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Things I would like in material storage and are taking up bank space

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On 4/11/2022 at 7:16 AM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Here is some information from a Dev on additions to Material Storage:


You can use the arrows to move to the subsequent Dev posts.

 A very useful search, thank you for finding it.

The last post in that thread from Linsey Murdock was in June 2017.

More significiantly in 2021 she left Anet and now works for Riot Games.

So is anyone even taking a look at these issues now?

Edited by Andy.5981
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1 hour ago, Sunyavadin.7962 said:

Yes, via purchase of baubles from the vendor for bauble bubbles. Ergo currency, ergo wallet.
Now, if that was via a crafting or mystic forge recipe, then we'd be in agreement.

Even some crafting recipes now use wallet currency, research notes specifically. 

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6 hours ago, Florimel.8069 said:

Baubles yes. But I think he was referring to the bauble bubbles. The baubles are the ammo in the box. The bubbles are just a currency for the vendors and so could be added to the festival section of the material storage.

That won’t work as we do not have access to the bank and material storage while in SAB. They’re also not materials. 

You could argue that they could go into the account wallet assuming there wouldn’t be any conflicts with SAB.  Based off the dev post in the link above, that will also probably be a no as well. 

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53 minutes ago, mythical.6315 said:

That won’t work as we do not have access to the bank and material storage while in SAB.

I don't think that's strongest the argument against making Bauble Bubbles have storage space though, we may not have access to the bank and mat storage while in SAB but we can still acquire Bubbles while in there now. And as their only use is to be spent at the vendors in Rata Sum, a zone outside of SAB, that's not a reason for them not to be added to mat storage. The main reason as I see it is they're not used in any recipes, only to buy things at festival vendors, and therefore belong in the wallet like Festival Tokens.

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1 hour ago, mythical.6315 said:


You could argue that they could go into the account wallet assuming there wouldn’t be any conflicts with SAB.  Based off the dev post in the link above, that will also probably be a no as well. 

See, on the Baubles front, those are used directly within SAB, but Bubbles in no way ever directly interact with SAB. They are a trophy that exists entirely outside of SAB which are dropped in your inventory when you open chests.
The only reason I could imagine for them being impossible to switch to something other than a trophy (Or to one of those trophies which upon acquisition is immediately converted into a wallet currency, like happened to several in the past) is if the SAB team have already coded an unimplemented mechanic within SAB which uses them, intended for interacting with something in World 3 or 4.

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16 minutes ago, Sunyavadin.7962 said:

I don't think that's strongest the argument against making Bauble Bubbles have storage space though, we may not have access to the bank and mat storage while in SAB but we can still acquire Bubbles while in there now. And as their only use is to be spent at the vendors in Rata Sum, a zone outside of SAB, that's not a reason for them not to be added to mat storage. The main reason as I see it is they're not used in any recipes, only to buy things at festival vendors, and therefore belong in the wallet like Festival Tokens.

You may disagree but that’s the answer the dev gave. 

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6 minutes ago, mythical.6315 said:

You may disagree but that’s the answer the dev gave. 

I mean, I agree completely that they shouldn't go in mat storage, they are not a mat. Simple as.

I don't think the fact we don't have access to the bank while in SAB is anything to do with it though. They go into your inventory when they drop in SAB. Having access to the bank or not doesn't change that. They cannot be used in SAB.

As I said in my subsequent answer, the only explanation which jives with Linsey's


I spoke with the SAB designers and this is a technical limitation with how that stuff all works in SAB.

is if the devs on SAB implemented a possible use for Bauble Bubbles inside SAB a long time ago, when they expected to release World 3 and 4, a use which has never seen the light of day but sits there unused in the code waiting for the day when Anet finally go back and actually implement that technically already existing but never realised mechanic within a new SAB world.

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4 hours ago, Sunyavadin.7962 said:

I mean, I agree completely that they shouldn't go in mat storage, they are not a mat. Simple as.

I don't think the fact we don't have access to the bank while in SAB is anything to do with it though. They go into your inventory when they drop in SAB. Having access to the bank or not doesn't change that. They cannot be used in SAB.

Material storage is part of the bank.  If you cannot access the bank then you cannot access the material storage.

