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How do I survive harbinger continous condition output in sPvP?


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I currently play tempest in sPvP, scepter/warhorn. Fire/Earth/Tempest.


I like being quick to capture and be tanky to stand on points and defend while doing overloads. Carrion amulet + runes of divinity for a load of HP.

I'm fairly happy with the result but I have a big trouble once a harbinger player is near me. Then I am taking many, many conditions. In the beginning this is no problem. I run ether renewal which cleans 8 stacks of conditions and I have diamond skin as extra. But my issue is that a few seconds after I cleaned all stacks of conditions I have many, many conditions back on me and then I die from them.


Is there a way to continuously cleanse many conditions as they continue to come in or be immune to them to begin with?

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use this build! completly shreds harbingers.

spamming magaura and smothering aura traits make harbinger borderline useless. i am fighting a harb 2 times in these clips. keep an eye on my boonbar. you will see that i am either invulnerable, have a cleanse ready or have magaura up the whole time while fighting him.



Edited by Sahne.6950
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I don't like earth shield skills so I made this build:



It's more of a support but has better condi cleanse than aura share tempest.

Essentially just start in air use for to get mid then overload air then switch to water, overload, cast weapon skills, get crit then go air and overload


Pretty much fresh air tempest but with condi cleanse from water 5 removes 3 conditions each pulse.

You can't share earth number 3 but you can give allies alac, fury, swiftness, vigor, regen and condi cleanse on overload.😯  

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19 hours ago, Infinity.2876 said:

I don't like earth shield skills so I made this build:



It's more of a support but has better condi cleanse than aura share tempest.

Essentially just start in air use for to get mid then overload air then switch to water, overload, cast weapon skills, get crit then go air and overload


Pretty much fresh air tempest but with condi cleanse from water 5 removes 3 conditions each pulse.

You can't share earth number 3 but you can give allies alac, fury, swiftness, vigor, regen and condi cleanse on overload.😯  

dont want to be rude... but this build is hot garbage xD

no good player in this world will let you finish ANY overloads at all... because you are missing the stabi on overload. if oyu go anything higher than low gold... this is a MUST.

your cleanse is completly hidden in water and overloading. Just imagine you overload water... someone interrupts you becuase oyu dont have stabi...... okey... what now? do i waste rebound to cleanse? whats the plan here... the harbinger is still on you.....   -> your dead.

You do not even run aurashare... but you run transference sigil? why are you running avatar amulet? are you aware that the big healingcoeff scalings are hidden in Elementalbastion.. a trait... that you dont even take...  are you running it for the waterfield blasts? really?

why would you run bolt to heart? you say its pretty much freshair tempest but you dont run freshair? freshair is literally bolt to heart on steroids, cuz you can spam air overloads, while also gaining insane ammounts of ferocity

glyph of storms is a pve skill and should stay there. No smart person will stand in it, and you dont have the CC to keep someone in it. Treat airoverload like a glyph of storms, and take "aftershock" for example to root someone in it. thats the smarter choice tbh.

then you take the glyph trait.... because... god knows why.. instead of taking the arguably best trait in air "raging storm" which is your most important source of fury... and it gives extra ferocity...  If you take this, you dont have to take zephyrs boon for the fury and you can take harmonious conduit to get your swiftness from this. you can therefore take ferocious winds, this changes alone will boost your damage by way over 20%. and you will have stability while overloading and the only thing your loosing is 20% cooldown on the glyph and some poopy 300 regeneration on auras (you will gain regeneration from swapping to water with arcane 😉 so you are not really loosing that either) thats a nobrainer really...

if you really want to squeeze out cleanse with the rune.. cuz i cant see any other reason to run it besides for the cleanse... you should run trooper, especially with the ammounts of shouts you take. you can then take wash the pain away as heal and also support your team a bit better. OOOOR you scrap all of this and use etherrenewal and a offensive rune.

I am sorry but if you are having succes with this anywhere above low gold... i am calling B  ull shi  t

If you want a "freshair-like" tempest, you should run this. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAsilFwaYdMPGKWWX6tNA-z5IeG9qAyYCYiBA <- or with rune of speed. this build will have EASILY  50-60% more damage, simply because of smart trait and gear choices.

for comparison: you have 160% critdamage while mine is sitting just short of 270% crit damage. my build also has protection and all the other boons from arcane. It should overall score wayyy better results.

For damage you overload air and spam the sceptre "2 and 3" on him while overloading, this is some insane damage. as you can inflict a hit from the overload together with sceptre2 in the same frame for some easy 5-6k damage in a single hit.  movement from Air 4 is enough to kite most specs.

you can start overloading air, then blink on your enemy just as the overload ends, root him with "aftershock" and then CC him with Air5 to follow up a devastating fireburst or just yeet way with the air4. -> channel your air AA then swap to earth to get protection and quickly back to air to ready the next overload, rinse and repeat.

for a burst, you CC someone with air 5 then go fire and use Pheonix and then your 5 on him for a nice and juicy 15k Damage burst... This type of damage is something your build cant even dream off.

for cleansing the water skills and ether renewal will be enough to keep you clean. if not, you can always go for a mistform to become invulnerable during the most dangerous ticks.

you should for sure give this build a try.

or simply use the build from my post before. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAg2lZwGZasLGJO0PntdA-z5YXGFUAJkAGPA  

^this build is the strongest selfish tempest currently, it also works with warhorn.

