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I think Gold should be higher


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I'm not someone who plays PvP for farming Gold but I do feel as though as it is currently is rather low. Please reward the dedicated PvP's better with an increase to Gold rewards. Yes theres some that will bot/farm but they shouldn't ruin rewards for the rest of us. I just feel for time spent in a niche game mode we need better rewards.

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PvP gives plenty of gold for pvp focused players, because pvp focused players spend very little money compared to PvE players. They generally spend currencies they earn from pvp. So what happens is that it's enough gold for pvp focused players, but not enough for a PvE player treating it as yet another gold/hour thing.

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I play equal amounts of PvE and PvP. I'm not sure you would consider me dedicated to PvP mode only but I do have over 6k rated games played. I wouldn't treat it as another gold/hour thing.. I enjoy PvP for the competition but I still think gold should be increased I think we deserve it.

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teapot said the pvp average gold farming per hour is about 12g and he prolly assumed ppl are turning all their "regular" reward track into liquid gold. They could make it half of top pve farm, which would be a 50% increase (18g), but i'm still ok with it as i enjoy pvp and it doesn't make me feel like a second job like pve farms do.


I still feel like being reward for having fun.

Or in most of the cases getting paid for tilting, lul.

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15 hours ago, TheDarkness.6947 said:

If the game mode were in a healthy state I might be inclined to give your post a like.  Given it’s current dysfunctional state, I feel this would just accelerate it’s continued spiraling decline.

Not sure what this means. How does having higher Gold rewards for players make PvP more dysfunctional?


If it's because it might bring more players to the mode who aren't dedicated to PvP and only want the Gold, well that's still a good thing, isn't it? More meat for the grinder.

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3 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

If it's because it might bring more players to the mode who aren't dedicated to PvP and only want the Gold

This! and bots. 

Increasing the rewards only for winning would ship around those 2 problems... but it would make loosing even more frustrating.


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8 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

This! and bots. 

Increasing the rewards only for winning would ship around those 2 problems... but it would make loosing even more frustrating.


But I don't see how having low rewards for everyone else is a good solution. If we're using that line of thinking.. let's remove all gold altogether. Ta'kitten! No more bots in PvP.


There has to be better ways to combat the issue of bots than basically deterring people from giving PvP a try.

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10 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

But I don't see how having low rewards for everyone else is a good solution. If we're using that line of thinking.. let's remove all gold altogether. Ta'kitten! No more bots in PvP.


There has to be better ways to combat the issue of bots than basically deterring people from giving PvP a try.

as a WvW player... I think the rewards in PvP are high.


They are no comparison to doing metafarmruns in PvE, but do they have to be? Not many people will agree with me but i always stray away from just raising rewards in a gamemode just to pull some players in. Because realisticly that wont happen, people dont suddenly like/play pvp just because it gives 35 silver per game instead of 25... and in the rare cases that you actually pull some pve players into the game mode they are here JUST for the rewards. If they enjoy PvP related gamemodes they will play them regardless of the rewards (just look at the WvW crowd). And If they dont enjoy the gamemode and are only here for the rewards... they will ruin the games for all the people taking that gamemode seriously, because they have no interest in learning the deeper mechanics like rotates and such. They just Q 3 times till they get a win and are gone again till tomorrow, where they are going to ruin 3 more games and so on.

Overall this will hurt the gamemode more then it will help. Playerbase will not noticeably grow... and the number of bots and players that have no clue whats going on will increase.

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I'm not saying rewards should be increased just to pull in more players. Please read my original post. I'm simply responding to people who are saying that a reward increase would bring in more players.. which is somehow a bad thing (I disagree). Like I said, it's just more meat for the grinder.


Rewards should be increased for the dedicated PvP players to make our favorite game mode more rewarding. I think you missed my main point.

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I think you missed my point. Rewards are already at a okayish level. Further increasing them will lead to unforseen problems like i mentioned.

maybe you should give specific suggestions how to implement it.

Lets say you get a gold bonus for a played game that is related to your overall rating Plat/Gold/Silver.... 

But again i can only say that gold is more than enough. As a dedicated spvp player you wont be spending alot of money. and the income that you have is more than enough for your daily needs. If you want the big stonks you have to farm them... like... in any other game kinda. Thats just how it is.

But again.. i dont do any pve related content. never have, never will, my best char is at 6% map completion... and i have full ascended on all my 6 toons and i sit on a comfortable stack of 600 gold atm... just doing WvW.... and your occasional PvP match while i wait for my mates to come online for WvW. Rewards are already pretty okayis. if you are a hardcore PvPer you should have no problem gearing all your characters... what more do you want? They wont give out a free legendary at every 500. win or anything like that.

Edit: well infact they do:D i have dropped 3 good precursors from WvW/PvP already... just keep on playing the way you want and the game will reward you.

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Level of rewards shouldn't be tied to how high rank you are (we already have faster pip gain from wins vs losing). Just increase gold rewards. For example Byzantium increase the gold from 1.50 to 2.00 at the very least, and the final reward from 20 to 30 gold. I'm not suggesting making it the go-to method of becoming a millionaire. Just make it pay a bit better.

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7 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

Level of rewards shouldn't be tied to how high rank you are (we already have faster pip gain from wins vs losing). Just increase gold rewards. For example Byzantium increase the gold from 1.50 to 2.00 at the very least, and the final reward from 20 to 30 gold. I'm not suggesting making it the go-to method of becoming a millionaire. Just make it pay a bit better.

But again this would only pull some hairy nerds using bots that spam the Ranked Queues till they have reached those rewards. I totally understand why you are asking for this. But the result will not be what you intend. Atm most bots are in spvp just for the dailys.... with your suggestion they will suddenly go for ALL OF THE CHESTS....  please imagine. In a gamemode that involves 10 players.... if only 5% of the players Queuing are bots... every second game is completly ruined. Please just imagine it. it is already pretty bad as it is.

Tying the rewards to your rank is the only way around this. But that would also lead to some unforseen events. my suggestion: leave rewards just as they are right now. If anything add new gear that you can buy with PvP rewards. Make these gear pieces untradeable to make them unattractive to botters. Mayyybe this is a way to increase rewards. But straightup increasing the money will jsut incentivise leeches and bots.

Seriously if you think rewards in pvp are low... have you ever played WvW? 😄

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3 hours ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

Not sure what this means. How does having higher Gold rewards for players make PvP more dysfunctional?


If it's because it might bring more players to the mode who aren't dedicated to PvP and only want the Gold, well that's still a good thing, isn't it? More meat for the grinder.


Bots, win trading, queue and match manipulation...  Increasing the rewards for PvP increases the motivation to engage in any of these bad behaviors that Anet doesn’t seem to have the resources or interest to address right now.  Each additional bad actor increases the chances of getting a crummy match that isn’t competitive or fun.  


I’m less concerned about PvE-only players who decide to give PvP a legit try because the rewards are enticing.  Either they’ll like it and stick around, which is great.  Or they’ll decide there’s easier money.


I actually think the PvP rewards are decent though.  PvE gold is essentially quadruple taxed.  There are salvaging costs, trading post fees, the cost of waypoints to and from map metas as well as for things like karma conversion, plus the opportunity cost of the time for converting the PvE drops to gold.  Much of the PvP gold is deposited directly into your wallet at the end of a match, avoiding all those taxes.  There is also a path to ascended and legendary gear, and a chance for rare drops.


I’m not against the devs making an “inflationary pass” at PvP rewards since they do seem to keep adding better PvE farms.  I’d just rather see them focus on making sure more matches are actually fun and competitive before spending time on a rewards pass.

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