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Revenant Staff 4 still creates "Healing Orbs" on condi cleanse rather than restore an additional amount of health.


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Back when Herald and the Salvation tree among some other things for Revenant got heavily reworked (mostly for the better) in an attempt to create better healing builds for Revenant, ArenaNet had removed "Healing Orbs" a unique pick-up that served as essentially health packets, the issue being is that this required allies to use their very limited movement to get healed, which caused many issues in organized play unless the Revenant could pick them up to heal allies that way as they had a very short but still semi-useful AoE.

What was missed however was the fact that Revenant Staff 4, still spawns these "Healing Orbs" which still function and all, but are otherwise completely eradicated from other parts of the Revenant kit, personally, I would to see this get fixed as it really bugs me to have this inconsistency and no one even really notices these as they're rather invisible in normal play and only last about 3s, the code for heal on condi cleanse is assuredly there and I am not sure how difficult it would be to make this change as I have no idea as to how the coding framework for GW2 works. Either way, it would be a very small buff to Staff 4 if anything and would stay in line with the way healing for the rest of the Rev's kit works atm.

Finally, I would honestly love to see the shield skills (especially Shield 5) for Herald to get something to spice it up, as it stand I've been playing a Heal Quickness Herald and tanking with that and the only time I've ever used Shield 5 is for blocking mechanics, at minimum I'd love to see this to pulse an AoE heal around the Herald and/or grant one of the following things Stability/Aegis/Barrier to really give the Herald something to do with that skill outside of tanking.

Also, please give Vindicator it's healing role back, the lack of Alac/Quick on it is a big bummer right now and it was actually really fun to play as an Alac healer while it lasted.

Edited by Tribak.7934
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My problem with Shield, is the same issue I have with a future Scepter elite spec. We have nothing to pair with it. We have no baseline mainhand support weapon to pair with Shield. Most of the time I just use Mace for fields, since I dont have Condition Damage on my Herald Support build to use Shield with. 


edit:Wrong thread

Edited by Knighthonor.4061
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On 8/4/2022 at 7:48 AM, LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

+1 for Aegis or Barrier on Shield 5. Would actually make the skill useful in PvE

Shield 5 already blocks for its duration.. its worth of several aegis and heals and cleanses....( sounds like that kinda of mentality IF NOT boon it is  useless same like those players that complain that jalis ofered ZERO team support cause cant spam boons).

Aegis would make it a very bad offhand, unless ur trying to kill the skill that already puts u in danger when players use unlockable outside pve content, an aegis would make u a siting duck for range classes.

TDLR: +1 for Aegis or Barrier on Shield 5. Would actually make the skill USELESS in all content.


@Knighthonor.4061, i would say that shield issue is that its a selfish block + heal  +cleanse with + self root, under certain circumstances has some strong usage, the only change that would make it worth change would probably make Crystal Hibernation a team effect, how it would work it bites me due how bad Anet dev's balance this game arround same boons spam over and over.

CH could be somethin new  rather than boon aplyance to team :\ but Anet just stack boons for the bad players feel rewarded rather than active gameplay.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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3 hours ago, Aeolus.3615 said:

Shield 5 already blocks for its duration.. its worth of several aegis and heals and cleanses....( sounds like that kinda of mentality IF NOT boon it is  useless same like those players that complain that jalis ofered ZERO team support cause cant spam boons).

Aegis would make it a very bad offhand, unless ur trying to kill the skill that already puts u in danger when players use unlockable outside pve content, an aegis would make u a siting duck for range classes.

TDLR: +1 for Aegis or Barrier on Shield 5. Would actually make the skill USELESS in all content.


@Knighthonor.4061, i would say that shield issue is that its a selfish block + heal  +cleanse with + self root, under certain circumstances has some strong usage, the only change that would make it worth change would probably make Crystal Hibernation a team effect, how it would work it bites me due how bad Anet dev's balance this game arround same boons spam over and over.

CH could be somethin new  rather than boon aplyance to team 😕 but Anet just stack boons for the bad players feel rewarded rather than active gameplay.

No, no you completely misunderstood what my post said. +1 for aegis or barrier *for allies* in addition to its current effects. The Allies part was a given since it was in direct response to what the op wrote which was “I'd love to see this to pulse an AoE heal around the Herald and/or grant one of the following things Stability/Aegis/Barrier to really give the Herald something to do with that skill outside of tanking.”

Edited by LucianTheAngelic.7054
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On 8/6/2022 at 9:11 PM, LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

No, no you completely misunderstood what my post said. +1 for aegis or barrier *for allies* in addition to its current effects. The Allies part was a given since it was in direct response to what the op wrote which was “I'd love to see this to pulse an AoE heal around the Herald and/or grant one of the following things Stability/Aegis/Barrier to really give the Herald something to do with that skill outside of tanking.”

Ah ok sorry 🙂

still would just be boons 😞 i ended despising Anet boon fartgameplay of perma boonfarting everywhere, game needs less boons some boons should not even stack for the sake of balance or should not even be boons at all, quickness for example should not be that easy to stack at all due how strong it is.

Game needs more direct effect and reaction based skills pitty that these developers want every class to have lots of boons like there no tomorow






Edited by Aeolus.3615
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