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A lot time wasting when retrying story achievements

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So I'm slowly going through the story/LS mastery achievements (cause I'm that bored) and the finicky ones are really unenjoyable to retry.

There is so much traversal, unskippable dialogs and just plain boring moments/fights. Like "don't get hit by blah blah", wait 5+ min to retry. I'm guessing they've tried to "balance" the frustration factor by making the achievement easier to do (so you don't have to retry 50 times, as retrying is lame)... That neither gives me the satisfaction of having done something difficult (an achievement) nor am I excited to try again - by the time I get to attempt again I already forgot what I was doing. The only thing I can reasonably do is put something to watch on my 2nd display and just grind it through.

Is there some clever way to retry the achievement attempt, or its just poor design? I'm trying to log out as soon as I'm done with an achievement / to try to retry from a checkpoint... but for HoT that doesn't  seem to work.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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2 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

So I'm slowly going through the story/LS mastery achievements (cause I'm that bored) and the finicky ones are really unenjoyable to retry.

There is so much traversal, unskippable dialogs and just plain boring moments/fights. Like "don't get hit by blah blah", wait 5+ min to retry. I'm guessing they've tried to "balance" the frustration factor by making the achievement easier to do (so you don't have to retry 50 times, as retrying is lame)... That neither gives me the satisfaction of having done something difficult (an achievement) nor am I excited to try again - by the time I get to attempt again I already forgot what I was doing. The only thing I can reasonably do is put something to watch on my 2nd display and just grind it through.

Is there some clever way to retry the achievement attempt, or its just poor design? I'm trying to log out as soon as I'm done with an achievement / to try to retry from a checkpoint... but for HoT that doesn't  seem to work.

The reason it dont work in hot is because those story instances dont have any check points.

Infact Anet have been very sparse with check points in general over the story chapters.

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On 5/7/2022 at 4:37 AM, Hotride.2187 said:

So I'm slowly going through the story/LS mastery achievements (cause I'm that bored) and the finicky ones are really unenjoyable to retry.

There is so much traversal, unskippable dialogs and just plain boring moments/fights. Like "don't get hit by blah blah", wait 5+ min to retry. I'm guessing they've tried to "balance" the frustration factor by making the achievement easier to do (so you don't have to retry 50 times, as retrying is lame)... That neither gives me the satisfaction of having done something difficult (an achievement) nor am I excited to try again - by the time I get to attempt again I already forgot what I was doing. The only thing I can reasonably do is put something to watch on my 2nd display and just grind it through.

Is there some clever way to retry the achievement attempt, or its just poor design? I'm trying to log out as soon as I'm done with an achievement / to try to retry from a checkpoint... but for HoT that doesn't  seem to work.

Honestly bring friends and all do the achievements together and use a guide since some can be hidden. 

They build in the fact that you have extra player in the later seasons/expansions but the early ones they don't so you can in a sense abuse it especially if there is a boss fight.

I just did the bug in the system from LW4 and everyone get to become a cube that can disable other cubes which is cool way to add other players.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I'm done with the story mastery achievements now (left are the eod map "mastery" ones, not sure if I count those).

Ironically the last one I did was "Rock Dodger", where you are given a challenge mote... when you finish the fight. No restart on-demand or when you let yourself die. When you finish the fight. Which is like... we don't want to waste your time, sort of? Or maybe its like... we want to waste your time but this time we don't want to be obnoxious about it?

Anyway my opinion has not improved. A lot of easy "achievements" that are frustrating/obnoxious to repeat. And a lot of purely timesink "achievements". But oh well, at least its something to do. The game doesn't lack that at least.

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New player here, i have the same filing abaut the achivments in the game, wen you go to the achivnent panel, most achivments just tell you the name of the achivment and does not telyou wath you need to do or were to go, on top of that there is not achivment page or internet achivment guide, i have the filing that in this game you have to spend more time in wikis then playing the game

GW2 wiki, gw2 youtube tutorials, snowcrows, metabatle, gw2mits, gw2 craft, gw2 eficiency, gw2 trading post, gw2 timers, ark dps, taco 💩💩💩💩

This need to change, why there is not a mantery point for events timer, location, metas, etc? 


Why your craft master does not teachyou wath to buy and were to get materials and recepies to help you level up you crafting profetion? 

Edited by Drax.7308
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14 hours ago, Drax.7308 said:

New player here, i have the same filing abaut the achivments in the game, wen you go to the achivnent panel, most achivments just tell you the name of the achivment and does not telyou wath you need to do or were to go, on top of that there is not achivment page or internet achivment guide, i have the filing that in this game you have to spend more time in wikis then playing the game

GW2 wiki, gw2 youtube tutorials, snowcrows, metabatle, gw2mits, gw2 craft, gw2 eficiency, gw2 trading post, gw2 timers, ark dps, taco 💩💩💩💩

This need to change, why there is not a mantery point for events timer, location, metas, etc? 


Why your craft master does not teachyou wath to buy and were to get materials and recepies to help you level up you crafting profetion? 

Well they expect people to explore to find it themselfs.

The wiki get edited by players after they found and done the things so it is possible to do ingame.

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The Caithe centaur dodge one, the end of Season 2 "dodge falling rocks" one in the magic cave, and the world summit dragon attack dodging one are the worst. The last one might be the absolute worst, though the achievement itself isn't as hard as the others. Because you have. to. sit. through. the. entire. summit. every. time.

And what the other guy said about the challenge mote: god, that annoyed me. It was faster to just re-do the instance than to finish the fight and use the mote...

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1 hour ago, LSD.4673 said:

the world summit dragon attack dodging one are the worst. The last one might be the absolute worst, though the achievement itself isn't as hard as the others. Because you have. to. sit. through. the. entire. summit. every. time.

Ah yes I saw how it was going with the instance (you have to sit through slowwalking/slowtalking NPCs doing "processions" and "negotiations")... and I made extra certain I can do all the crap on 2-3 attempts.

It just tells you no dev has tried to do most of these achievements normally, they probably just restarted the encounters with whatever tools they have available as developers. Maybe didn't even attempt doing them themselves, just went "yeah, that sounds reasonable".

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57 minutes ago, Hotride.2187 said:


It just tells you no dev has tried to do most of these achievements normally, they probably just restarted the encounters with whatever tools they have available as developers. Maybe didn't even attempt doing them themselves, just went "yeah, that sounds reasonable".

^^^^ this. I sometimes think this is the case for many other aspects of the game as well.


Edited by Blude.6812
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