4 hours ago, Sunyavadin.7962 said:

is if the devs on SAB implemented a possible use for Bauble Bubbles inside SAB a long time ago, when they expected to release World 3 and 4, a use which has never seen the light of day but sits there unused in the code waiting for the day when Anet finally go back and actually implement that technically already existing but never realised mechanic within a new SAB world.

Check out the vendors within SAB.

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2 hours ago, mythical.6315 said:

Material storage is part of the bank.  If you cannot access the bank then you cannot access the material storage.

Check out the vendors within SAB.

All their prices are listed in Baubles, and last I checked if I had zero baubles in my inventory and a stack of Bauble Bubbles, when I entered the SAB it still listed my Bauble total as zero. and I could not buy anything (Back in 2013 this did. surprise me, ngl, as I assumed perhaps reasonably so that the game would just recognise them as being worth their value in Baubles, but it didn't.)
To be able to indirectly use them within SAB I need to spend them outside SAB at the Rata Sum vendor on getting Baubles I can then use inside.*

*Not that I ever actually y'know, do this, since the game gives Baubles at such a rate that you never run out within SAB, and thus the only thing you run out of is inventory space when leaving it, and you need to sell all your Baubles for more Bubbles.

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3 hours ago, mythical.6315 said:

Material storage is part of the bank.  If you cannot access the bank then you cannot access the material storage.

Yes but that has NOTHING to do with anything.
As it stands if I want to store them in my bank within the regular storage tabs where I keep them for 48 weeks of the year, I need to leave SAB.
I can ALREADY put them in the bank if I want. I just need to leave SAB to do so.  (Time was when that was the norm for everything, before the "deposit all" button circumvented the SAB block on interacting with individual items to deposit them.) That is utterly irrelevant to whether or not they shouldn't be storable in mat storage, what is relevant is that they are not, nor have they ever been a material.

I am still baffled at what you are so hung up on about not being able to access the bank or wallet within SAB though, as if it's any kind of impediment to either proposal.

For mat storage, it's irrelevant as your inventory still exists while you are in SAB and can have items added to it, you simply cannot interact with anything in it. That's how it works for everything. So it would be no different to now. They pile up in your inventory while you are in SAB and you stick them in your bank when SAB ends for the year, just in a different (and I maintain, one which would be incorrect) place.

For the wallet, I direct you to the currency in maps such as Drizzlewood Coast.
In Drizzlewood, War Supplies are the map currency, stored in the wallet. You can obtain them directly, or you can be awarded them through an item, Charr Salvage. Crucially, the Charr Salvage initially has to be manually clicked by the player to convert it into War supplies, and only auto-converts once you have the upgrade which auto-salvages it purchased.. This also has to be done for any item which is updated to be a wallet currency, like for example unstable essences. The original item continues to exist, but becomes one which when double clicked is added to your wallet as its counterpart, which replaces it in the buy tabs of vendors who formerly accepted it. EoD even went so far as to add new items which work this way like Research notes. Updated Bauble Bubbles could still be awarded for completing levels in SAB, and go into your inventory as they do now, but auto-convert to a wallet currency upon zoning into Rata Sum, like the Drizzlewood Salvage autoconverts with the upgrade effect.

Edited by Sunyavadin.7962
I think I figured out what this person is not getting
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32 minutes ago, Sunyavadin.7962 said:

All their prices are listed in Baubles, and last I checked if I had zero baubles in my inventory and a stack of Bauble Bubbles, when I entered the SAB it still listed my Bauble total as zero. and I could not buy anything (Back in 2013 this did. surprise me, ngl, as I assumed perhaps reasonably so that the game would just recognise them as being worth their value in Baubles, but it didn't.)
To be able to indirectly use them within SAB I need to spend them outside SAB at the Rata Sum vendor on getting Baubles I can then use inside.*

*Not that I ever actually y'know, do this, since the game gives Baubles at such a rate that you never run out within SAB, and thus the only thing you run out of is inventory space when leaving it, and you need to sell all your Baubles for more Bubbles.

There is a tab on the vendor inside sab were you can exchange baubles for bauble bauble and the oppositve btw.

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WAAAAIIIIT are you talking about the regular merchants inside the lobby that are duplicates of the ones sitting outside the SAB?

Okay, go and talk to one and buy something like, say, holographic super cheese, WITHOUT having any dust in your inventory, only in your bank.

