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Premade Parties and Matchmaking


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In the vast majority of cases a VC party will stomp a pug team using the match-making feature as individual. Premade parties are most likely using VC. VC against pugs is absolutely dominating since speaking can be done while fighting and it's either typing or fighting.. And the presence of Discord makes it extremely easy for a group to use a VC as there's none of the setup required that things like Ventrillo or Teamspeak requires. And while those two were the only game in town when GW2 was made the world has progressed and we now have options that were never even a conceptual idea when the game was made and it has to adapt to the new technology. The solution imagined at that time is no longer applicable and new solutions have to be made.

I know it'll result in longer queues, however, I would happily take longer queues over getting into a fight fast and then getting absolutely rofl-stomped by a team using VC that signed up as a party. While I'm, sure this kind of easy victory is great fun for the party on VC, there's no fun in it for me on the recieving end, and I doubt I'm the only one that feels that way, as the short wait just leads to a huge waste of time.

I already know what some will respond with, and that's get your own party and use VC. Whenm I'm playing Unranked that should never be needed as that's the place to test things out. I've no incentive to do anything Unranked in sPvP beyond my dailies as I, depending on time, have a high risk of wasting my time. There's no space to improve myself or learn from my mistakes as any 1v1 fight often turns into a 2v1 fight where I get absolutely roflstomped because they've called for assistance.

People should have an equal challenge. Using the match-making feature as individuals should mean that you only ever get to fight individuals that have done the same. Parties that have signed up using the match-making feature should overwhelmingly get to fight other parties since they're most likely also using VC pr the description of how an arms race works.

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I doubt most premades use VC. You absolutely can, and it undoubtedly improves your performance, but people just do not care. The game is not competetive enough for it to matter. Escpecially not in 2v2-s, most of my friends(me included) just do not play ranked for these 2 week intervals. 

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2 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

Premade parties are most likely using VC.

Only in MATs when they try hard.

During normal ATs, 95% of the time people just want to play without VC.

It's actually kind of a hassle to worry about unless it's convenient and people are in the mood.

2 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

I would happily take longer queues over getting into a fight fast and then getting absolutely rofl-stomped by a team using VC that signed up as a party.

Spoiler alert: Those teams who stomp you wouldn't need VC to stomp you.

2 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

I already know what some will respond with, and that's get your own party and use VC.

So do it. Stop being a crab in a barrel and pulling down others/removing their options just because you don't feel like keeping up.

2 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

I've no incentive to do anything Unranked in sPvP beyond my dailies

They why do you care? Stop being a crab in a barrel and pulling down others/removing their options for competitive.

2 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

People should have an equal challenge. Using the match-making feature as individuals should mean that you only ever get to fight individuals that have done the same. Parties that have signed up using the match-making feature should overwhelmingly get to fight other parties since they're most likely also using VC pr the description of how an arms race works.

100% guarantee you that if a 5man party is using Discord in Unranked, it is hurting them more than it is helping them. Have you ever even been to a Discord my dude? When a party goes into Discord while running Unranked, there is like a 98% chance that the conversation gets derailed into discussing odd stuff while everyone is laughing, that has nothing to do with GW2.

People chill in Unranked. They try hard in MATs.

If your only goal is to queue Unranked, I assure you that it is ok to stop worrying about this VC concern of yours.

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Honestly, anet should've stopped developing so hard back in 2012.  For those who never knew, the in-game LFG/Party-finder option didn't exist in launch GW2 and nobody had any in-game means to reach out and form parties for dungeon runs beyond map chat or whispers.  Within a single month, there was a player-maintained, third-party website that did everything GW2 players needed for ad hoc LFG purposes.  Anet shut down the site after they pulled up their underwear and actually made an LFG tool only about 3 months after the game finally launched.

What I'm getting at is that, if anet weren't so trash and controlling about how people played gw2, you'd probably have a site like tf2center for PvP in gw2 by now-- that is to say, a site for gw2 pvp that would make up for the game's inherent lack of features.  Then again no guarantee because gw2 is WAY less fun than TF2 and the community of the former is way more dead than the latter.  Gw2 almost certainly has no players who are capable or willing to collaborate and push such a passion project.

Edited by Swagg.9236
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1 hour ago, Swagg.9236 said:

Honestly, anet should've stopped developing so hard back in 2012.  For those who never knew, the in-game LFG/Party-finder option didn't exist in launch GW2 and nobody had any in-game means to reach out and form parties for dungeon runs beyond map chat or whispers.  Within a single month, there was a player-maintained, third-party website that did everything GW2 players needed for ad hoc LFG purposes.  Anet shut down the site after they pulled up their underwear and actually made an LFG tool only about 3 months after the game finally launched.

What I'm getting at is that, if anet weren't so trash and controlling about how people played gw2, you'd probably have a site like tf2center for PvP in gw2 by now-- that is to say, a site for gw2 pvp that would make up for the game's inherent lack of features.  Then again no guarantee because gw2 is WAY less fun than TF2 and the community of the former is way more dead than the latter.  Gw2 almost certainly has no players who are capable or willing to collaborate and push such a passion project.

I don't know about that.

I may have a surprise up my sleeve.

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On 7/3/2022 at 4:00 PM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I don't know about that.

I may have a surprise up my sleeve.

At the time of posting this, there are 105 people idle in TF2 center.  These are bottom-tier population hours since NA runs that game.  I don't think you could ever get 105 active GW2 PvPers together to take advantage of a GW2-specific site as good as TF2center (that is if anet would even let one exist).

GW2 also lacks the depth of TF2 6s.  There isn't a lot to break down post-match.  Stats like "Damage dealt" or "Damage dealt per second/ minute" aren't super insightful when all the classes deal damage so freely and even "support" builds can regularly close a kill or kill-assist in any fight.  Even if you wanted to statistically capture something like "Total Time spent decapping/contesting/off point" with a post-match plug-in, GW2's trashy source code is guarded like a papal election.  You can't make it work very well.

Do what you wish, but I only pray you aren't so utterly deluded about this game as I was in 2013.  If it works, cool, but don't expect success here.  Anet is aggressively antithetical when it comes to player-driven content.  I'm pretty sure that people even found a way to complain about and/or indirectly nerf Asuraball.

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18 minutes ago, Swagg.9236 said:

At the time of posting this, there are 105 people idle in TF2 center.  These are bottom-tier population hours since NA runs that game.  I don't think you could ever get 105 active GW2 PvPers together to take advantage of a GW2-specific site as good as TF2center (that is if anet would even let one exist).

GW2 also lacks the depth of TF2 6s.  There isn't a lot to break down post-match.  Stats like "Damage dealt" or "Damage dealt per second/ minute" aren't super insightful when all the classes deal damage so freely and even "support" builds can regularly close a kill or kill-assist in any fight.  Even if you wanted to statistically capture something like "Total Time spent decapping/contesting/off point" with a post-match plug-in, GW2's trashy source code is guarded like a papal election.  You can't make it work very well.

Do what you wish, but I only pray you aren't so utterly deluded about this game as I was in 2013.  If it works, cool, but don't expect success here.  Anet is aggressively antithetical when it comes to player-driven content.  I'm pretty sure that people even found a way to complain about and/or indirectly nerf Asuraball.

I'm just talking community organization through discord with a special way of doing it. 

You'll see what I mean.

1v1 game mode coming soon. Keyword there "mode" not tournament.


Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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