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So no changes to DE meta?

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18 hours ago, quaniesan.8497 said:

i was in luck to be in a group that narrowed beated the meta with less than 20 seconds remain. Nerve-cracking.  Never come back again.  Have to do the god---ned   jade event at 2-hour timer for turtle collection doe. Zzz    

Btw,  if you have been having nightmare seeing that meta platform, just wait till you do the harvest strike mission. 

Failed every DE meta i did after update. People are getting frustrated more and more. At this rate this going to end up as a dead map.

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21 hours ago, Draxian.7945 said:

Not all, but an enormous majority, a majority so large that the ones who aren't full of idlers and leeches aren't statistically relevant. I challenge anyone to--solo--pug the event 10 times without using streamers or posted gatherings to help and report on their findings. I guarantee that most won't see a single success, and of those who do it will be 1-2/10.


I am now 2 for 2 on metas (ones that didnt bug out at the start at least) attempted after the march 15th patch. Both with random groups in LFG too. The second run we only had 1 real cc bar, too.

Edited by Ruru.1302
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21 hours ago, Draxian.7945 said:

No acknowledgements in the update notes of the changes they promised to make, I've had 2 runs since the update where the boss STILL does back to back bites 3-4 times in a row during tail phases, still unpuggable and I gurantee if Anet weren't being so disrespectful about our time and released the numbers we'd be seeing a fail rate well over 80%. Sure we can buy the turtle now, but why the ever loving kitten should any single one of us putting in the effort have to grind that out and spend resources for something we can do in one go but are routinely denied because Anet refuses to acknowledge they kittened up by making an event the vast majority of the playerbase simply can't be arsed to do.

Changes promised: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/109542-upcoming-changes-to-the-battle-for-the-jade-sea/?do=findComment&comment=1594612

Latest change: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/110978-game-update-notes-march-15-2022/?do=findComment&comment=1604955


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21 hours ago, Zephire.8049 said:

Looks like they're sticking with the "Working as intended" excuse just like how they dug in their heels about the PoF metas being fine (and look at what happened with those). Memories of Aurene have already dropped to 44s/each from 50s/each in ~2 hours and Antique Summoning Stones have dropped from 17g to 13g since the patch and both of those were the "added rewards" they thought would bring people back to the meta.

For a two hour meta.

Where you get nothing if it fails.

Right on point 👍

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I was able to do it on my 1st try and we had over 5 mins left in the map. The group was not super try hard or asked for anything impossible. All they asked was to ping gear and build and if build was unsuitable they provided a template to change to for the fight. And if you died to wp back to the fight. No legendary insights or raid titles. People just need to swap out of the open world builds that makes them unkillable while doing 0 dps into something that benefits the group and not afk.

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I got kicked from two groups because i had no KP to ping or legendary or ascended gear. First time in my life i got kicked from an open world group for having no KP to show for a meta event. This game has surely changed  alot. I am a filthy casual with exotic gear but i know how to play my class well i guess thats not enough anymore. If i wanted to experince this kind of elitisim i would have joined fractals or strike or whatever people play these days or just stick to WOW.

Edited by Mickey.4207
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I've cleared it twice once during launch week and the other last week. 
The second time was only because I was fishing and noticed that they were going to clear it was like wow. 

Still I have only attempted to clear it once and that was forming 50 man raid group besides that have not even attempted to do it again. It's just not worth the time and effort for an open world meta. 

Arenanet is pulling a big blizzard by dictating what the community wants, where their core which is more casual than hardcore is saying otherwise. How is WoW doing again? Oh right...

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1 hour ago, Mickey.4207 said:

I got kicked from two groups because i had no KP to ping or legendary or ascended gear. First time in my life i got kicked from an open world group for having no KP to show for a meta event. This game has surely changed  alot. I am a filthy casual with exotic gear but i know how to play my class well i guess thats not enough anymore. If i wanted to experince this kind of elitisim i would have joined fractals or strike or whatever people play these days or just stick to WOW.

Literally never anyone even attempted to check if I have any ascended/lege gear or kp/li in open world, including the DE meta. Sounds like you've just knowingly tried to force your way to some rare squad specifying they're looking for certain people. Duh, I don't think anyone ever tried checking my gear in any content, including raids 🤨

Edited by Sobx.1758
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38 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Literally never anyone even attempted to check if I have any ascended/lege gear or kp/li in open world, including the DE meta. Sounds like you've just knowingly tried to force your way to some rare squad specifying they're looking for certain people. Duh, I don't think anyone ever tried checking my gear in any content, including raids 🤨

And because it never happened to you,  its never happened. Wow.

Edited by misterman.1530
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I have yet to see less than 7 tails in a fight.  Have done the fight more than 10 times, including 3 today.  Seeing 3+ CC per fight, and the boss just keeps flipping sides, 10+ times per fight.  Seeing more and more 2-3 thornhearts appear at the same time.  Have seen more than a few double whirlpools.   The mechanics are pretty simple.  The DPS check really isn't that bad, you just have to actually do damage.  Every meta seems to be 1 of 2 things that happens:  the group had too few people/or dps OR the meta falls to RNG and fails.  RNG seems to be the cause of more failures than dps as of late.

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30 minutes ago, misterman.1530 said:

And because it never happened to you,  its never happened. Wow.

No, that's not what I said, but you can be sure that if someone comes and claims this is what happens to him frequently, it's because they're mostly putting themselves in that position just to act surprised when it doesn't "go through".

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Literally never anyone even attempted to check if I have any ascended/lege gear or kp/li in open world, including the DE meta. Sounds like you've just knowingly tried to force your way to some rare squad specifying they're looking for certain people. Duh, I don't think anyone ever tried checking my gear in any content, including raids 🤨

Isn't it great that world doesn't revolve around you and only your personal experiences?  Both groups were listed as "dragon end meta" that's it. No other information. So i don't know how I forced my way into it. 

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