See how you can still buy it with stuff that's inside your bank?
The PLAYER is locked out of any access to direct use of the items in their inventory or bank, but the vendors there have no such problems. They are exact duplicates of the inventories of the ones outside in the regular world. Update one of them to use a wallet currency, they all update to.

Not being able to get Bauble Bubbles out of the bank after you deposit them if they were added to mat storage wouldn't interfere with the ability to convert the ones already in there at those vendors, since they already let you buy stuff from them with items in your mat storage and bank. (Again I just don't think they should be put in mat storage, they aren't mats - I would revise this stance if they added say, some kind of Super Adventure Legendary that used Bauble Bubbles instead of Mystic Curios or whatever, or Super Adventure Ascended Food recipes which used them as an ingredient, knock yourselves out, anet)

So Bauble Bubbles could very easily be updated to a wallet currency as they currently function ingame. But of course, as I said, if the devs already coded a use for them within the SAB worlds that we've just never seen before (Using them instead of baubles as the ammo to activate some kind of future effect for an ultimate powerup, or something which lets you do something to interact with the environment of worlds they haven't made yet, etc. We can't really know what they may have planned back then.) that is where it'd run into the only snag. Because going back and changing all the old SAB code could mess stuff up, and so if you reserved an effect way back when, which would if it were ever to be used, not interact with the wallet, then you'd basically lose the ability to use that in future worlds added to SAB as well.

If they remain reluctant to make such a simple change that could be so easily rolled into a broader QoL update, odds are there's something like this behind the scenes which we as players may never find out about, where doing so would cut off future possibilities, the limitations on which were laid out back in 2013.

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1 hour ago, Sunyavadin.7962 said:

All their prices are listed in Baubles, and last I checked if I had zero baubles in my inventory and a stack of Bauble Bubbles, when I entered the SAB it still listed my Bauble total as zero. and I could not buy anything (Back in 2013 this did. surprise me, ngl, as I assumed perhaps reasonably so that the game would just recognise them as being worth their value in Baubles, but it didn't.)
To be able to indirectly use them within SAB I need to spend them outside SAB at the Rata Sum vendor on getting Baubles I can then use inside.*

*Not that I ever actually y'know, do this, since the game gives Baubles at such a rate that you never run out within SAB, and thus the only thing you run out of is inventory space when leaving it, and you need to sell all your Baubles for more Bubbles.






Last I checked is that you can go into SAB and those vendors have items you purchase with bauble bubbles.



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4 minutes ago, mythical.6315 said:

If you bothered to read my subsequent post before responding, someone else already helpfully figured out that this is what you seemed to be referencing, and I explained what you're gettingconfused about..
As explained above, TL:DR version - these are NORMAL TRYRIAN VENDORS. There is no special SAB interaction like you get with Baubles within the worlds of the SAB. these are regular NPCs who trade for regular stuff be it in your inventory, bank, or yes, mat storage. They can likewise trade for stuff in your wallet if something was added to their list of items which required it. they are exact duplicates of the vendors outside the SAB. they have no special SAB mechanics to them. If Bauble Bubbles were a wallet currency, they would accept them fine. If Bauble Bubbles could go in mat storage, you could spend them from there same as you can spend dust and the like from there.

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1 hour ago, Sunyavadin.7962 said:

Yes but that has NOTHING to do with anything.
As it stands if I want to store them in my bank within the regular storage tabs where I keep them for 48 weeks of the year, I need to leave SAB.
I can ALREADY put them in the bank if I want. I just need to leave SAB to do so. That is utterly irrelevant to whether or not they shouldn't be storable in mat storage, what is relevant is that they are not, nor have they ever been a material.

I am still baffled at what you are so hung up on about not being able to access the bank or wallet within SAB though, as if it's any kind of impediment to either proposal.

For mat storage, it's irrelevant as your inventory still exists while you are in SAB and can have items added to it, you simply cannot interact with anything in it. That's how it works for everything. So it would be no different to now. They pile up in your inventory while you are in SAB and you stick them in your bank when SAB ends for the year, just in a different (and I maintain, one which would be incorrect) place.

