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Soulbeast interface unchanged, no swap pet icon anywhere.


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6 hours ago, flaccidbagel.2457 said:

It being a trait seems like a strange choice, especially where it is. Just seems... really unlikely many people would want to lose stance sharing or a 10% damage buff for it on paper.

Stance sharing doesn't do much solo and pet swap can technically add some damage.

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3 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

Stance sharing doesn't do much solo and pet swap can technically add some damage.

It wont. For damage you gotta use certain archetypes (Furious, Deadly) for correct stat bonusses. In merge Swap on the other hand you have shared cooldown on same type slb beast skills. You can't use world impact or roar twice, making this trait usable with different type of pets which will reduce damage stat bonuses. 2 normal pet skills wont compensate that kind of loss

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On 10/5/2022 at 2:56 PM, kaan.5074 said:

It wont. For damage you gotta use certain archetypes (Furious, Deadly) for correct stat bonusses. In merge Swap on the other hand you have shared cooldown on same type slb beast skills. You can't use world impact or roar twice, making this trait usable with different type of pets which will reduce damage stat bonuses. 2 normal pet skills wont compensate that kind of loss

Dude. Even though you lose the 10%dmg you get 3 additional pet skills. In PvP for example you can use smokescale + boar and have massive dmg potential. The boar has a pull and the F1 does insane damage after a maul. I've hit 22k boar f1's. So you can go for example smoke assault into the f1 kd, then worldly impact, swap bars, pull them in, maul into f1 and it's GG. Tell me how that is not a damage increase?

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3 hours ago, Koensol.5860 said:

Dude. Even though you lose the 10%dmg you get 3 additional pet skills. In PvP for example you can use smokescale + boar and have massive dmg potential

Forest boi doesn't work like that, it is not a warrior.
The rest are correct pointing out this trait is so so, very few will exchange the extra damage for the pet swap and the only use the pet swap has is for increased mobility. 

This swap pet while merged should be baseline as i suggested so. It is the only choice which makes sense comparing to other classes in game. 

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18 hours ago, anduriell.6280 said:

Forest boi doesn't work like that, it is not a warrior.
The rest are correct pointing out this trait is so so, very few will exchange the extra damage for the pet swap and the only use the pet swap has is for increased mobility. 

This swap pet while merged should be baseline as i suggested so. It is the only choice which makes sense comparing to other classes in game. 

??? I don't see any valid argument here. If you can't see the value in utility and extra damage cds in having a merged petswap, then idk what to say..

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@Koensol.5860 you obviously do not play with Forest Boi. Please do, preferably in WvW or PvP where skills actually matter. 

Then you tell me what extra damage the merged skills bring to the Forest Boi. I mean you talking about the class by what is written in the wiki is nothing new in this subforum, even the balance team and consultants  do that instead using the class. 

Edited by anduriell.6280
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5 hours ago, anduriell.6280 said:

@Koensol.5860 you obviously do not play with Forest Boi. Please do, preferably in WvW or PvP where skills actually matter. 

Then you tell me what extra damage the merged skills bring to the Forest Boi. I mean you talking about the class by what is written in the wiki is nothing new in this subforum, even the balance team and consultants  do that instead using the class. 

I only play PvP. And I obviously don't mean extra dmg as in a multiplier, but as in more cooldowns to use. If you pick 10% dmg trait and used all your dmging cooldowns, your dmg output will drop as you don't have any cooldowns to use. Now with the new merge pet swap you can swap to another pet and continue to do high damage with those extra skills. So no, your maul won't hit harder from it, but you get extra skills to use which increases your total damage output in a burst window. Even if you lets say miss your smokescales wordly impact, you can swap to for example the boar or gazelles skills and do damage with those.


If you still don't see what value this brings, I'm just gonna assume you are either a bronze tier shitter or just trolling.

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