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Please delete earth shield or make it counterplayable.


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4 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

It's free real estate  Earth shield 5 is a full invuln, which means DT wont work on it. Any buttons after though, well.... Those are fair game.

Oh snap, playing bladesworn over fireweaver so much has made me forget even this much

Edited by Kuya.6495
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Why delete earth shield instead of discovering counterplays against it?


Just from the top of my head, play core necro or any variations with lots of chill. When the ele is on shield 5, apply well of darkness aoe ticking chill, reaper's mark, chillbains. 


There are also ranger builds to counter this. Sigh....


Seriously, it's more fun to discover counters instead of outright demanding for deletion. 

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On 3/25/2022 at 1:11 PM, Grimjack.8130 said:

6k damage with 1 skill is alot! Unless you play Warrior, Ranger, Guardian, Thief, Rev, Necro, or Engi! Then you have 5 different skills that hit for 6k or more!

If Ele has 2 skills that hit for 6k, I really hope that gets addressed because thats a clear imbalance compared to every other spec!


I've applied your suggestion about going against a mechanist on a node on my fire weaver. Yes they hard counter my build and it's a long fight but the 2 tweaks to my build made a world of difference. Thanks. 



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This thread is super carp. 

Dont tell OP how to deal with shield. Dude complains a lot and needs to practice to git gud. Complains about everything. I'd rather play and teach newer players willing to learn than whiners. 

He should have just gone all the way and said Core and Cata sux, pls nerf. 


Edited by greedywholesome.9081
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