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Give us back Equilibrium (PvP related)


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@narcx.3570 said:

@Justine.6351 said:You guys might want to try incensed response first. easy 25 without even trying.

Haven't used Equilibrium since this trait was reworked... It's so crazy strong with Herald. Even more so now.

@Oroborus.3254 said:

@Justine.6351 said:You guys might want to try incensed response first. easy 25 without even trying.

Well the thing about that.... is you could just try to stack might and still get 20 easily, AND have a bursting trait in EquilibriumIt is already possible to get max might if you try with rev so that is a wasted trait imo.

Not sure how you're power stacking 25 might and staying over 50 energy to proc your Eq, but more power to you.

Very doable when swapping from Glint to Shiro: you use your facets, get 2 stacks per each from NM (plus 1 from herald trait + sigil procs + UA might stacking + F2) and get your energy back.

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@Gandarel.5091 said:

@narcx.3570 said:

@Justine.6351 said:You guys might want to try incensed response first. easy 25 without even trying.

Haven't used Equilibrium since this trait was reworked... It's so crazy strong with Herald. Even more so now.

@Oroborus.3254 said:

@Justine.6351 said:You guys might want to try incensed response first. easy 25 without even trying.

Well the thing about that.... is you could just try to stack might and still get 20 easily, AND have a bursting trait in EquilibriumIt is already possible to get max might if you try with rev so that is a wasted trait imo.

Not sure how you're power stacking 25 might and staying over 50 energy to proc your Eq, but more power to you.

Personally, I'd rather just get my instant 25 might, use my 50 energy to blow somebody up, and move on to the next +1.

You just don't understand how revenant works.

Equilibrium was our only way to make unfavorable matchups somewhat bearable, like the Thief one. Now we have nothing. It was very good with Glint, which is an almost free legend, how do you even blow your energy on this legend for burst? You don't, except for Equ.

But what I can't understand is why did they have to remove it? Why not remove Rapid Flow, something nobody uses, ever?

I get the synergy of when a thief steal bombs you want to have your swap stun break blow them up too--it's a lot how reapers try to fight them and is definitely strongish in a dueling situation... But I find in conquest it's usually better to do most of your hard offensive pressure vs thiefs in Glint (sotm, ps, ua), pop Gaze to block their stealth, and then be able to swap to shiro to PT chase down their retreat. If you immediately swap to shiro and try to burst them down, you won't have reveal or enough energy for PT, so there's no way to stop them from just disengaging and reopening on you a few seconds later. To each their own tho...

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@narcx.3570 said:

@Gandarel.5091 said:

@narcx.3570 said:

@Justine.6351 said:You guys might want to try incensed response first. easy 25 without even trying.

Haven't used Equilibrium since this trait was reworked... It's so crazy strong with Herald. Even more so now.

@Oroborus.3254 said:

@Justine.6351 said:You guys might want to try incensed response first. easy 25 without even trying.

Well the thing about that.... is you could just try to stack might and still get 20 easily, AND have a bursting trait in EquilibriumIt is already possible to get max might if you try with rev so that is a wasted trait imo.

Not sure how you're power stacking 25 might and staying over 50 energy to proc your Eq, but more power to you.

Personally, I'd rather just get my instant 25 might, use my 50 energy to blow somebody up, and move on to the next +1.

You just don't understand how revenant works.

Equilibrium was our only way to make unfavorable matchups somewhat bearable, like the Thief one. Now we have nothing. It was very good with Glint, which is an almost free legend, how do you even blow your energy on this legend for burst? You don't, except for Equ.

But what I can't understand is why did they have to remove it? Why not remove Rapid Flow, something nobody uses, ever?

I get the synergy of when a thief steal bombs you want to have your swap stun break blow them up too--it's a lot how reapers try to fight them and is definitely strongish in a dueling situation... But I find in conquest it's usually better to do most of your hard offensive pressure vs thiefs in Glint (sotm, ps, ua), pop Gaze to block their stealth, and then be able to swap to shiro to PT chase down their retreat. If you immediately swap to shiro and try to burst them down, you won't have reveal or enough energy for PT, so there's no way to stop them from just disengaging and reopening on you a few seconds later. To each their own tho...

It's not just the burst on stunbreak. It's the instant damage that you can sneak between enemy evades and other cracks in any build's defenses.

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@Ragion.2831 said:I dont know what you need equilibrium for when you have two new burst skills on sword plus equilibrium was way too restrictive.

Sword 4 is now lacking a block. The actual skill is a nice buffed version of the old chain skill, but it still has the same stupid problem that it's too slow.

Sword 5 has a range of 600. It is literally thief's Cloak and Dagger -> steal -> backstab combo, except the range is half, the first hit tickles, and the second hit doesn't hurt as bad as backstab and is too slow to ever hit.