If you want to play support, use the metabuild from metabattle.com. This build also works with staff if you want to play staff.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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5 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

dont want to be rude... but this build is hot garbage xD

no good player in this world will let you finish ANY overloads at all... because you are missing the stabi on overload. if oyu go anything higher than low gold... this is a MUST.

your cleanse is completly hidden in water and overloading. Just imagine you overload water... someone interrupts you becuase oyu dont have stabi...... okey... what now? do i waste rebound to cleanse? whats the plan here... the harbinger is still on you.....   -> your dead.

You do not even run aurashare... but you run transference sigil? why are you running avatar amulet? are you aware that the big healingcoeff scalings are hidden in Elementalbastion.. a trait... that you dont even take...  are you running it for the waterfield blasts? really?

why would you run bolt to heart? you say its pretty much freshair tempest but you dont run freshair? freshair is literally bolt to heart on steroids, cuz you can spam air overloads, while also gaining insane ammounts of ferocity

glyph of storms is a pve skill and should stay there. No smart person will stand in it, and you dont have the CC to keep someone in it. Treat airoverload like a glyph of storms, and take "aftershock" for example to root someone in it. thats the smarter choice tbh.

then you take the glyph trait.... because... god knows why.. instead of taking the arguably best trait in air "raging storm" which is your most important source of fury... and it gives extra ferocity...  If you take this, you dont have to take zephyrs boon for the fury and you can take harmonious conduit to get your swiftness from this. you can therefore take ferocious winds, this changes alone will boost your damage by way over 20%. and you will have stability while overloading and the only thing your loosing is 20% cooldown on the glyph and some poopy 300 regeneration on auras (you will gain regeneration from swapping to water with arcane 😉 so you are not really loosing that either) thats a nobrainer really...

if you really want to squeeze out cleanse with the rune.. cuz i cant see any other reason to run it besides for the cleanse... you should run trooper, especially with the ammounts of shouts you take. you can then take wash the pain away as heal and also support your team a bit better. OOOOR you scrap all of this and use etherrenewal and a offensive rune.

I am sorry but if you are having succes with this anywhere above low gold... i am calling B  ull shi  t

If you want a "freshair-like" tempest, you should run this. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAsilFwaYdMPGKWWX6tNA-z5IeG9qAyYCYiBA <- or with rune of speed. this build will have EASILY  50-60% more damage, simply because of smart trait and gear choices.

for comparison: you have 160% critdamage while mine is sitting just short of 270% crit damage. my build also has protection and all the other boons from arcane. It should overall score wayyy better results.

For damage you overload air and spam the sceptre "2 and 3" on him while overloading, this is some insane damage. as you can inflict a hit from the overload together with sceptre2 in the same frame for some easy 5-6k damage in a single hit.  movement from Air 4 is enough to kite most specs.

you can start overloading air, then blink on your enemy just as the overload ends, root him with "aftershock" and then CC him with Air5 to follow up a devastating fireburst or just yeet way with the air4. -> channel your air AA then swap to earth to get protection and quickly back to air to ready the next overload, rinse and repeat.

for a burst, you CC someone with air 5 then go fire and use Pheonix and then your 5 on him for a nice and juicy 15k Damage burst... This type of damage is something your build cant even dream off.

for cleansing the water skills and ether renewal will be enough to keep you clean. if not, you can always go for a mistform to become invulnerable during the most dangerous ticks.

you should for sure give this build a try.

or simply use the build from my post before. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAg2lZwGZasLGJO0PntdA-z5YXGFUAJkAGPA  

^this build is the strongest selfish tempest currently, it also works with warhorn.

If you want to play support, use the metabuild from metabattle.com. This build also works with staff if you want to play staff.

Whoops sorry you have a point I tested this build and you have no sustain and stability


I fixed it so that you run wet and get better damage sustain and healing over all but still keeps my main idea of the build which was to apply regen and remove conditions.

You also get better earth abilities using scepter warhorn.


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22 hours ago, Infinity.2876 said:

Whoops sorry you have a point I tested this build and you have no sustain and stability


I fixed it so that you run wet and get better damage sustain and healing over all but still keeps my main idea of the build which was to apply regen and remove conditions.

You also get better earth abilities using scepter warhorn.


Sorry for the Textwall, but reading this will explain everything you need to know, to improve your elementalistbuild immensly.

The thing is.... and alot of people need to understand this.

If you want to go for cleanse and sustain, you DO NOT TAKE WATER. You take fire.

The trait smothering auras produces more cleanse then every other source of cleanses that elementalist has combined.

From the traits that you chose in water i see that you are trying to squeeze a littlebit of damage and mainly cleanse out of water.

