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Tanky Bladesworn: a great way to teach your friends PvE


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8 minutes ago, Lighter.5631 said:


it's not BS is so good at soloing. it is the fact that your mum probably puts no effort in her gameplay.

thus BS is the best result as it is easiest/slowest/most effortless to start achieving. 

a lot of class can be way more effective in open world when putting the slightest effort in their game play.


it is a resident sleeper and does the job for people who don't want any effort, but again a lot of other classes also have builds that require no effort..and warrior definitely doesnt lack simplistic gameplay, not only that BS is incredibly awkward to play, while being simple at the same time. that's why people dislike BS

My mothers 60 years Old.

Litterally dude. No effort?... not really lol, no dude her Reactions and stuff just arent what they were, Also she comes from games Where Hotkeys etc etc werent used like Modern games Utilise.

She mained Ele during Core, Herald During HoT and Ranger during PoF. so likely considered a mix bag on the skill curve lists realistically.

Its nothing to do with "puts no effort in". its the fact that its quite accepted a 60 year old wont engage in the game on the same level as a 20 year old.. Espically one Coming from Everquest 1, where things were Just always much slower in use and faster reflexs etc etc was Never a demand.

as u get older.. Things become harder to manage due to the Effects Aging has im afraid.

ontop of this. BS is only effortless against Story monsters etc etc, where effectively Jades trigger carries youy with 1 shots. however when engaging with Monsters of larger maguntitude it simply isnt the case as Oftenly Champion / legendary monsters rarely allow you to litterally play Via AFKin 5 seconds and 1 shotting.

when things like Pre-nerfed Reaper were around for Several years which quite litterally Just auto attacked for a vast majority of its Rotation.. and Scourge existed with 0 Rotation and Just spamming down Shades for barrier... with things also alike Mech which can litterally AFK Open world content.

I wouldnt say people play BS for the sake of "no effort required".

my mother does put effort in, She ensures shes using correct builds Sigils Runes and Gear, She is in ascended gear and Does make a Effort to ensure shes doing enough DPS etc etc when partaking in meta events. She cleared Dragons End prior all its Nerfs.

which is more then u can say for the vast quantity of the playerbase realistically. but shes also a 60 year old who works a Full time job, so sure she aint running Weaver to create the Ultra Fast gameplay she could be using instead of bladesworn.

my inital Point was BS isnt the hardest thing in the world to Do open world content with, so i dont understand ur reply realistically. no one said its the best Open world build i nthe game.. Just simply not the "hardest build to play".

no its Not a Dodge Spam Mirage. a Cele Weaver, a Pre-nerfed Scourge or Renegade.. it Doesnt quite Litterally Hand the game to u on a Silver plate alike those Options were, however. Its a Strong solo build and tbh some people just like seeing 200k Crits on their screen.

Edited by Daddy.8125
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8 minutes ago, Daddy.8125 said:

My mothers 60 years Old.

Litterally dude. No effort?... not really lol, no dude her Reactions and stuff just arent what they were, Also she comes from games Where Hotkeys etc etc werent used like Modern games Utilise.

She mained Ele during Core, Herald During HoT and Ranger during PoF. so likely considered a mix bag on the skill curve lists realistically.

Its nothing to do with "puts no effort in". its the fact that its quite accepted a 60 year old wont engage in the game on the same level as a 20 year old.. Espically one Coming from Everquest 1, where things were Just always much slower in use and faster reflexs etc etc was Never a demand.

as u get older.. Things become harder to manage due to the Effects Aging has im afraid.


so? you literally agree with me.

she has no expectation in her game play style and fluidity and puts minimum effort in her game play.

she just wants to have the task done and the monster killed.

she can disregard all the awkwardness/clunkiness.


when other classes also have low effort builds..

BS is literally the lowest of them all at this point of time.

and really the only reason some one would choose BS over other classes is the fact that the person has no expectation of game play style and fluidity and puts minimum effort in gameplay.

as BS really has nothing better to offer outside of these.

yet this alone doesnt justify all the clunkiness and awkwardness of BS's fail design, as what your mum wants is something can be completely achieved by adjusting numbers as she doesnt care about gameplay style and fluidity

Edited by Lighter.5631
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5 minutes ago, Lighter.5631 said:


so? you literally agree with me.

she has no expectation in her game play style and fluidity and puts minimum effort in her game play.

she just wants to have the task done and the monster killed.

she can disregard all the awkwardness/clunkiness.


when other classes also have low effort builds..

