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GAMEBREAKING - PVP matches will kick every player at the start of the round, resulting in penaltys for everyone [also a list of all the other bugs]

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Can someone please show this to someone at anet?! please? anyone? it gets rather frustrating... right now you can barely play pvp.....  i also included all the other bugs and exploits i currently know off.




  1.  PvP is unplayable since yesterdays patch! more often than not, if the pre-game is over and the clock reaches 0, everyone will be kicked and charged with a penalty. Literally unplayable right now!



  • Specter/Thief:
  1. -The Shroud visual is bugged. Since a few days, an enemy will always see the shroud hp at 100% even tho it isnt. aka. currently you can NOT tell how much shroud a specter has, you can only see that he is in shroud.
  2.  -The animation and Aoe-circle of the skill "mindshock" is completly missing since a few patches. The animation of you casting it still exists, but after the cast a circle around you gets larger and  larger and then explodes. The animation fo the circle and the coresponding Aoe indicator is completly missing. A enemy can NOT tell when the stun will happen.
  3. - Preparationskills activating themselves when leaving shroud. For some reason from time to time your preparationskill will trigger when you leave shroud. (not sure how to reproduce this, but it happens... ALOT)
  4. Sword 2 revivebug. There is a bug that lets you be invincible. It has something to do with sword 2. i will not tell people how this works, as you can literally stay invulnerable for aslong as you want. When people hit you, they literally get the "invulnerable" message. <------ This is the root of alot of "hacker-claims" that are appearing lately!!
  • Harbinger/necro:
  1. Harbingershroud. You can NOT see if a Harbinger is in shroud or not. There is literally no tell at all. They removed the shroudbar being infront of the hp bar, because people were unable to tell how much hp the harbinger has. But now... you dont see a shroudbar AT ALL.
  2. Weakening Shroud trait: The "apply weakness on critical hits" part of this trait is not working. It is just straight up not working since over a month.
  3. Alot of Harbinger projectiles behave very weird. Depending on the skill that should reflect them, they dont get reflected. a few reflecteffects, like Magaura for example, dont reflect the projectile, they just destroy it.
  • Elementalist:
  1. Signet of restoration. The signet for some reason heals more hp when you are in air attunement. E.g. with sage amulet it heals 205 on every cast, but it heals 257 when casting something in air.
  2. Earthshield. Enemys in the FFA arena can pick up your Earrthshield since a few patches. They can not pick it up if you cast it from outside of the arena. But when a ele uses it in the FFA, everyone can pick it up.
  • Revenant:
  1. The Vindi-Dodgeanimation. This thing is just one major bug.  The first 1/3 of the Dodge... simply doesnt have a animation. SERIOUSLY! look at it. The Vindicator will just slowly start to float, but only after like half a second he will begin the jump. But the first part is also a evadeframe. It is literally a evadeframe without a animation... POOOOR DESIGN! This leads to alot of people wasting skills into them, cuz they havent identified this little "lifting" as the dodgeanimation.
  2. The Vindi-Dodgeanimation again. When you kill a Vindicator that is dodging currently, with Conditions for example. He will be bugged till he relogs or till the observer relogs. He will float a few feet over the ground. This makes landing smaller aoe skill on him very inconsistent, as you can barely tell where he is standing exactly. Skills like Flamewall from Ele are a nightmare to aim at a Vindi that is bugged.
  3. Salvation + Ventari. Salvation has a trait called "blinding truths".When moving the tablet, tt blinds any enemy around you with a ICD of 3 seconds. HOWEVER the cd triggers even when you dont blind a enemy. You can never tell if the blind is ready or not, unless you didnt move your tablet for atleast 3 seconds. Its hella inconsistent and not worth taking atm. If anything it should always blind and have a ICD for individual enemys. aka you can not blind the same enemy again in a certain time interval. Otherwise this trait is useless, because you will kind of always blind the air and not have it ready for a enemy.
  • Soulbeast:
  1. Forced merges / unmerges. This ones kinda old, but still in the game since Soulbeast released. When entering or leaving water, or during certain animations in pve you will unmerge or merge with your pet sometimes. This sometimes results in your pet completly disappearing.


  1. Fullcounterbug. Somtimes the animation of fullcounter simply persists even after the spell ended. It looks like he has permanen Fullcounter. Its only fixable thru a relog or map change.


