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Extreme matchmaking? No close games? Onesided matches?


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What do you mean with "lately"?
Since the start of the birthday event and due to related achievements quite a lot of people are doing those ten games needed with ranked (for whatever reason). These people haven't done their placement games this season and probably didn't have a rating last season, which means they have a high volatility and might get matched on a rating where they don't belong.

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3 hours ago, Bizgurk.5639 said:

What do you mean with "lately"?
Since the start of the birthday event and due to related achievements quite a lot of people are doing those ten games needed with ranked (for whatever reason). These people haven't done their placement games this season and probably didn't have a rating last season, which means they have a high volatility and might get matched on a rating where they don't belong.

New players start at G2 and have a big chance to get thrown into a game vs long term PVP person who yo-yos between g3 p2 since they are grinding their chests, there are also this pesky win/lose rate system in place and that extra hidden MMR for those who have played it from back when.

Old gold and new gold players are non equal in skill but the system says they  are, all the MMR system gimmicks don't work cause the bell curve starting so kittening close to the higher end just creates meat grinders, shorter seasons also do no help the situation. 

 New players will get rolled, since they will not be playing with or against people with similar skill level and they will drop PVP while it will continue to shrink.

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Landslide matches in sPvP are as common as green grass

4 hours ago, Bizgurk.5639 said:

Since the start of the birthday event and due to related achievements quite a lot of people are doing those ten games needed with ranked (for whatever reason).

They can get it Unranked too this time



Its not the new people(if they even exist) The problem is matchmaking is straight up busted and easy to manipulate in a low-population game like this. Game 'features' like DuoQ and Class-swapping can be used to actually break it, and that's not an exaggeration. It usually leads to very high-rated players getting into games with people of lower ratings and then the boring, blowout match that follows is pretty much fated.

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nobody playing


NA is clearly at its worse state, back in 2018 when i started playing all 120 games every season, top 250 would be 1520+, a 1650 would have a shot top 100, and all top 10 were legendary even spamming to top 15. Look at it now.


All that cuz new players's terrible experience, 30%-40% of your matches with afk the other 30-40% veterans faceroll your brand new account, the best out come of 10 matches is 40% not being a total mess.


For older players the feeling of no competition took over, some seasons ago we had a gold 2 player top 10, he's mostly duo with another suspicious account, the "shady" ways are way too strong right now. I see good players at 1480 rating, i see god of arenas losing to this gold 3 players. A lot of ppl i know just play a lot less cuz of that, most of them were plat 2 players, they jump into the game play 2 or 3 super scuffed matches and get out, even if they win all 3 matches getting 7, 8, 9 rating even in gold 3 tells them if they lose it's gonna be -20 plus






Edited by Khalisto.5780
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3 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

NA is clearly at its worse state, back in 2018 when i started playing all 120 games every season, top 250 would be 1520+, a 1650 would have a shot top 100, and all top 10 were legendary even spamming to top 15. Look at it now.

Top 250 has dropped to 1450+, getting into Plat puts you in the top 150 players.

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