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Ways of getting the Spark Precursor

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So after like a 8 year break I've come back to GW2 with some newcomer friends that never played the game and found out that my old Main has a heap of stuff for a Legendary Weapon I have the 

Gift of Incinerator 

Gift of Mastery

Gift of Fortune

Gift of Exploration


That means I'm only missing the Spark Precursor to create the Legendary right? I remember back in the days you had to like throw 4 rare daggers in that Toilet and pray to get lucky now I heard there's quests nowadays that can net you the Precursor however I am confused whether or not its a different type or not? If I go for the questing way does that make all the Gift's obsolete? Does it have it's own "spark into incinerator" steps or can I get an Spark from the questlines and use it with all my old gifts?


Alot of new things in the game trying to re-learn everything but somethings are just confusing.. I have Heart of Thorns btw

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Easiest and most expensive I assume? But thanks for the wiki yea forgot how good the GW2 wiki's are as well however is it or is it not possible to get an Spark any other means than TP/Mystic Forge luck? Are all those new legendary quest just for the newer legendaries?

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Scroll to find spark and you can craft it BUT you need Heart of Thorns expansion and from central tyria tracks the Legendary crafting mastery!!
Need lot of tasks like fractals,events,JP'and gold if you dont have the items!!
Now its up to you if you have the time to do all these tasks!!

Edited by alteriel valie.4751
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Buying off the tp is actually usually cheaper than making it yourself! It can be gotten as a rare drop, and people will sell it for quick gold, but the drop rate is too low for grinding to be very effective, and the collection requires a lot of mats that easily outpace the cost of buying outright.


Here are links to the collection anyway. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

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Yes it's possible to get Spark by doing a series of collections and crafting steps. No it won't invalidate the stuff you've already got, it only gives you the precursor and then you need to combine it in the Mystic Forge with the Gift of Incinerator, Gift of Fortune and Gift of Mastery to make the finished legendary.

It's a long process. You need to do 3 collection achievements, which will involve things like completing Fractals and jumping puzzles to gain access to items for the collections and gathering various currencies to buy other parts. In between collections there's crafting steps, some of which need hundreds of raw materials. It's designed to cost about the same as crafting exotic weapons to throw into the Forge (if you had average luck) but it's guaranteed to get you the precursor you want, whereas the Forge is pure luck.

When the collections were introduced it brought down the cost of precursors a lot, and has kept it fairly stable since. 8 years ago Spark cost over 1,000g. Now it's around 300-400. Most precursors have a fairly similar cost to buy directly or do the collection but sometimes it's actually cheaper to buy them because ones from random drops will bring the price down slightly and some of the materials may be in demand for other things which makes crafting more expensive.

But it's really up to you which way you prefer. I made a legendary by buying the precursor then did collections for 2 more (plus one of the 'generation 2' legendaries where you have to do the collection) and I would always choose to do the collection because I enjoy it and I like the idea of making the whole thing myself. But if it doesn't appeal to you there's no need to do it, the precursor you get is the same either way.

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There is another resource that will help you out with this - gw2efficiency.com.  You will need to make an account and create an API key at guildwars2.com (instructions are on the gw2efficiency site), but, it will take you through the list of steps to make that legendary pre-cursor.  It will also tell you what you need to buy and what you already have on your account. 

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Crafting right now costs 321 g in materials. Now you probably have some of the materials so it would be cheaper for you. gw2efficiency.com is definitely a good site for crafting legendary stuff. 

Also keep in mind for crafting you need to have crafting disciplines lvled up. In this case its really only weapon smithing at 500 and you can buy a few mats that come from others. 

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Sheesh guys thanks for all the detailed answers this helps me a ton yes I do have a ton of crafting mats already on my account left but not sure if they are the right ones ofcourse also I have all the crafting professions at lv500 maxed out if that helps for those steps.


I checked today and yea Spark was around 400g I only possess 70g at the moment.. Soo I prob need to check up some guides how to earn some quick cashies in this game hahah I currently only own the Heart of Thorns dlc but thats all you would need for those crafting steps right?


Gotta think what the best way is either straight up buy or to craft/do the steps how many days did you guys take to do all the steps? 😛  But seeing as the price is around the same first step for me is some G grindings

Thanks for all the details guys ill def check out that gw2effiency as well sounds interesting

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