For the wallet, I direct you to the currency in maps such as Drizzlewood Coast.
In Drizzlewood, War Supplies are the map currency, stored in the wallet. You can obtain them directly, or you can be awarded them through an item, Charr Salvage. Crucially, the Charr Salvage initially has to be manually clicked by the player to convert it into War supplies, and only auto-converts once you have the upgrade which auto-salvages it purchased.. This also has to be done for any item which is updated to be a wallet currency, like for example unstable essences. The original item continues to exist, but becomes one which when double clicked is added to your wallet as its counterpart, which replaces it in the buy tabs of vendors who formerly accepted it. EoD even went so far as to add new items which work this way like Research notes. Updated Bauble Bubbles could still be awarded for completing levels in SAB, and go into your inventory as they do now, but auto-convert to a wallet currency upon zoning into Rata Sum, like the Drizzlewood Salvage autoconverts with the upgrade effect.


As I've said several times, we do not have access to the bank and material storage when in SAB.  This may likely be the reason why bauble bubbles cannot be added as the  game cannot pull from the material storage like it does for the LW currencies.  Yes, they are not a material but the reason the dev gave had nothing to do with that.

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Just now, Sunyavadin.7962 said:

If you bothered to read my subsequent post before responding, someone else already helpfully figured out that this is what you seemed to be referencing.
As explained above, TL:DR version - these are NORMAL TRYRIAN VENDORS. There is no special SAB interaction like you get with Baubles within the worlds of the SAB. these are regular NPCs who trade for regular stuff be it in your inventory, bank, or yes, mat storage. They can likewise trade for stuff in your wallet if something was added to their list of items which required it. they are exact duplicates of the vendors outside the SAB. they have no special SAB mechanics to them. If Bauble Bubbles were a wallet currency, they would accept them fine. If Bauble Bubbles could go in mat storage, you could spend them from there same as you can spend dust and the like from there.


I read and respond to the posts in order.  There are no other vendors in SAB that those in the lobby.  What you're thinking of are shopkeepers.

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8 minutes ago, Sunyavadin.7962 said:

Okay, now I suspect you're actually just trolling.

I'm done. this is a windup.



I don't see how it is.

You quoted part of my post that said: "That won’t work as we do not have access to the bank and material storage while in SAB. "

Your responses was: "I don't think that's strongest the argument against making Bauble Bubbles have storage space though, we may not have access to the bank and mat storage while in SAB but we can still acquire Bubbles while in there now. And as their only use is to be spent at the vendors in Rata Sum, a zone outside of SAB, that's not a reason for them not to be added to mat storage. The main reason as I see it is they're not used in any recipes, only to buy things at festival vendors, and therefore belong in the wallet like Festival Tokens. "

The reason that you gave about recipes is counter to what the dev said that it's due to a technical limitation.  Something not tied to a recipe isn't a technical limitation.  This is why I've been saying that it's probably due to not having access to the material storage within SAB.  They never came out and said exactly what that limitation was so that's my best guess.

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8 minutes ago, mythical.6315 said:


I read and respond to the posts in order.  There are no other vendors in SAB that those in the lobby.  What you're thinking of are shopkeepers.


The vendors ALREADY accept materials from storage and could perfectly accept wallet currencies for things if they were set to do so. The same exact vendors with a different skin but the same backend inventory are placed in Rata Sum. They are no different to any merchant in the game.

The only thing which could limit the ability to put Bauble Bubbles into a different place would be IF THERE WAS SOME KIND OF INTERACTION THEY HAD UNIQUE TO SAB WHICH COULD NOT FUNCTION IF THEY WERE ANYTHING BUT A TROPHY. Namely something to do with them INSIDE THE WORLDS.
As of right now no such thing exists in the version of SAB we have. Meaning they would work precisely as they do now whether they were being used from mat storage like all the other stuff we can trade with the lobby vendors, or the bank, like I use them now, or the wallet if they were converted to a wallet currency. the vendors who currently accept them would still do so regardless. It's a very minor change to make.
But only the Devs know if the original SAB team planned for them to have a use and already coded something which we simply never saw in worlds 1 and 2. and if THAT was the case, then that mechanic will need them to remain trophies if it is ever to have the potential to be added.

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3 minutes ago, Sunyavadin.7962 said:


The vendors ALREADY accept materials from storage and could perfectly accept wallet currencies for things if they were set to. the same exact vendors with a different skin but the same backend inventory are placed in Rata Sum.