Gear / Consumables:

  1. Sigil of misery: This sigil is just straight up not working. This bug is know since YEARS! literaly YEARS! how is this not fixed!? Even on the gw2 wiki it says that this sigil is not working... EXCUSE ME!? This bug is so wellknown that its even noted with a big red !  in the wiki.. yet anet doesnt fix it!? There is still metabuilds that tell you to take it, altho it is bugged for years....  reported it numerous times. Redditposts... twitter.... forumposts...  no response whatsoever. The +tormentduration sigils do not work in ALL GAMEMODES.
  2. Nourishments/Enhancements in PvP. Nourishments and Enhancements improve your stats inside of the FFA arena, altho you should technically use the balanced PvP gear, you will still profit from the buffs. Thanks to this, some degenerate builds like "boundingdodger p/p thief are possible inside FFA, altho they would not work in a realgame. When entering a Game, you will loose these buffs. This is kind of frusttrating when we keep in mind that some people use primers to get 12hour effects for certain Nourishments.Once those people used a primer they can NOT play pvp with their charackter, or they will waste the Primer.


Groupsystem and FFA:

  1. Since a few months, when you are in the same group you can see your partymembers in stealth even when inside the FFA arena, Armistice Bastion duells or EotM mistarena. When you then leave your group in combat. Your Aoe-Groundtargetting breaks. Your skills will always try to snap to the target that you had during the second that you left the group. You can no longer aim skills like blink/shadowstep/yada yada. They will always try to jump on the target that you had when you left the group. Its easily fixeable thru a relog, but annoying nevertheless.
  2. Revivebug. Since a few weeks, you will sometimes revive right in place. Someonekill you and you will suddenly stand right back up. Happens alot in FFA arena, but also happened to me in WvW. This happens mainly when plying a thief that has a sword it happend like 4 times on thief, but it also happened to me once when i was on my ranger and once on my elementalist.



  1. You can jump over EVERY gate. A Engineer can jump over EVERY gate of EVERY objective in WvW. There is literally no reason to play right now, when you have squads of 10+ Engies that simply jump over your gates and sneak Stonemist right under your nose. This kind of works with Daredevilstaff aswell, but not on every objective and not as consistent. Once you got the hang of it, you can do it first try on every gate.
  2. Alpine Garrisons. You can jump into the Alpine Garrisons. All you need is a warclaw and like 2 minutes of time.
  3. The Cornerstone of DBL. On DeserGarrison there is literally a BIG PIECE OF THE WALL MISSING.   EXCUSE ME!? People report it for years... but its still missing. The literal wall of the Garrison is missing yet they dont fix it....
  4. Projectile obstruction. In almost every camp, but most notably in the Southeastern camp on the Borderlands, the little square where the Dollyaks spawn, will block projectiles. It acts like there is a tiny wall where the dollys are spawning.
  5. Sometimes the minimap is just completly off. For example It will show that the camp is occupied by red, altho green holds it. (this one is kinda rare, but it happens)
  6. Dolyak Desync. . The hitbox will not match the dolyak model. When you try and hit the dollyak you will simply miss it. The hitbox of the dolyak will be a like 1000 Units infront of the dolyakmodel. If you manage to hit the actual Hitbox, the Dolyak will suddenly teleport to its correct location.


Edited by Sahne.6950
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  • Sahne.6950 changed the title to GAMEBREAKING - PVP matches will kick every player at the start of the round, resulting in penaltys for everyone [also a list of all the other bugs]

I'm vegan

Also I too have experienced the game breaking PvP bug. I queued for 4 matches earlier but only actually got into 2 of them.

Map chat was also freaking out about this until they were quickly distracted by someone saying "hamburger op"


If you are losing rating for these games in ranked then i definitely recommend taking a breather until its fixed. Maybe if you're super lucky, a rollback, yes?

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Got booted twice when I queued for ranked. I've never AFK'd and will fight to the end unless the whole team is friendly about giving up and just fool around coz the match is unwinnable (4v5 or vs MAT ppl)


I hope I don't lose points or get penalized over something I cannot control. When I logged back in, instead of sending me to the map, I landed right back on the Mists with a pop up stating a match is in progress. 

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1 hour ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:

Got booted twice when I queued for ranked. I've never AFK'd and will fight to the end unless the whole team is friendly about giving up and just fool around coz the match is unwinnable (4v5 or vs MAT ppl)


I hope I don't lose points or get penalized over something I cannot control. When I logged back in, instead of sending me to the map, I landed right back on the Mists with a pop up stating a match is in progress. 

did you loose rating points?

did it happen on diffrent maps? or is it maybe one map that is bugged?

Edited by Sahne.6950
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Wanna add another one to the list? I'm stuck with the Map Selection window open in my screen for the past hour and half. Closing game, changing character, changing maps, joining wvw, joining custom spvp arena, repairing client and nothing like that has worked to make it go away. A friend and me are stuck in this exact situation, we were queued together when it happened.

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  1. Weakening Shroud trait: The "apply weakness on critical hits" part of this trait is not working. It is just straight up not working since over a month.

No wonder Necro fell out of the meta, this is a massive loss of team utility and a defensive barrier

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