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Recycler: Jade Silver does not recycle junk you get from containers, only junk that you directly loot

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Not completely sure if this is a bug, but it seems to be. There is no reason for this not to happen on junk received from containers, in fact a lot of junk items are received from containers, thus the value of this jade bot upgrade is reduced dramatically. It's already underperforming compared to scavenging protocols, and this is just making it even worse. Please fix/change this to work with junk you receive from containers.

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33 minutes ago, Parasite.5389 said:

i feel like this is intended, as you can get a lot of 'junk' items from containers for currencries like Karma and festival tokens, like Disheveled Mystery Bag, Lost Orrian Jewelry Box, and many of the packages from Converters

That wouldn't make a lot of sense though, given what scavenger can give you.

Keep in mind that you lose the value of junk item when it's recycled. You can no longer vendor it. You get 1 jade silver per 16 copper the junk is worth, and this is a money you are not getting, and you are getting jade silvers instead. You do still make profit compared to selling the junk, but scavengers dwarf this by averaging 1 silver profit every time they find a trophy for you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As a Module that could keep your bags clean, it really fails.

I have ton of Junk from trophy bags, Jade Bot don't do anything about it.

It could atleast recycle all appropriate junk not just respective stack. Or "recycle all" button just like "deposit all".

Not really interested in profits, just want to keep bags clean without the need to visit vendor.

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For the items that don’t get recycled, just get them as an enemy drop and it’ll recycle all of those particular ones in your inventory with it. 

Note: I haven’t completely tested this but I have noticed it clearing the items from my inventory. Either they get converted or just deleted. 

Edited by mythical.6315
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5 hours ago, mythical.6315 said:

For the items that don’t get recycled, just get them as an enemy drop and it’ll recycle all of those particular ones in your inventory with it. 

Note: I haven’t completely tested this but I have noticed it clearing the items from my inventory. Either they get converted or just deleted. 

Yes, when you loot junk item it will recycle respective stack. Like: if you already had 10 broken lockpicks and got one from mob, all 11 will be recycled. But rest junk items will stay.

But thats just silly - running around the open world to try and  find mobs with necessary junk. I can understand players who want to have extra imperial favors, but it's just a bad design. Most of the junk players get comes from trophy bags, direct junk-loot is not that rapid. As a module which suppose to keep bags clear, it's failing.

Edited by Aeon.4583
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I also get an occasional screen message that my recycler has worked,  but I still get far more junk than messages.


All the explanations I have read simply say "all the junk will be recycled",  but that is certainly not correct.   It should be "occasionally recycles some junk" or "recycles junk if it feels like it",  etc.  

As is, it's a waste of a slot in the robot's load out.


This looks like poor software that is being sold as "working as intended" by fans who never see a bug.  It's trivial to code it right, but it will take longer than slapdash haste.



Edited by Joseph.6578
corrected typo.
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  • 1 year later...

Well i guess recycle situation will not be adressed. Just reminder about simple options:

- Recycle inventory button when Recycle chip is active. Just like Deposit all.

- Recycle all junk in inventory when junk is looted (you can even make Junk-Bags like 32-Slot Hamaseen Pannier to be the part of sort and filter)

Edited by Aeon.4583
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