number of tail phases, VERY different number of side-switches.

Finally, 8th try, a well coordinated group, with, I'd say 60% raid builds, no voice, 10 subgroups for boons, food, a very good comm, 3 cc phases, 2 tails through all the fight, only 1 tail happening at the same time with the cc, but didn't matter cause we were at 22% and about to phase her. MOST IMPORTANTLY, she didn't switch sides like a maniac, especially in the last 10%, she switched only twice.


Now, the biggest problem I have with this boss is the RNG AI that chooses what skill should she use next. Have you ever seen a run in which she switches sides 5 times in a row? You can barely get to her, touch her for 3-4 seconds, if you manage to get there in time, that is, and then off she goes again. Tell me, what are you thinking when she does that?



"The loot is Bad" - I agree, but adding more loot would make people want to see it nerfed even more. So I think it is best to keep it so that only players that enjoy the meta do the meta.

So you think that the veterans and the guilds that coordinate this kind of events and have a higher success rate than the majority of the players, will come back and do DE more than any other meta that gives a kitten tone of loot, just because it's challenging?



"I want my turtle" - If people really want a mount with a move speed that matches their IQ then anet can add the turtle as a reward to another piece of content and add some other reward to Dragon's End.


Yes, I wanted my turtle and I got it. God bless, she can be fast. Though that's the primary reason I tried to do the meta, I also wanted to beat this kitten event just for the sake of beating it. After that much time wasted, I don't feel it was really worth it. Don't know how much time I'll be using the turtle in gw2, unless they give us something to use it for in the next living world season.



"It's pure RNG, you can't kill it without breakbar phase" - I agree that the breakbar does add a significant amount of variance, but bad luck is never the reason a run fails. There are commanders with a 100% win rate with a dozen kills.


Ah, yes, the breakbar. Thank you for reminding me about this one. It seems like is not enough for everybody to use their cc skills. We needed to get electromagnetic pulses from the united legions waystations, so we could actually cc the kitten bar. Also, to get remote charges, because some shields and rocks take WAY MORE DAMAGE from those charges than from the normal skills.

I know we had this mechanic in drizzle to open the gates, but this is not the same problem. In that map, war supplies were thrown basically everywhere on the map. It was easy to get the currency for them. Some people in Dragon's End (maybe new accounts, maybe people who just never played IBS) had no idea what those pulses were, what they were doing and how to get them.


If removing mechanics from this boss means "nerfing", please don't nerf. If tuning down the kitten RNG AI and putting some cooldowns on her skills means "nerfing", please nerf.

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1 hour ago, jooostt.5891 said:
Dragon's End is the only meta event in the game that requires players to organize and work together to achieve victory.

No it isn't, HoT metas still require players to organize and work together, they are just a lot more forgiving now because of mounts and power creep. They may not require voice chat levels of organizing, but if voice chat is a requirement for any open world fight, GW2 needs to provide built-in voice chat, otherwise it's an absurd expectation.

1 hour ago, jooostt.5891 said:
This is the part of the community that isn't elitist, but that clears raids/strikes/fractals casually. The part of the community that still plays despite having not gotten a new raid release in 1000 days (literally 1000 days today).
If people really want a mount with a move speed that matches their IQ

Yeah, definitely no elitism to see here...

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Love all those sweaty 1 post alt accounts coming out of the woodworks spamming the forum with the same thing over and over.

The Meta already got nerfed once, and Anet's stats will decide if it continues to get nerfed, depending on player completion.
Same thing goes for the turtle aquisition. It will change if stats don't reach Anet's goal, they've already posted about that.

I doubt they want to repeat their mistake with Serpent's Ire & Marionette.

Here, look for yourself:

"If these changes don’t have the effect we’re looking for, we'll look at further changes to the encounter or potentially offer alternative acquisition paths for the Siege Turtle collection."

Edited by Raknar.4735
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2 hours ago, decease.3215 said:

If they put it in a instance and make it a raid.  Sure


If they want us to organize group while map have a low population limit.  👎


Dude just be a streamer easy clears!

Remove the BS rng mechanics and put a looong CD on tails spawning / moving sides. Also fix whirlpools to not scale to the moon, as it's literally better to die and come back than break them Rest of the fight is perfect.

Edited by Shiyo.3578
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12 minutes ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

Dude just be a streamer easy clears!

Remove the BS rng mechanics and put a looong CD on tails spawning / moving sides. Also fix whirlpools to not scale to the moon, as it's literally better to die and come back than break them Rest of the fight is perfect.

Do you always raid with your guild?  or do you also do PUG meta?   When you do PUG runs have you ever experience changing map, then map full, you are unable to enter?  happen to me many times.. i waste more then 10 hours trying to load into the right map. 


if you have never experience this before, please teach me your way.  if you never PUG for this meta, then you are only speaking for yourself.

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