BS is literally the lowest of them all at this point of time.

and really the only reason some one would choose BS over other classes is the fact that the person has no expectation of game play style and fluidity and puts minimum effort in gameplay.

as BS really has nothing better to offer outside of these.


Dodge Spam Mirage?

that requires you to just wield a Staff and Press Dodge As many times as humanly Possible.

Theres a video of a Fire Weaver litterally Facetanking a boss with 0 Use of healing abilities or Dodge functions.

Auto attack Core Revenant. i solo'd alot of the game wit hthis and even did 20k DPS in Drakkar with it lmfao.

mechanist? AFK and watch the Pet solo the game for you.

BS isnt Lower the nquite Litterally Sitrting AFK while ur pet does the Entire work im sorry but it is not, also. "minimum effort".. She mained a Elementalist for a Considerable amount of time Lmfao. i wouldnt say Minimum Effort.

She also Plays Trailblazer Weaver, Power Soulbeast, Power herald (Although i did get her to swap to condi Renegade), Power Dragonhunter. Again. as i stated a Mixed bag of Playstyles realistically and they arent all "minimum effort". I just said My mum has Recently been playing bladesworn alot lately as its very easy to do in reply to someone saying Warriors Super hard to play open world wise lmao..

your spending more time trying to attack the opinon then realistically Reading the Reply.

the dude i quoted. Stated BS Was HARD TO SOLO CONTENT WITH. i simply stated a Sentence which disagreed with what he Stated. I never stated this Justifys BS's current condition in other game modes, Nor did i say it was hard to pull off. if anything my Inital statement was Stating its very easy to do lol.


When the games as power crept as it is.. .putting Open world content and "minimum effort" go together regardless of choice Lmfao.

As someone who has 1 of Every Proffession. Quite litterally every Proffession has a minimum effort solo option. Complexity really doesnt exist in builds, Anet have dumbed down every proffession with each new Elite.. barring Elementalist... that didnt rly get easier at all.

News flash:

Most builds in this game are faceroll to do for decent Results. u wont get the top 5 highest DPS achieved with ur proffession. but u can generally Get Quite far in with minimum effort on most builds. trying to centre this off to a BS only thing is Disingenious at best.

Edited by Daddy.8125
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1 hour ago, Daddy.8125 said:

U are aware ur jade trigger does 200k Damage right?

Im using Ascended Berserker set up, With Axe / Pistol + Gunsaber.

even in ttanky builds it does a TON of damage.


 Heres 2 builds of people using it, Lord hizen even does fight a legendary at the end to show himself soloing it, These are tankier sure and will not 1 shot as Often. but they're still extremely strong and run 100% Crit builds in high sustain set ups.


i cant test these setups cause i don't have ascended gear. i only have exotic.  im 75% done unlocking BS and still going through PoF content as a spellbreaker.


i'll have ascended gear and BS this December. (have to take a may-sept  break because reasons, plus oct-nov to craft ascended gear)  i will test these setups at that point but I am highly skeptical they will perfrom as adverstised.


edit: if i want an ascended pistol,  its going to be jan 2023 before I can test.  i cant craft huntsman weapons so i'll prolly have to settle for exotic on it and ascended everything else.  it takes to long to solo grind materials for 400-500 crafting.  i don't convert gems to gold or vice versa.  i don't do trading post.  i don't do any organized group content.  i have 240 gold saved up from 7 years ago.  i restarted a couple months ago with 265 gold but spent 25 gold crafting 2 ascended maces and ascended vendor materials to prep for ascended armor crafting.  plus the game dinged me 5ish gold for mounts in PoF and I spent some gold in Hot for runes and sigils.  the vendors take more gold than i can make which is why im -25 gold.  its a grind.

Edited by America.9437
drinking and thinking.
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3 hours ago, America.9437 said:

so is your mum 1 hitting critters or actual mobs. and if actual mobs. where in the game is she doing this?

As long as you've got decent Power damage, Pistol 5->4 is an easy combo that will kill a regular mob, or up to 3 if they're stacked close together. You can do the same with off-hand Axe 5 if you prefer.

And the whole point of Bladesworn is that your Dragon Trigger abilities should be critting for at least 60k damage even if you mess up a bunch of the buff-stacking.


