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Is a macro combining "snap ground target" with an action allowed?

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Hi, it seems the policy for macros has been relaxed a bit so that it only prevents "unfair advantage", but I don't know to what extent.

I am currently experimenting with Steam Deck Controller configurations. For that, I am thinking of using a combination of "snap ground target + pressing a key" as a result of two actions (touching the left trackpad + touching the right trackpad in a specific position).

I wonder whether that would be allowed or not as it is not a strict 1:1 mapping, but using the Steam Deck controller provides such a large disadvantage that you certainly would be way worse than a player just using a keyboard and I struggle to map all the keys to the controls.

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From what I recall... Anet's stance has been "One button press, one action." But that is usually on the topic of multiboxing. Macros for music seem to be tolerated but not official approved. What you're asking affects combat though. It seems minor and might be allowed... But it's anyone's guess at this point.

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As far as I am aware, "snap ground target" involves how one places AOE targeting rings.  The game controls can be set up to have this take multiple actions -- or one action -- already.


I am not familiar with the Steam Deck controller.  Will you be performing two actions (left trackpad and right trackpad?) or combining them into one action?  Also, which game functions will be emulated?  The answer to your question is likely going to depend on the answer to that question.  For instance, if your idea will emulate the existing option to instant-cast AOE's (targeting and execution via one key press), it seems unlikely to be an issue.  If the idea is about doing something else, I don't have a clue.

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The idea is roughly as follows:

If I only press the key on the right touchpad, then it should automatically snap to the tab-target, but if I press the key on the right touchpad and don't release it, I can use the left touchpad to target, i.e., if I also use the left touchpad, the key to release the "snap to target" is also pressed.

The way I described it would actually not be a problem, as here I really have 1 key = 1 action. However, I don't like having to actually "click" the right touchpad, but make it also work when I only touch the right touchpad and then touch the left touchpad, which would then result in zero in-game-actions for my actions on the right touchpad, but two "actions" (the ability key + snap to ground) on my action on the left touchpad.

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" Each macro should represent a single action that requires user input before repeating the action."

and from you

"...which would then result in zero in-game-actions for my actions on the right touchpad, but two "actions" (the ability key + snap to ground) on my action on the left touchpad. " So  I would say no but you could always try putting the question to support and get a direct answer from Anet before risking a warning or ban.

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Well, I think it is a grey area and maybe ANet hasn't even thought about it.

In the old macro policy, it was a strict "one keystroke = one action", so it probably would have been forbidden, but even that isn't sure, as e.g. a complete emote was considered one action. In the same sense, casting an ability (maybe with snap to ground or not) could be one action altogether, because the character only performs a single action, or it could be two actions, as in the UI, there are two different states.

Additionally, it's not a "must be 1:1", as it used to be, but just a "should be 1:1 in the context of fully automating a character", with some exceptions (like space + v) even affecting combat.

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