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I have to know if it's just me

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On occasion I randomly hear like, a loud echoy, ghostly noise that sounds like it's coming from space in game and I've been hearing it for months now since towards the end of IBS and I'm still trying to figure out what it is.


I at first thought it was one of my mount skins such as the starry skins or the primeval ones but I've been on characters who don't have these skins equipped and heard this noise commonly in Gendarren, but it'll sometimes pop up in random zones in Tyria out of nowhere as well.


Is this tied to anything or is it just a strange bug that seems to be lingering?

Edited by Darkness.3942
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I've heard weird noises from time to time too coming from different things.  One time it was a mini of mine, another time, it was something completely random in the world that I didn't notice until it happened again and I finally spotted it in the bushes. I wanna say it was a weird bird or ambient animal that I hadn't noticed was in the game before until I had paused to do something like inventory.

I applaud Anet for making me think that I was going crazy with some of these interesting things that they put in the game.  It's kind of like a game of hide and seek sometimes.  Or a slasher-movie...depending on how you wanna look at it...

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Not sure, maybe having IBS story not completed leaves your characters with the "voice" effect activated.
Next best guesses would be either the anomaly mentioned above or The Binding of Ipos, after a while your character will start to hear demonic voices when you have the weapon equipped.
Maybe it's something with the sound options and you're hearing some ambient sound louder than expected.

If it's none of the above, yes, you are probably haunted.

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