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Cleansing Condi's and Breaking Stuns on Thief?

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I mainly play open world so I can't rely on others to break stuns and cleanse condi's

My first class was Warrior so I had the luxury of Shake it Off, it helped tons overall, but now that I'm playing thief I'm having trouble picking my condi cleanse and stun break and could use some advice

I've been using haste with Trickery's trickster trait to do both and give me boons, but it has such a long cd, and I need a skill to get the condi cleanse, been using Signet of Agility too, does the same when it's active, but you wanna avoid using Signets. 

I'm stumped, I wanna make a power Pistol/Pistol and Rifle Deadeye build when I get enough HP's and I read rifle has a build in Condi cleanse, also saw some shadowstep skills have condi cleans, but I don't wanna go INTO a mob as a sqiushy sniper class, I won't play Deadeye all the time so it's a option for when I swap off it, though.

So I need some advice, as idk what too pick, I'm too used to "haha Shake it Off go burrrr" when a Awakened gives me every f cking debuff in the game 3 times over. 

(And no, I'm not staying away from the mobs to avoid them as I'd run the risk of missing boons if we're zerging down a boss)


Edited by SamuelW.2685
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You can try playing around w/ the trait https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow's_Embrace, which cleanses conditions while in stealth. Use Pistol 5 + Blinding Powder, or use heal skill + Shadow Arts trait to get stealth when you need it. There is also a GM trait in Shadow Arts for getting health while in stealth. If you haven't used rifle yet, you can also get stealth w/ pistol 5 + shortbow 2 into field. This also helps with getting pistol stealth attacks in while you have lots of might.

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Although Acrobatics has some condi cleanse in it, I wouldn't recommend, due to the traitline not offering too much besides that. Some other options would be using vitality gear or Sigil of Cleaning on your weapons, so you cleanse a condi when you swap weapons.

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Shadowstep is an insanely good skill. 2x teleports, 2x stun breaks, and cleanses 3 conditions on the second cast.

Most of the thief healing skills cleanse a bunch of conditions (Hide in Shadows - damaging conditions; Withdraw - control conditions; Malicious Restoration - any 3 conditions as long as you have a target marked).

Signet of Agility is a reliable cleanse that's never wasted because it's passive effect makes it a lot easier to reach crit cap.

Rifle and Sword both cure conditions on some of their Initiative skills. Specter's Grasping Shadows (Shroud 2) also removes a condition on a short cooldown. These are all very handy little on-demand cleanses against enemies that mostly apply 1 condition type over and over (like a lot of Burning themed enemies).

If you're running a build like Quick Pocket Pistol/Pistol you can also stick a Sigil of Cleansing on your weapon, if you want. That's up to 3 cleansed every 10 seconds.

Shadow's Embrace and Trickster are both pretty solid traits in strong-across-the-board trait lines that will deliver significant cleansing as well.

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