10 hours ago, America.9437 said:

I want to try gear like with healing/toughness/concentration to see how it performs because why not.

Don't do that, you'll hate it and you'll have a bad time.


The actual effectiveness of stats and scaling in this game can be pretty variable.

Every solo build needs to invest in either strike damage or condition damage to succeed. It's not just a matter of "kill things fast!" — if your damage output is gutter-level, then all that sustain you're investing in doesn't get you as far because you have to stretch it longer. When I play "zero-dps support" Minstrel builds, I end up with like 600 average dps in the logs — completely negligible.

For strike damage, you *need* high basic damage (from Power), high critical chance (normally from Precision plus Fury plus a few special team buffs, rarely you can cheese it with gimmicky auto-crit tricks like in the build posted above), and a high critical damage multiplier (from Ferocity). Critting hard and often is mandatory for getting reasonable strike damage out of your attacks.

For condition damage, you *need* the Condition Damage stat and condition duration (from traits, gear, and Expertise). Max condition duration effectively *doubles* condition damage.

Don't skimp on these, your damage output will suck and you'll hate it. (Celestial is basically the most you can afford to neglect damage stats in anything that's not a total support build. And even then you need to make sure you're applying conditions and stacking Might in order to get good performance.)

And both power and condi builds benefit greatly from various damage-boosting traits and stacking lots of boons.


Where it actually gets trickier is with sustain and defensive stats. For example, Healing Power increases healing, sure, but that does nothing unless you actually have a lot of healing/barrier from relevant skills and traits; if all it's doing in your build is turning a once-every-30-seconds 5k heal into a once-every-30-seconds 8k heal, that's really really not worth it. (In the case of something like Scrapper, Bladesworn with Immortal Dragon, or Thief with Invigorating Precision, a lot of your sustain is based on damage output, too. So attempting to trade away damage for sustain may end up costing you both, actually.)

Ditto, Toughness looks pretty appealing for reducing incoming damage, but it's vastly more effective when you've also got good uptime on the Protection boon.

Your stats need to work together with the rest of your build to provide meaningful value.

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18 hours ago, ASP.8093 said:

Don't do that, you'll hate it and you'll have a bad time

Nah.  it cant be any worse than running around in the open world in berserker gear.  besides exotic gear is kinda cheap to craft.


i have a guardian at 477/500 in armor crafting so i need those points.  may as well throw some non damage crafted exotic gear on my warrior to test its performance.  if it doesn't do good ill salvage them for mats for ascended.


edit:  i crafted a set of exotic clerics gear and socketed them with runes of strength.  it feels like its performs much better than berserker or mararuder gear in path of fire open world.  i still can't kill veteran awakened canids though.  their cc is too much.  but at least i can get em down to 20% which was hellofa lot better than my other gear.  im gonna use this gear for rest of path of fire for further testing.

Edited by America.9437
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Whilst such builds can handle new players and act sort of like an auto-pilot through the fight, it doesn’t really give much learning experience imho. I think the best way to learn is to take average/squishy build to open world and just take the first steps there - see what you get punished for and what not.

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It's questionable how much better it is to 'learn' using a spec that is relatively more difficult to master than it's siblings. One of the things that people significantly disregard is that the decision to play BsW offensively or defensively has an equally significant impact on how you execute your skills, moreso than the other specs. 

One thing that should be noted though ... if sustain is what you are looking for on a Warrior, nothing gives it better than a BsW. Even the MMR SpB build is exceeded by the additional barriers and healing boosts BsW provides, even if you don't use Immortal Dragon.

Edited by Obtena.7952
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On 4/27/2022 at 5:31 AM, Mik.3401 said:

Whilst such builds can handle new players and act sort of like an auto-pilot through the fight, it doesn’t really give much learning experience imho. I think the best way to learn is to take average/squishy build to open world and just take the first steps there - see what you get punished for and what not.

My thinking is that if your build puts 90%+ of its DPS into one attack combo, and you need to make sure you don't waste it due to a Blind, CC, or the enemy evading, that does kinda force you to do more than just auto-pilot your way through a fight.

(The sustain it provides also relies on 1. predicting when you're going to be low on hp, or at least playing safe for a few seconds while you wait for your heal to go off; 2. connecting with your Dragon Slash.)

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