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Let's offer another controversial idea: Disable pet autoattack baseline. Buff other skills to compensate.


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Bored, the ranger balance feels pure garbage. Because i have already share what should be done regarding that i will move into fix one of the many issues with the pets, listed below: 

  • Pets have many issues with pathing and makes them run all over the battleground. Preferably over the enemy AoEs.  
  • Pets are mechanically designed very inconsistently, for example Iboga and Jaracanda pet skills are ranged but the autoattack is melee. Bristleback has a range of 900 in autoattacks but 1200 on F2. 
  • Pets even when set in pacifist (passive) mode, when used an F2 even when is a heal like the case of Letuce Dog it makes the pet to autoattack any target putting you in combat. This is very annoying. 
  • Pets don't connect most of the autoattacks on mobile targets anyway. 
  • Pet support skills are always too far away from the ranger because it is attacking or doing only Joko knows what, makes very difficult to have any control over it
  • Most seasoned players already have the pets in pacifist mode anyway. 

To solve all this problems only one fix is needed: Disable autoattacks and buff other skills instead by increasing the effects or reducing the CD. This makes the pets get in range to cast the ability (like they now do) and then return to the ranger.  

  •  This makes the pet not to enter combat automatically, makes the pet less annoying in general for the ranger and for the other players as well. 
  • Pets are better mechanically and more consistent.  Iboga, Jaracanda and turtle would stay always at range. 
  • DPS should get a light increase and at the same time easier to balance: buffing damage output on other skills makes easier to land them and more rewarding  at the same time. 
  • As an example of an indirect buff to pet skills: Jacaranda gets to share photosynthesis with allies in a similar way to Moa healing skill. 

Additionally this need to be exported:

  • pet skills need to be applied to core. Core ranger has access to F1-F3 and access to set them on auto. This will make things work. 
  • Ideally pets not using their skills should stay at 240 radius of the ranger. Or increase the range of the support skills like healing screech from moa, etc... so while the pet is not doing anything if a pet support skill is cast the ranger is sure in range of the skill. Any other outcome is not an acceptable design. 
  • Would be good to allow to permanently stow the pet, a button which only is available out of combat. After that if the ranger calls in the pet it has to stay in game until it goes out of combat again. 

With this change there is better use for the Untamed's F1-F3 unleashed skills so there is no need to change much and brings something good. Following list willmake the unleashed pet not to feel useless most of the time, in case the untamed want to focus more into CC . 

  • F1 can be a low CD autoattack like skill on 1s. This skill can be similar to what there is now without the teleport but with cripple aside from other effects.  
  • F2 merges the teleport and current effect. This makes the skill easier to land and more rewarding. It could even been a teleport-and-then-chanelling in place kind of pulsing instead ripping all the boons at once so it has some counterplay while at the same time the skill is more impact because of the area of denial for a short period.  

That's all. Anybody playing with an Iboga or Jaracanda sure knows what i mean. Any others trust me: this is a good change if Anet devs want to make it good.  

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Just put the pet on passive.

Rest is a nerf, removing autos is removing pressure and creating tons of needless downtime as the pet either runs or teles back to you after every command.  Which is objectively awful in certain scenarios like smokescale field, in a lot of circumstances you need it where it is to cause the KD so you can actually utilize the field. 

Additionally, the only reason you'd want Iboga, Jac, and Turtle at range is because of this change specifically.  Otherwise Iboga and Jacranda have melee autos and Turtle you want by you nearly all the time because of the bubble.  

Ranged pets, by and large are utterly useless.  

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I like the idea on support and utility pets, but I'm not sure about offensive pets.
Turning the pet into an engi toolbelt seems easier to balance (after going through the first balancing process) and allows for better value burst and more control, but it feels harder to tank with the pet.

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I love the idea but I feel like this is way to much work for the developers to undertake. 


A middle ground is I could see some Pet controls being placed inside the pet change menu.

A toggle for something like passive pets don't attack after skill or pets don't chase enemies and return to player after 600 radius. Sort of how you can automate there attacks. 

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5 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

I love the idea but I feel like this is way to much work for the developers to undertake. 

They just need to disable the pet auto-attack. The rest comes with that change. Your suggestion is actually more work. 

8 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Just put the pet on passive.

Read the post the same as you read the wiki, come on. 


Edited by anduriell.6280
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19 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

Read the post the same as you read the wiki, come on. 


Oh, I did read it and did find some humor at the extravagance of the suggestion. 

Who knows, maybe buffing the damage output on the smoke field or the multiple non-attack skills will totally fix not having an auto-attack.

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26 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

They just need to disable the pet auto-attack. The rest comes with that change. Your suggestion is actually more work. 

What would they replace it with, so many of traits/skills rely on pet auto-attacking.
It would be better for Pets to attack in PvP, rather than just standing there. We just need better tools to manage them, an instant teleport to player once they leave a certain distance(that we can control) would make more sense. A bit like a Skyrim follower system.

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