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Players Helping Players is a JOKE!!!!

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I experienced the same with the funerary armor achievments, I had to give up because nobody helped me, never.

You need a guild. The problem is GW2 is so casual, that people just enter the game to do their own sheit and quit, no time to help others.

While in hardcore MMos that require great grind, you'll find hardcore players, who spend every day tons of hours in the game, willing to help bewbies.

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5 minutes ago, frareanselm.1925 said:

I experienced the same with the funerary armor achievments, I had to give up because nobody helped me, never.

You need a guild. The problem is GW2 is so casual, that people just enter the game to do their own sheit and quit, no time to help others.

While in hardcore MMos that require great grind, you'll find hardcore players, who spend every day tons of hours in the game, willing to help bewbies.

I'm sorry you feel that way. But it's also not true. I said before, I am not in a guild. And I do need help sometimes. Asking has never failed. True, I do not spend much time in raids, dungeons, WvW, PvP, and so on. But when I do get the itch, asking for help has always worked. And that goes for asking for help in PvE aswell!

And even if in a guild, that does not mean your guildies will up and stop what they are doing to help someone else. I mean, you don't go and quit a dungeon just to help someone right away....

Edited by SandraSolace.7682
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25 minutes ago, Seera.5916 said:

I resend my offer to help. I offered on the assumption that your tone in the first post was just due to frustration, but given the follow up had the same attitude, it's not frustration.


I only have so much free time and want to spend it it with players who have pleasant attitudes.

I think you mean rescind as in take away, since what you typed could mean to offer it again

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12 hours ago, Pahaska.8504 said:

Read this post and say I am Wrong. Got blown off by devs

Okay. With utmost respect: you are wrong.

• A new player tries to solo a 5-player dungeon, on a character that's like level 40 (acceptable level for the dungeon but they still only have 1 trait line rather than the full 3, and likely suboptimal gear as well). This is a RATHER HARD task, especially under those conditions, even for most of the experienced people commenting here.

• They file a support ticket saying they're stuck, they get a reply from customer service that they don't like. We don't know all the details, but they found it "condescending" and I'm not here to make up excuses for customer service reps, so let's take them at their word here.

• So, what happens then? They go to the forum and complain. People explain stuff to them. People teach them how to form a group and encourage them to find a guild, and offer personalized help on the forums as well.

• In the end, the player gets the thing they wanted done, learns a lot of stuff that will also help them in the future, and posts:


Thank you all for your kind responses.  The opinion that the GW2 forum people are very helpful is true.  Thank you one and all.

That's a win for the community! Someone was having a frustrating time in the game, reached out to other players, and those players worked with them and turned that whole experience around.

Also note that the community didn't take the path of least resistance here: people could have easily told them "just do personal story and skip dungeons, they're optional and rather old," but the player wanted the dungeon story experience and they got it!

Edited by ASP.8093
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1 hour ago, frareanselm.1925 said:

I experienced the same with the funerary armor achievments, I had to give up because nobody helped me, never.

You need a guild. The problem is GW2 is so casual, that people just enter the game to do their own sheit and quit, no time to help others.

While in hardcore MMos that require great grind, you'll find hardcore players, who spend every day tons of hours in the game, willing to help bewbies.

To be fair, if bewbies are asking for my attention they are likely to get it.

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