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since theyre gonna add merchant to buy turtle egg with writs ,i think people who got their eggs from/ done meta should get something  special , cuz meta  requires a lot of work;  my idea is actually a skin for turtle ;
 water dragon skin
 its like water dragon backpiece  but dragon siluette covering shell and shell  itself looks like made out of water.
https://imgur.com/a/cyuTKNY water dragon backpiece

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6 hours ago, Magenall.5374 said:

since theyre gonna add merchant to buy turtle egg with writs ,i think people who got their eggs from/ done meta should get something  special , cuz meta  requires a lot of work;  my idea is actually a skin for turtle ;
 water dragon skin
 its like water dragon backpiece  but dragon siluette covering shell and shell  itself looks like made out of water.
https://imgur.com/a/cyuTKNY water dragon backpiece


Everyone who got their egg before the meta got to have the turtle before all of the others.  That's their reward.

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6 hours ago, Magenall.5374 said:

  u need to know 3 thing for meta ; stack , cc, avoid stuff , if you have people that can do these 3 basic stuff its easy .


And yet, you think we should get a skin for it with this change. With these type of comments you just fuel the shouts of "elitists!", and lend credence to the arguments that this is all about prestige & status. Maybe something to keep in mind.

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10 hours ago, Magenall.5374 said:

problem is not stuff getting locked behind meta, problem is people wanting stuff with low effort , meta is not easy its true but its not that hard too ,  u need to know 3 thing for meta ; stack , cc, avoid stuff , if you have people that can do these 3 basic stuff its easy .

so the logic is: meta is easy. give us extra rewards for doing something easy?

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absolutely not. your reward for succeeding the meta is a ton of loot and, on a first clear, unlocking the turtle collection with less grind needed. farming the writs required for the turtle egg still requires a lot of work, it's just of a different kind.


don't get me wrong, I love mount skins, but the underlying toxicity of the community has already surfaced as a result of this meta. adding a clear-exclusive skin would make it much, much worse.

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Absolutely no. In fact, i think this kind of mindset in gw2 should be heavily discouraged by all means necessary.

I have seen daily such maps where people are harrashing other people to leave the map so "right people" can fit in. I have seen people offering gold for people to leave. I have seen people cursing to other people on map blaming them for any troubles in event. I have seen people measuring random players dps numbers and mocking them openly about those in mapchat. I have seen people calling other players names in chat and asking that people on map report them to "get them banned for fishing in map when meta is on". Why would you want to encourage this kind of behaviour? These people don't deserve extra skins, they deserve a ban.

Oh and if you wonder, I got my turtle already last weeks friday, 9 days ago, before any changes to fight were done. What were the key factors on it? I was LUCKY to end up to good map and we were LUCKY that boss did not bug around on cc-tail phase. We did not cheese green circles. People did mess up things. But we got it done because we were lucky with the phases. That's all it needed. Luck. No one was super special skill master, it was all about luck. And if you got it done luck has been reason or at least major factor for you as well.

Edited by radium.7350
comma error
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16 hours ago, mythical.6315 said:

Everyone who got their egg before the meta got to have the turtle before all of the others.  That's their reward.

yeah that reward will be less  special cuz people will get egg from a merchant right after its added into the game , wanting a reward for people who done something  challenging is not bad thing , if you wanna get it you have to push yourself and if you dont wanna push yourself  you don't deserve it . i don't like pvp but i like the ascension , so im pushing myself to play pvp so i can get what i want .

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14 minutes ago, Magenall.5374 said:

yeah that reward will be less  special cuz people will get egg from a merchant right after its added into the game , wanting a reward for people who done something  challenging is not bad thing , if you wanna get it you have to push yourself and if you dont wanna push yourself  you don't deserve it . i don't like pvp but i like the ascension , so im pushing myself to play pvp so i can get what i want .


The mount wasn't really all that special in the first place.

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Yes. Something new and nice and tradable.

So the reward is good because it's rewarding and not locking anyone out from it if they really want it.


It doesn't seem the meta scaling will be changed anytime soon so there need to be significant increases in rewards for people to go through the organization and required playtime for it not to die more horribly than Serpent's Ire did.

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