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Shift Signet for all profession


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 Signet of Earth   ½ 25

Signet Passive: Improves toughness.
Signet Active: Immobilize and bleed your foe.



 Shift Signet https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/a/a0/Not_available_underwater.png/20px-Not_available_underwater.png   25 Signet Passive: Increases movement speed. Boons you gain are copied to your mech.
Signet Active: You and your mech shadowstep to the target location. Removes conditions on you and your mech.
 Barrier Signet   ½ 30 Signet Passive: Incoming strike and condition damage is reduced.
Signet Active: Create a projectile-blocking dome around yourself. You and allies inside the dome gain barrier every second. If your mech is active, the dome is centered on it and is larger.
The mech does not count against the target count for this skill.


Balanced as all things should be.......kappa

Edited by keykey.9182
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