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Dear PvP Devs. These things should take priority over nerfs.


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I  personally agree. i remember someone pointed out that guardians and necros have well designed specs with traitlines in some that just work out very well.


Reaper? fits power DPS
Dragonhunter in pve? good spec firebrand? support scourge? kinda supportish or condi dps


I'd like more of that spread and done well to other specs many already fit like: Tempest for support or weaver for power dps 

Herald for healing and cleansing i like it i can enjoy even druid spec and support part.


Anet isn't fully at fault but yes they do take blame. Its us the players who take a lot of blame too.We whine and demand ANET to nerf specs  and talk about spec downsides and counters and there is a awful lot of bias in these forums. Over the years i've seen necro hate ele hate mesmer hate warr hate guardian engi thief hate etc.


I think we need some sort of thing for better training or something for pvp and change expectations of people in pvp perhaps.

I remember saw someone earlier in pvp forum saying they were happy ele staff was nerfed because they were getting farmed the person sounded rather proud.



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@Terrorhuz.4695 ah yes sry i see it just after seen the Clip 3 Times. Quality Was a but Bad to see the number of might stacks. But after all those where one amo skill press 3 Times with 4k crit hit. I mean technicaly this would be broken but when you think a bit longer you will notice...... this one Single ammo skill is the only skill on gunsaber that does damage like this at all. Also besides this its reflectable got a pretty low range and would be also dodge and blind able. To say the trueth this warr Was lucky that helseth doesnt dodge or evade but also thst all 3 Hits where critical at the same time.

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9 hours ago, Pati.2438 said:

@Terrorhuz.4695 ah yes sry i see it just after seen the Clip 3 Times. Quality Was a but Bad to see the number of might stacks. But after all those where one amo skill press 3 Times with 4k crit hit. I mean technicaly this would be broken but when you think a bit longer you will notice...... this one Single ammo skill is the only skill on gunsaber that does damage like this at all. Also besides this its reflectable got a pretty low range and would be also dodge and blind able. To say the trueth this warr Was lucky that helseth doesnt dodge or evade but also thst all 3 Hits where critical at the same time.

> 900 range is not "low range"
> every skill in the game is blindable and dodgeable, with the exception of dragon trigger which can't be blinded and the occasional instacast which can't be dodged (currently just shield push on guard, mantra on mesmer and steal on daredevil; maybe some weird stuff from ele? but that's pretty much it)
> it's not the single skill that does damage; cyclone trigger has about the same multiplier. You also happen to have another weaponset, just saying. A single weaponset with 5 damaging skills is NOT weak.
> Helseth couldn't dodge; as you could easily see if you had eyes (which you clearly don't, as you thought the war had 25 stacks of might), you'd notice he was immobilized from Leg Specialist. Just for the record: I don't own ANY tool to deal 13k damage within the window of a 1s immob. When I do get close to this kind of damage, I give up any resustain\range\cleanse and I also don't have heavy armor.

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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23 hours ago, Lucentfir.7430 said:

The answer is 'nope.' It's like posting here is a feedback box that they empty out into a furnace at the end of the day. 🙂

Well then how can we make our voices be heard? Do we need to make fliers or something?

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16 hours ago, Wild.1705 said:

Well then how can we make our voices be heard? Do we need to make fliers or something?

Bribe someone in Anet? Open a gofundme to pay for extra dev hours?
PvP is barley in maintance, PvP tournament panel is in unfinished beta state since it inception. Looking at the quarterly patch notes it feels like Anet gives the team a couple of dev hours at most to scrap some balance numbers together. People wishing for weapon reworks are delus... quite hopeful about the Money/time Anet is willing to spend on PvP.

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