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@witcher.3197 said:

@All Matters Fecal.9560 said:Going full glass cannon sword 4 can crit for 12k. After sword 3 and baiting their dodges a sword 4 can end the fight on multiple targets in seconds.

How are you still complaining?

Oh look a thief main trying to derail a topic about the removal of revenant's only effective tool against thieves.


I'm not a thief main. You think forum icons invalidate anyone's opinion?

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@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

@All Matters Fecal.9560 said:Going full glass cannon sword 4 can crit for 12k. After sword 3 and baiting their dodges a sword 4 can end the fight on multiple targets in seconds.

How are you still complaining?

Can you show footage of you on revenant destroying Platinum scrubs with sword 4 please.

No, I can't. Carry on being miserable.

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@All Matters Fecal.9560 said:

@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

@All Matters Fecal.9560 said:Going full glass cannon sword 4 can crit for 12k. After sword 3 and baiting their dodges a sword 4 can end the fight on multiple targets in seconds.

How are you still complaining?

Can you show footage of you on revenant destroying Platinum scrubs with sword 4 please.

No, I can't. Carry on being miserable.

Carry on talking about things you know nothing about

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@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

@All Matters Fecal.9560 said:Going full glass cannon sword 4 can crit for 12k. After sword 3 and baiting their dodges a sword 4 can end the fight on multiple targets in seconds.

How are you still complaining?

Can you show footage of you on revenant destroying Platinum scrubs with sword 4 please.

No, I can't. Carry on being miserable.

Carry on talking about things you know nothing about

Your constant forum whining in every thread isn't accomplishing anything. Why don't you have discussions about adapting, builds, and techniques instead?

This goes for everyone.

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@All Matters Fecal.9560 said:

@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

@All Matters Fecal.9560 said:Going full glass cannon sword 4 can crit for 12k. After sword 3 and baiting their dodges a sword 4 can end the fight on multiple targets in seconds.

How are you still complaining?

Can you show footage of you on revenant destroying Platinum scrubs with sword 4 please.

No, I can't. Carry on being miserable.

Carry on talking about things you know nothing about

Your constant forum whining in every thread isn't accomplishing anything. Why don't you have discussions about adapting, builds, and techniques instead?

This goes for everyone.

Forum posts have totally never ever inspired balance changes. /s

Why are you even here? All you're doing is trolling this thread lol

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@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

@All Matters Fecal.9560 said:Going full glass cannon sword 4 can crit for 12k. After sword 3 and baiting their dodges a sword 4 can end the fight on multiple targets in seconds.

How are you still complaining?

Can you show footage of you on revenant destroying Platinum scrubs with sword 4 please.

No, I can't. Carry on being miserable.

Carry on talking about things you know nothing about

Your constant forum whining in every thread isn't accomplishing anything. Why don't you have discussions about adapting, builds, and techniques instead?

This goes for everyone.

Forum posts have totally never ever inspired balance changes. /s

Why are you even here? All you're doing is trolling this thread lol

I come to discuss why opening channels of discussion regarding a solution to the perceived bad situation you seem to be in hasn't been happening and you accuse me of trolling. I'm making suggestions to help you and others help yourselves. Why am I the bad guy now?

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@All Matters Fecal.9560 said:

@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

@All Matters Fecal.9560 said:Going full glass cannon sword 4 can crit for 12k. After sword 3 and baiting their dodges a sword 4 can end the fight on multiple targets in seconds.

How are you still complaining?

Can you show footage of you on revenant destroying Platinum scrubs with sword 4 please.

No, I can't. Carry on being miserable.

Carry on talking about things you know nothing about

Your constant forum whining in every thread isn't accomplishing anything. Why don't you have discussions about adapting, builds, and techniques instead?

This goes for everyone.

There is nothing to "adapt". Please point me to an instant source of high damage for revenant. Hint: there's none. Equilibrium was all we had to combat slippery classes like thief and mesmer, which was already a bad matchup for revs mind you, now it's even worse. Sword 4 is nice, but It's not instant, not point blank, can't be used while stunned, etc.

Equilibrium was a versatile source of damage that easily separated good and bad revs. It could be used on both weapons even while using other skills or evading, damaging everyone around the rev. It was invaluable.

Imagine if Anet removed damage and healing from Steal with some nonsese excuse like "it was hard to use". Whoever made this change has never played rev in pvp, or played 1 game, failed and thought this is too hard..

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@witcher.3197 said:

@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

@All Matters Fecal.9560 said:Going full glass cannon sword 4 can crit for 12k. After sword 3 and baiting their dodges a sword 4 can end the fight on multiple targets in seconds.

How are you still complaining?

Can you show footage of you on revenant destroying Platinum scrubs with sword 4 please.

No, I can't. Carry on being miserable.

Carry on talking about things you know nothing about

Your constant forum whining in every thread isn't accomplishing anything. Why don't you have discussions about adapting, builds, and techniques instead?

This goes for everyone.

