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Ranger Starter Pet Suggestion


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The pet journal uses male pronouns. I feel like this doesn't always align with what the player envisions.

It reads:

He's been with you as long as you can remember.

Here is my suggestion:

<place name here> has been with you as long as you remember.

It would make it both gender neutral and compatible across multiple languages.

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I don't think the game needs more regarding the gender issue than it already has. In fact, forcing Jormag into this stuff already was too much. Arenanet simply has decided your starting pet is male, just like they decided that Lord Faren and Quinn are male and Petra is female.

Also, that place name here feature might just invite potential pet bugs, as you can rename your pet later, but the player profile from the character creation can't be changed.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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last time i asked my pet what's between it's legs it looked at me with tar bleeding voided eyes while hissing demonic curses and threatening to skin me alive for keeping it on this mortal plane without blood sacrifice.

idk dude, think it's a she, dont really care.

Edited by Hellion.2360
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