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"There was an unspecified error. Please try again." - AGAIN

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Hello Anet and ppl on the forum. 
I wanted to register new account but I keep getting "Unspecified error" message again, no matter what I try, how long I wait. I had the same issue some time back and contacted support and they were able to help me but the proccess was......well, long and tiring considering I just wanted to register new account  I bought. I got those replies (I hope its not against any rules to post it here):

We have found that your created account was stuck in limbo, meaning that while it was created, no free-to-play game access was provided. This is the reason you were not able to login and play and were met with an error when attempting to access the game. While we were able to identify the cause of this issue and prevent it from occurring in the future, we are not able to recreate your account. Due to this, your recently created account has been removed and you will now be able to create your account once again using your preferred email address.

At this point, I tried to register again but it still didnt work so our conversation continued....


We’re aware of this issue and this is most likely caused by Bitdefender. To troubleshoot this, you may want to try temporarily disabling Bitdefender in order to rule this program out as the issue.

Antivirus and firewall software play an important role in your computer security. They help protect your computer from viruses, malware and spyware infections. However, when protecting your computer, they can prevent legitimate programs or games from installing, updating or running. Disabling or temporarily uninstalling your security software can help resolve these conflicts. We do not, however, recommend running your machine without a security application. Please only disable or remove security software as a temporary troubleshooting step.

Note: Some security programs will continue to partially run even when disabled. They may require full uninstallation or reconfiguration to resolve. ESET maintains a comprehensive list of common antivirus uninstallation tools on their website.

If you are not comfortable configuring or uninstalling your security software, please contact your security software's technical support department for assistance. They may also be able to help you configure their product to not interfere with future game installation and patching.

Tried all and nothing helped again (never even used programs they mentioned.)....


It appears your account creation attempts are continuing to be caught by our security checks. To avoid this issue, we do have some suggestions you can try:

• Use a different Internet browser
• Make sure that Javascript is enabled
• If you are using a VPN/proxy, disable the service
• Verify that the device timezone is properly set for your location
• If you have had too many failed attempts, wait 24 hours before making another attempt

Please understand that if you're unable to resolve your issue with the above suggestions, then you will continue to experience these issues.

We’ve taken steps that will allow you to complete the account creation process. Go ahead and log into your accounts at https://account.arena.net/login at your convenience. Once you do this you will be asked to verify your email addresses to complete the process.


Tried different browsers, Javascript was enabled, never used VPN/proxy, time zone was right, I waited few days before trying to register again....nothing.....

But the steps they took to allow me complete the registration actually helped......After few days of talking with support, we managed one account to work but I had more and yes, all took that long.
Dont get me wrong, support was kind, friendly and did excelent job in my opinion but its still tiring to have to do all of this to register new account.

I understand, maybe reached the limit of attempts.....

But now when I didnt make new account for months and I cant register single one? Its something that should not happen and I would like to hear reply from devs to know how we can fix this or because lets be honest, its just another work for support ppl but it should not exist at the first place unless someone try to register 20 accounts a day and is considered to be a bot or something.


Sorry for long topic but my conversation with support was much longer and took many days.




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How is it new players join this game? A-net should step their game up, this is rather ridiculous.


I had a friend join months ago and he complained about this and thought he was crazy. Now I'm having another friend join and I'm creating a new account with him and we both have the same issue as well. Every time we try to create an account we just get "unspecified error". 

Edited by Deadly.3298
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39 minutes ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

Error Messages: Being Humble, Human, and Helpful will make users Happy by Kate Voss


This error message is due to negligence. A vital part of their product has been defective for months and its a shame. 

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I was going to create a topic on the FR forum, then I thought of coming to the EN forum.

I have been trying to create an account for 4 days. the same error message is displayed all the time.
With from time to time a message "you do not have permission to create an account".

I manage to connect to my two other accounts, in game and on the site. Even on the forum.
But creating an account... NO!

Since I'm not the only one, I think the problem comes from the server and not from the client side.

Also there must be other people who have to try to create an account for the 1st time, and they can't
come to the forum to say that there is a problem creating an account.


                                         Arenanet...  HELP !!!!!

Thanks in advance.

Signature :


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5 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Did you try any of the things they've suggested in their last response to you?


Yes I tried all of them. Only thing that worked was them, support ppl, making some "steps". I assume t hey pushed my registration through the security system but why it was even stuck there?


Security systems are good if they work,  this clearly doesnt if even new ppl cant make an account.

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As someone who has a lot of paid GW2 accounts, I think I should add some practical tips that the ANet support didn't mention.

The browser itself doesn't really seem to matter as long as you don't over do it with privacy settings. If you lock down privacy settings and use browser addons that help with anonymity, the ANet websites might not work as expected or reject your registration.

If you get the unspecified error instantly or within less than 1 second, try switching your IP-address in your router or wait at least 4 hours. Since it seems that this is either caused by the login server's flood protection (which resets after 4h) or the registration service isn't available at the moment. Don't log into any of your other accounts while you wait, additionally delete your cookies and restart your browser before trying to register. Not trying to enter your data at superhuman speed might also help, e.g. wait at least a second between filling out each field of the registration form.

Avoid using registering via a mobile IP-address unless it's geo-located close to your usual IP-address you are playing or planning to play. If the locations are too far away from each other, your account will typically be suspended within a couple of days and you have to write to CS (again).

If you get the unspecified error after a few seconds and have to actually solve a captcha manually, try a different mail-domain. This usually seems to be a problem at times when GW2 is on sale somewhere or ANet has given out promotional keys recently or both. From my experience there seem to be both some hidden counters for accounts per day/week/month per mail-domain and some scoring system for mail-domains themselves in place in the background.

For example:

I use four different mail-domains that are registered by myself for my personal and freelance use. I have over 40 accounts on the domain I use for ~10 years now and never have issues to create more accounts within the daily/weekly/monthly limits. However I wasn't able to create a 4th account within a week on a freshly registered domain that wasn't in use for a few years before. While I'm not sure about the exact weekly limit, I've created up to 6 accounts within a day before. However I suggest to keep it at 3 per day if you want to create close to the weekly limit which seems to be somewhere between 15 - 20 accounts. 

There seem to be more generous limits in place for popular domains like gmail.com or outlook.com, but if dozens or hundreds of people try to create new accounts within a short time, we usually see posts like this appear on the forums.

If you plan to add more accounts in the future, consider creating a few F2P accounts beforehand to have them ready to go for new licenses. Log into those accounts at least once and create a character to avoid getting flagged by the internal security sweep when adding a new license.

Edited by TheWaternymphHC.1847
typos & clarification
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  • 1 year later...

Sorry to bump this..but a year later and this is still a problem? Im trying to create an account for my partner with his email..but keeps just showing this "unspecified error"

and . "not using a mobile IP", is not an option for alot of us. Mobile broadband is all we have in this area, and alot of my country. This is ridiculous, that you cant even create an account...how many protentional new players are being locked out from this over the top security feature?? 

I have contacted support, but they likely wont get back to me, in time to purchase the epac deals for my partner. Thats frustrating

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  • 2 months later...

I'm going to necro this as well from the individual above me.... This is STILL a problem right now. I can't make a new account at all. This game already has a small playerbase and ya'll are gonna shoot yourself in the foot by preventing new players from making accounts? That's crazy.

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