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Serpent's Ire event in Vabbi


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You might find some luck, I had seen couple of times an guild doing it within the LFG and sometimes the map itself trying to complete the event.  This was recent as well before EoD's release, there is also so guilds that might be okay with helping players with it (like Hardstuck) which are focused around PVE content in the open world.

I do wish you the best of luck with this event tho, as people mentioned above it's long and the rewards are shared with the Forged one (the two forge doggos).

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11 hours ago, Hpez.2908 said:

Any idea if there's a certain guild or group that does this map meta on a regular basis? Need the event for the ascended backpiece collection but can't catch anyone doing it for weeks. = /

It would help if you said whether you were NA or EU. I'm on NA and I had problems getting enough people together for this meta, for the reason you are doing it. And I only did it last year or the year before, well after the living story release. I ended up putting up a LFG 45 minutes ahead of the meta, and just sat in the map. I think it took me two days in a row to get enough people, but the first time I only LFG'd about 5 minutes ahead of the meta starting. I may have done this on a weekend.

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It is difficult, especially because it's not an event where you just need to round up enough people to overwhelm the boss, at least some of them need to know the event and what to do, even more so in the first two phases than the boss fight.

One option is to ask your guild/s for help. Even if they're not a PvE guild if you explain that you need it for an achievement people will probably be willing to come and help you. If your guild organises PvE activities you could even talk to the leader about making this event one of them, at least as a one-off.

Other than that I've found it helps to pick a day when the event will be running during your regions peak time (for EU that's about 5 - 10pm UTC, for NA I think it's around the daily reset), get there shortly before Forged with Fire starts and post in map chat every 5-10 minutes that you're going to do Serpent's Ire afterwards. People who come for that meta event may not have any other immediate plans and might be willing to join in if they know it's happening. Put up an LFG about 30 minutes before (around the time Forged with Fire starts) and keep it up, even after the first phase starts. Also ask your guild/s if anyone can come and help.

It's also easier to get it done when Vabbi Event Completer is one of the daily achievements, but it can take a while for that to come round.

Finally if you can tell us if you're on NA or EU some people here may be able to help you.

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