What if i tell you that  "smothering auras" paired with the "elementalbastion" trait that you already take, completly outperform water in terms of cleansing, sustain and damage!  This 1 trait is better than the whole traitline of Water.


lets do a little maths to really show how much better fire is. i can mathematically prove you that the trait smotheringauras ALONE completly outperforms the whole of water and everything else you have in your kit like water overloading BY A MILE.


thats what you get simply from swapping to fire ONCE! JUST A SINGLE TIME!

1 aura(800hp;1 cleanse) from switching to fire->transmute it(2cleanse), 1 aura(800hp;1cleanse) from pressing focus 5 -> transmute it(2cleanse), 1 aura(800hp;1cleanse) from starting the overload, 1 aura(800hp;1cleanse) from ending the overload->transmute it(2cleanse).   

Tldr: Just swapping thru fire once gives you: 791x4= ~3200HP and cleanses 10 conditions.


 okey and now we compare the ammout of cleanses that you have !!!!!IN YOUR WHOLE BUILD!!!! okey? we compare the passive cleanses from simply swapping thru fire ONCE to EVERYTHING you have in your build.... hope that opens your eyes.^^

you cleanse when receiving regeneration: your sources are: Water 3, Water 4...... THATS IT. you then cleanse when going into water... and when overloading water.. (keep in mind once youve overloaded water, you will have NO CLEANSES FOR 20 SECONDS!)  so you have water3(1)| water4(1)| swapping to water(1) | Wateroverload[5].  

that is 8 cleanses in total.... followed by a complete void of cleanses for the next 20 seconds....


Everything your build can produce, can not rival what my build will p00p out in a mere 10 seconds while being offensive....just swapping thru fire ONCE.

 keep in mind that i can also overload water(5) same as you can, i also have auras in air that will cleanse(3 or 6 when overloading and transmuting the auras), i have earth 4 that will cleanse(3). EVERY aura, aka every overload will cleanse..... you can take cleansing fire to yet again cleanse(3), you have traits that give passive frostaura which will yet again cleanse passive.... rune of forge will yet again give you passive fireauras when hit, cleansing up to 3 condis every 20 seconds.......  i can do leapfinishers in firefields, which will yet again give me a aura and cleanse... i have cleanses IN EVERY ATTUNEMENT....  i think you see where i am going...😅 Even the healing from soothingmist gets outperformed... it will heal 800 over the course of 10 seconds.... but you gain 1 extra fireaura when swapping to fire and 1 extra aura when starting the fireoverload...  that is 2 auras that you normall wouldnt have without firetrait.... those 2 auras net you a healing of ~1600 hp.... this alone is double the ammout that soothingmist will give you....

Shocking isnt it? how can fire be more healing / more cleansing / and more damage at the same time? BUT WAIT! THERES MORE!

Just my passive sources of cleansing: Rune of forge fireauras, Elementalbastion frostauras, and Cleansing fire..... is more cleanse than you get from "cleansing water". think about that...

Just the cleanses i dont even have to think about, that happen without me doing anything... Completly outperform the whole of watertraitline! If i just stand there afk, i will have a better cleanse than you will get out of your whole Watertraitline...That sounds crazy, but sadly... its true.

without overexaggertaing i can say that over the course of... lets say a minute i can produce 4x the ammout of cleanses that your build ever could,  while simultaneously picking the traitline that deal ALOT more damage....  its a no brainer.....

conclusion: the trait "smothering auras" is WAYYYYYYY better than the whole of water combined. You have exactly 3 applications of regeneration in your build.. cleansing a total of 3 conditions. When taking "smothering auras" EVERY AURA CLEANSES UP TO 3 CONDITIONS! And you have a Wagonload of those...



That is sadly the state of gw2... some things greatly outperform others, thus you are pigeonholed into certain builds if you want to rival the "meta". You build may work... but there is potential to make it WAYYY stronger.

also you somewhat NEED to take sage amulet. as the healingcoeff of elementalbastion in pvp is crazy high. (with carrion its 391 hp for every aura, with sage its 791| when going for a aura heavy build, which you should, you almost double your sustain with Sage.) 

I can yet again only suggest you play this build right here. within 10 seconds of playing you will notice why i am suggesting it to you 😛


(if you still struggle with condis, which i doubt, you can swap sigil of doom for sigil of cleansing, but that should 100% not be necessary)


i can show you the only build where Water will be a good choice outside of aurashare. There is a interaction between 2 Weavertraits + arcane and "cleansing water" that results in a crazy ammount of cleanses.


"swift revenge" + "wovenstride"+"cleansing water".   = When executing a "dualattack" you gain swiftness |when you gain swiftness you will gain regen | when you gain regen you will cleanse. 

swapping to water gives regen + swapping to air gives switftness and regen thanks to the trait. Your AAs in air also give swiftness and regen thanks to the trait. your dualattacks give swiftness,therefore they give regen, and therefore they cleanse aswell.

simply click on the link and swap thru the attunements in the editor and hover over the skills, take a close look at all the skills that will give swift and regen and therefore cleanse. The side will perfectly tell you which skill is a cleanse....literally every button in this build is a cleanse.. i think there is just 5 spells that dont cleanse.  Thats the ammount of regenapplications that you need to make "cleansing water" worth it.


Edited by Sahne.6950
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