The only thing which could limit the ability to put Bauble Bubbles into a different place would be IF THERE WAS SOME KIND OF INTERACTION THEY HAD UNIQUE TO SAB WHICH COULD NOT FUNCTION IF THEY WERE ANYTHING BUT A TROPHY. Namely something to do with them INSIDE THE WORLDS.
As of right now no such thing exists in the version of SAB we have. Meaning they would work precisely as they do now whether they were being used from mat storage like all the other stuff we can trade with the lobby vendors, or the bank, like I use them now, or the wallet if they were converted to a wallet currency. the vendors who currently accept them would still do so regardless. It's a very minor change to make.
But only the Devs know if the original SAB team planned for them to have a use and already coded something which we simply never saw in worlds 1 and 2. and if THAT was the case, then that mechanic will need them to remain trophies if it is ever to have the potential to be added.

Then the issue is with the coding of the item itself.  It still has nothing to do with it not being a part of a recipe.

The lobby vendors are  indeed an SAB thing.  The lobby is part of SAB.

Here's what the dev said for reference: "No SAB Baubles and Bubble Baubles. I spoke with the SAB designers and this is a technical limitation with how that stuff all works in SAB."

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You are fundamentally making a claim which is false on its face, and which is easily disproven for anyone with any doubt by logging into the game and going to the SAB lobby and buying super adventure cheese.

Ergo you're either incredibly ignorant, or having a laugh.

The bank and mat storage is accessible to all the vendors in the SAB lobby just fine. Only PLAYERS cannot interact with it in the same way instanced content like raids blocks the use of tonics and the like.

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2 minutes ago, Sunyavadin.7962 said:

You are fundamentally making a claim which is false on its face, and which is easily disproven for anyone with any doubt by logging into the game and going to the SAB lobby and buying super adventure cheese.

Ergo you're either incredibly ignorant, or having a laugh.

The bank and mat storage is accessible to all the vendors in the SAB lobby just fine. Only PLAYERS cannot interact with it in the same way instanced content like raids blocks the use of tonics and the like.

I'm simply stating what the dev said which was: "No SAB Baubles and Bubble Baubles. I spoke with the SAB designers and this is a technical limitation with how that stuff all works in SAB."

So if you're saying that I'm making a false claim then you're saying that they did.  The devs and the SAB designers know more about how the inside of the game works than us.

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Yes. sure, a dev said there's a technical limitation. NO, your assertation about what the limitation is is VERIFIABLY FALSE.

It's like saying the reason someone can't survive without a spacesuit on the moon because it's made of cheese and they're lactose intolerant. We know for a fact they can't, but that's provably not the reason. Ergo something else is.

What that reason is, we just don't know. It has to be SOMETHING to do with an interaction between the SAB and its unique mechanics, and the Bauble Bubble trophy items. We know of precisely ZERO such interactions which exist. Ergo the technical limitation is something we as players have no way of observing. It's not something related to any of the (very limited, they're a trophy we pick up and can spend or buy) ways in which we ever interact with the Bauble Bubbles as regular trophies which work exactly like anything else in their item category. So it's something else we've never seen. Something which depends on them not being deposited to storage. An interaction within SAB that needs them inside our inventories same as baubles need to be for us to use them as ammo and currency inside the SAB worlds. Something which doesn't exist in anything anyone has discovered in almost a decade of SAB. So either it would need to be something that was implemented back when SAB was created, never made it ingame, but still exists in the code as something which could one day be turned on, or it was new content they were working on in 2017, which still hasn't seen the light of day five years later.

Or, Occam's razor offers a simpler solution, and that's that when Linsey asked the team working on SAB, several years on from the original development of it, most of the original devs behind it had left and whoever she asked on the skeleton crew working on keeping it going with small annual updates didn't actually realise that Bauble Bubbles and Baubles are not both used as ammo and currency within the SAB Zones, and mistakenly gave an answer which is correct for Baubles, but not for Bubbles.

Could equally be the truth. It's certainly a simpler explanation that someone simply erred and said something wrong about it. Devs get facts about the minutiae of their own games wrong all the time. They're only human. Maybe Bauble Bubbles never had anything blocking them from going in the wallet or mat storage except one dev who misspoke when randomly asked a left-field question by a colleague from another department about her side project.

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