There is nothing to "adapt". Please point me to an instant source of high damage for revenant. Hint: there's none. Equilibrium was all we had to combat slippery classes like thief and mesmer, which was already a bad matchup for revs mind you, now it's even worse. Sword 4 is nice, but It's not instant, not point blank, can't be used while stunned, etc.

Equilibrium was a versatile source of damage that easily separated good and bad revs. It could be used on
both weapons
using other skills or evading, damaging everyone around the rev. It was invaluable.

Imagine if Anet removed damage and healing from Steal with some nonsese excuse like "it was hard to use". Whoever made this change has never played rev in pvp, or played 1 game, failed and thought this is too hard..

I had three people whisper me during/after a match tonight saying "i've never been bursted that hard by a Rev before, what's your build?"

Your 3rd sentence is simply not true.

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@All Matters Fecal.9560 said:

@witcher.3197 said:

@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

@All Matters Fecal.9560 said:Going full glass cannon sword 4 can crit for 12k. After sword 3 and baiting their dodges a sword 4 can end the fight on multiple targets in seconds.

How are you still complaining?

Can you show footage of you on revenant destroying Platinum scrubs with sword 4 please.

No, I can't. Carry on being miserable.

Carry on talking about things you know nothing about

Your constant forum whining in every thread isn't accomplishing anything. Why don't you have discussions about adapting, builds, and techniques instead?

This goes for everyone.

There is nothing to "adapt". Please point me to an instant source of high damage for revenant. Hint: there's none. Equilibrium was all we had to combat slippery classes like thief and mesmer, which was already a bad matchup for revs mind you, now it's even worse. Sword 4 is nice, but It's not instant, not point blank, can't be used while stunned, etc.

Equilibrium was a versatile source of damage that easily separated good and bad revs. It could be used on
both weapons
using other skills or evading, damaging everyone around the rev. It was invaluable.

Imagine if Anet removed damage and healing from Steal with some nonsese excuse like "it was hard to use". Whoever made this change has never played rev in pvp, or played 1 game, failed and thought this is too hard..

I had three people whisper me during/after a match tonight saying "i've never been bursted that hard by a Rev before, what's your build?"

Your 3rd sentence is simply not true.

May i ask what is your rating?

And please stop deflecting again, that's why nobody takes you seriously. Nobody said rev can't do burst at all, it's about how that burst is delivered and cutting equilibrium means we are no longer able to burst certain specs or in certain situations, which cuts down out options and viability.

Zerker deadeye has the best burst in the game yet it's completely unviable in anything but elohell, "maximum burst potential" is not really an arguement that matters in PvP.

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@witcher.3197 said:

@witcher.3197 said:

@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

@All Matters Fecal.9560 said:Going full glass cannon sword 4 can crit for 12k. After sword 3 and baiting their dodges a sword 4 can end the fight on multiple targets in seconds.

How are you still complaining?

Can you show footage of you on revenant destroying Platinum scrubs with sword 4 please.

No, I can't. Carry on being miserable.

Carry on talking about things you know nothing about

Your constant forum whining in every thread isn't accomplishing anything. Why don't you have discussions about adapting, builds, and techniques instead?

This goes for everyone.

There is nothing to "adapt". Please point me to an instant source of high damage for revenant. Hint: there's none. Equilibrium was all we had to combat slippery classes like thief and mesmer, which was already a bad matchup for revs mind you, now it's even worse. Sword 4 is nice, but It's not instant, not point blank, can't be used while stunned, etc.

Equilibrium was a versatile source of damage that easily separated good and bad revs. It could be used on
both weapons
using other skills or evading, damaging everyone around the rev. It was invaluable.

Imagine if Anet removed damage and healing from Steal with some nonsese excuse like "it was hard to use". Whoever made this change has never played rev in pvp, or played 1 game, failed and thought this is too hard..

I had three people whisper me during/after a match tonight saying "i've never been bursted that hard by a Rev before, what's your build?"

Your 3rd sentence is simply not true.

May i ask what is your rating?

And please stop deflecting again, that's why nobody takes you seriously. Nobody said rev can't do burst at all, it's about how that burst is delivered and cutting equilibrium means we are no longer able to burst certain specs or in certain situations, which cuts down out options and viability.

Zerker deadeye has the best burst in the game yet it's completely unviable in anything but elohell, "maximum burst potential" is not really an arguement that matters in PvP.

This dude's first comment in thread

"Why are people treating equilibrium as if it was a core trait that defined their build??"

If he didn't recognize Equilibrium was build defining for power rev since it's existence, there's no use explaining now.

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@Abelisk.4527 said:Doesn't matter, Incensed Response is better. Power Revs hit harder, now. It's good that the skill cap is lower, since more players can be successful with it, now.

Really, more might was the answer? We didn't already have Nefarious Momentum? On top of any might from team?

Lower skill cap, AND lower potential.

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